/* * Rufus: The Reliable USB Formatting Utility * Virtual Disk Handling functions * Copyright © 2013-2014 Pete Batard * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "rufus.h" #include "msapi_utf8.h" #include "drive.h" #include "registry.h" #include "bled/bled.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define bswap_uint64 _byteswap_uint64 #define bswap_uint32 _byteswap_ulong #define bswap_uint16 _byteswap_ushort #else #define bswap_uint64 __builtin_bswap64 #define bswap_uint32 __builtin_bswap32 #define bswap_uint16 __builtin_bswap16 #endif #define VHD_FOOTER_COOKIE { 'c', 'o', 'n', 'e', 'c', 't', 'i', 'x' } #define VHD_FOOTER_FEATURES_NONE 0x00000000 #define VHD_FOOTER_FEATURES_TEMPORARY 0x00000001 #define VHD_FOOTER_FEATURES_RESERVED 0x00000002 #define VHD_FOOTER_FILE_FORMAT_V1_0 0x00010000 #define VHD_FOOTER_DATA_OFFSET_FIXED_DISK 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL #define VHD_FOOTER_CREATOR_HOST_OS_WINDOWS { 'W', 'i', '2', 'k' } #define VHD_FOOTER_CREATOR_HOST_OS_MAC { 'M', 'a', 'c', ' ' } #define VHD_FOOTER_TYPE_FIXED_HARD_DISK 0x00000002 #define VHD_FOOTER_TYPE_DYNAMIC_HARD_DISK 0x00000003 #define VHD_FOOTER_TYPE_DIFFER_HARD_DISK 0x00000004 #define SECONDS_SINCE_JAN_1ST_2000 946684800 /* * VHD Fixed HD footer (Big Endian) * http://download.microsoft.com/download/f/f/e/ffef50a5-07dd-4cf8-aaa3-442c0673a029/Virtual%20Hard%20Disk%20Format%20Spec_10_18_06.doc * NB: If a dymamic implementation is needed, check the GPL v3 compatible C++ implementation from: * https://sourceforge.net/p/urbackup/backend/ci/master/tree/fsimageplugin/ */ #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct vhd_footer { char cookie[8]; uint32_t features; uint32_t file_format_version; uint64_t data_offset; uint32_t timestamp; char creator_app[4]; uint32_t creator_version; char creator_host_os[4]; uint64_t original_size; uint64_t current_size; union { uint32_t geometry; struct { uint16_t cylinders; uint8_t heads; uint8_t sectors; } chs; } disk_geometry; uint32_t disk_type; uint32_t checksum; uuid_t unique_id; uint8_t saved_state; uint8_t reserved[427]; } vhd_footer; #pragma pack(pop) // WIM API Prototypes #define WIM_GENERIC_READ GENERIC_READ #define WIM_OPEN_EXISTING OPEN_EXISTING PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, HANDLE, WIMCreateFile, (PWSTR, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, PDWORD)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, BOOL, WIMSetTemporaryPath, (HANDLE, PWSTR)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, HANDLE, WIMLoadImage, (HANDLE, DWORD)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, BOOL, WIMExtractImagePath, (HANDLE, PWSTR, PWSTR, DWORD)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, BOOL, WIMCloseHandle, (HANDLE)); PF_TYPE_DECL(RPC_ENTRY, RPC_STATUS, UuidCreate, (UUID __RPC_FAR*)); static BOOL has_wimgapi = FALSE, has_7z = FALSE; static char sevenzip_path[MAX_PATH]; static const char conectix_str[] = VHD_FOOTER_COOKIE; static BOOL Get7ZipPath(void) { if ( (GetRegistryKeyStr(REGKEY_HKCU, "7-Zip\\Path", sevenzip_path, sizeof(sevenzip_path))) || (GetRegistryKeyStr(REGKEY_HKLM, "7-Zip\\Path", sevenzip_path, sizeof(sevenzip_path))) ) { safe_strcat(sevenzip_path, sizeof(sevenzip_path), "\\7z.exe"); return (_access(sevenzip_path, 0) != -1); } return FALSE; } BOOL AppendVHDFooter(const char* vhd_path) { const char creator_os[4] = VHD_FOOTER_CREATOR_HOST_OS_WINDOWS; const char creator_app[4] = { 'r', 'u', 'f', 'u' }; BOOL r = FALSE; DWORD size; LARGE_INTEGER li; HANDLE handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; vhd_footer* footer = NULL; uint64_t totalSectors; uint16_t cylinders = 0; uint8_t heads, sectorsPerTrack; uint32_t cylinderTimesHeads; uint32_t checksum; size_t i; PF_INIT(UuidCreate, Rpcrt4); handle = CreateFileU(vhd_path, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); li.QuadPart = 0; if ((handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (!SetFilePointerEx(handle, li, &li, FILE_END))) { uprintf("Could not open image '%s': %s", vhd_path, WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } footer = (vhd_footer*)calloc(1, sizeof(vhd_footer)); if (footer == NULL) { uprintf("Could not allocate VHD footer"); goto out; } memcpy(footer->cookie, conectix_str, sizeof(footer->cookie)); footer->features = bswap_uint32(VHD_FOOTER_FEATURES_RESERVED); footer->file_format_version = bswap_uint32(VHD_FOOTER_FILE_FORMAT_V1_0); footer->data_offset = bswap_uint64(VHD_FOOTER_DATA_OFFSET_FIXED_DISK); footer->timestamp = bswap_uint32(_time32(NULL) - SECONDS_SINCE_JAN_1ST_2000); memcpy(footer->creator_app, creator_app, sizeof(creator_app)); footer->creator_version = bswap_uint32((rufus_version[0]<<16)|rufus_version[1]); memcpy(footer->creator_host_os, creator_os, sizeof(creator_os)); footer->original_size = bswap_uint64(li.QuadPart); footer->current_size = footer->original_size; footer->disk_type = bswap_uint32(VHD_FOOTER_TYPE_FIXED_HARD_DISK); if ((pfUuidCreate == NULL) || (pfUuidCreate(&footer->unique_id) != RPC_S_OK)) uprintf("Warning: could not set VHD UUID"); // Compute CHS, as per the VHD specs totalSectors = li.QuadPart / 512; if (totalSectors > 65535 * 16 * 255) { totalSectors = 65535 * 16 * 255; } if (totalSectors >= 65535 * 16 * 63) { sectorsPerTrack = 255; heads = 16; cylinderTimesHeads = (uint32_t)(totalSectors / sectorsPerTrack); } else { sectorsPerTrack = 17; cylinderTimesHeads = (uint32_t)(totalSectors / sectorsPerTrack); heads = (cylinderTimesHeads + 1023) / 1024; if (heads < 4) { heads = 4; } if (cylinderTimesHeads >= ((uint32_t)heads * 1024) || heads > 16) { sectorsPerTrack = 31; heads = 16; cylinderTimesHeads = (uint32_t)(totalSectors / sectorsPerTrack); } if (cylinderTimesHeads >= ((uint32_t)heads * 1024)) { sectorsPerTrack = 63; heads = 16; cylinderTimesHeads = (uint32_t)(totalSectors / sectorsPerTrack); } } cylinders = cylinderTimesHeads / heads; footer->disk_geometry.chs.cylinders = bswap_uint16(cylinders); footer->disk_geometry.chs.heads = heads; footer->disk_geometry.chs.sectors = sectorsPerTrack; // Compute the VHD footer checksum for (checksum=0, i=0; ichecksum = bswap_uint32(~checksum); if (!WriteFile(handle, footer, sizeof(vhd_footer), &size, NULL) || (size != sizeof(vhd_footer))) { uprintf("Could not write VHD footer: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } r = TRUE; out: safe_free(footer); safe_closehandle(handle); return r; } typedef struct { const char* ext; bled_compression_type type; } comp_assoc; static comp_assoc blah[] = { { ".xz", BLED_COMPRESSION_XZ }, { ".gz", BLED_COMPRESSION_GZIP }, { ".lzma", BLED_COMPRESSION_LZMA }, { ".bz2", BLED_COMPRESSION_BZIP2 }, { ".Z", BLED_COMPRESSION_LZW }, }; // For now we consider that an image that matches a known extension is bootable // TODO: uncompress header and check for bootable flag BOOL IsCompressedBootableImage(const char* path) { char* p; int i; iso_report.compression_type = BLED_COMPRESSION_NONE; for (p = (char*)&path[strlen(path)-1]; (*p != '.') && (p != path); p--); if (p == path) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i= (512 + size))) { footer = (vhd_footer*)malloc(size); ptr.QuadPart = iso_report.projected_size - size; if ( (footer == NULL) || (!SetFilePointerEx(handle, ptr, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) || (!ReadFile(handle, footer, size, &size, NULL)) || (size != sizeof(vhd_footer)) ) { uprintf("Could not read VHD footer"); goto out; } if (memcmp(footer->cookie, conectix_str, sizeof(footer->cookie)) == 0) { iso_report.projected_size -= sizeof(vhd_footer); if ( (bswap_uint32(footer->file_format_version) != VHD_FOOTER_FILE_FORMAT_V1_0) || (bswap_uint32(footer->disk_type) != VHD_FOOTER_TYPE_FIXED_HARD_DISK)) { uprintf("Unsupported type of VHD image"); iso_report.is_bootable_img = FALSE; goto out; } // Might as well validate the checksum while we're at it old_checksum = bswap_uint32(footer->checksum); footer->checksum = 0; for (checksum=0, i=0; i0; i--) { if (tmpdst[i] == '\\') break; } tmpdst[i] = 0; si.cb = sizeof(si); safe_sprintf(cmdline, sizeof(cmdline), "7z -y e \"%s\" %d\\%s", image, index, src); uprintf("Extracting: %s (From %s)\n", dst, src); if (!CreateProcessU(sevenzip_path, cmdline, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, tmpdst, &si, &pi)) { uprintf(" Could not launch 7z.exe: %s\n", WindowsErrorString()); return FALSE; } WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); UpdateProgress(OP_FINALIZE, -1.0f); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); safe_strcat(tmpdst, sizeof(tmpdst), "\\bootmgfw.efi"); if (_access(tmpdst, 0) == -1) { uprintf(" 7z.exe did not extract %s\n", tmpdst); return FALSE; } // coverity[toctou] if (rename(tmpdst, dst) != 0) { uprintf(" Could not rename %s to %s\n", tmpdst, dst); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // Extract a file from a WIM image BOOL WimExtractFile(const char* image, int index, const char* src, const char* dst) { if ((!has_wimgapi) && (!has_7z) && (!WimExtractCheck())) return FALSE; if ((image == NULL) || (src == NULL) || (dst == NULL)) return FALSE; // Prefer 7-Zip as, unsurprisingly, it's faster than the Microsoft way, // but allow fallback if 7-Zip doesn't succeed return ( (has_7z && WimExtractFile_7z(image, index, src, dst)) || (has_wimgapi && WimExtractFile_API(image, index, src, dst)) ); }