@rem This script creates the Rufus appxupload for upload to the Windows Store. @rem It attemps to follow as closely as possible what Visual Studio does. @echo off setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion goto main :ReplaceTokenInFile setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set FILE=%~1 set TOKEN=%~2 set VALUE=%~3 for /f "delims=" %%i in ('type %FILE% ^& break ^> %FILE%') do ( set "line=%%i" >>%FILE% echo(!line:%TOKEN%=%VALUE%! ) endlocal exit /B 0 :main del /q *.appx >NUL 2>&1 del /q *.appxbundle >NUL 2>&1 del /q *.map >NUL 2>&1 set WDK_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22000.0\x64 set ZIP_PATH=C:\Program Files\7-Zip set SIGNATURE_SHA1=9ce9a71ccab3b38a74781b975f1c228222cf7d3b set MSBUILD_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin set MANIFEST=AppxManifest.xml set ARCHS=x86 x64 arm arm64 set DEFAULT_SCALE=200 set OTHER_SCALES=100 125 150 400 set SCALED_IMAGES=LargeTile SmallTile Square44x44Logo Square150x150Logo StoreLogo Wide310x150Logo set PACKAGE_IMAGES=^ Square44x44Logo.altform-lightunplated_targetsize-16.png^ Square44x44Logo.altform-lightunplated_targetsize-24.png^ Square44x44Logo.altform-lightunplated_targetsize-256.png^ Square44x44Logo.altform-lightunplated_targetsize-32.png^ Square44x44Logo.altform-lightunplated_targetsize-48.png^ Square44x44Logo.altform-unplated_targetsize-16.png^ Square44x44Logo.altform-unplated_targetsize-256.png^ Square44x44Logo.altform-unplated_targetsize-32.png^ Square44x44Logo.altform-unplated_targetsize-48.png^ Square44x44Logo.targetsize-16.png^ Square44x44Logo.targetsize-24.png^ Square44x44Logo.targetsize-24_altform-unplated.png^ Square44x44Logo.targetsize-256.png^ Square44x44Logo.targetsize-32.png^ Square44x44Logo.targetsize-48.png rem if you don't set the temp/tmp you get: rem error MSB6001: Invalid command line switch for "CL.exe". System.ArgumentExcep Key being added: 'TEMP' set temp= set tmp= cd /d "%~dp0" for %%a in (%ARCHS%) do ( if not exist rufus_%%a.exe ( echo rufus_%%a.exe is missing from the current directory goto out ) ) rem Populate the version from the executable set target=%~dp0rufus_x64.exe set target=%target:\=\\% wmic datafile where "name='%target%'" get version | find /v "Version" > version.txt set /p VERSION= bundle.map for %%a in (%ARCHS%) do ( echo. echo Creating Rufus_%VERSION%_%%a.appx... cd /d "%~dp0" echo "Rufus_%VERSION%_%%a.appx" "Rufus_%VERSION%_%%a.appx">> bundle.map mkdir %%a >NUL 2>&1 cd %%a mkdir Images >NUL 2>&1 for %%i in (%PACKAGE_IMAGES%) do ( copy "..\Images\%%i" Images\ >NUL 2>&1 ) for %%i in (%SCALED_IMAGES%) do ( copy "..\Images\%%i.scale-%DEFAULT_SCALE%.png" Images\ >NUL 2>&1 ) mkdir rufus copy "..\rufus_%%a.exe" "rufus\rufus.exe" >NUL 2>&1 copy /y NUL "rufus\rufus.app" >NUL 2>&1 rem When invoking MakePri, it is very important that you don't have files such as AppxManifest.xml or priconfig.xml rem in the directory referenced by /pr or you may get ERROR_MRM_DUPLICATE_ENTRY when validating the submission as, rem for instance, the 'AppxManifest.xml' from the 100% scale bundle will conflict the one from the x64 bundle. "%WDK_PATH%\MakePri" createconfig /o /pv 10.0.0 /dq lang-en-US_scale-%DEFAULT_SCALE%_theme-light /cf ..\priconfig.xml "%WDK_PATH%\MakePri" new /o /pr . /cf ..\priconfig.xml del /q ..\priconfig.xml copy ..\RufusAppxManifest.xml %MANIFEST% >NUL 2>&1 call:ReplaceTokenInFile %MANIFEST% @ARCH@ %%a call:ReplaceTokenInFile %MANIFEST% @VERSION@ %VERSION% "%WDK_PATH%\MakeAppx" pack /o /d . /p ..\Rufus_%VERSION%_%%a.appx if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto out ) for %%a in (%OTHER_SCALES%) do ( echo. echo Creating Rufus_%VERSION%_scale-%%a.appx... cd /d "%~dp0" echo "Rufus_%VERSION%_scale-%%a.appx" "Rufus_%VERSION%_scale-%%a.appx">> bundle.map mkdir %%a >NUL 2>&1 cd %%a mkdir Images >NUL 2>&1 for %%i in (%SCALED_IMAGES%) do ( copy "..\Images\%%i.scale-%%a.png" Images\ >NUL 2>&1 ) "%WDK_PATH%\MakePri" createconfig /o /pv 10.0.0 /dq lang-en-US_scale-%%a_theme-light /cf ..\priconfig.xml "%WDK_PATH%\MakePri" new /o /pr . /cf ..\priconfig.xml del /q ..\priconfig.xml copy ..\ScaleAppxManifest.xml %MANIFEST% >NUL 2>&1 call:ReplaceTokenInFile %MANIFEST% @SCALE@ %%a call:ReplaceTokenInFile %MANIFEST% @VERSION@ %VERSION% "%WDK_PATH%\MakeAppx" pack /o /d . /p ..\Rufus_%VERSION%_scale-%%a.appx ) setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set ALL_ARCHS= for %%a in (%ARCHS%) do set ALL_ARCHS=!ALL_ARCHS!_%%a cd /d "%~dp0" "%WDK_PATH%\MakeAppx" bundle /f bundle.map /bv %VERSION% /p Rufus_%VERSION%%ALL_ARCHS%.appxbundle rem Visual Studio zips the appxbundle into an appxupload for store upload, so we do the same... "%ZIP_PATH%\7z" a -tzip Rufus_%VERSION%%ALL_ARCHS%_bundle.appxupload Rufus_%VERSION%%ALL_ARCHS%.appxbundle endlocal :out cd /d "%~dp0" for %%a in (%ARCHS%) do ( rd /S /Q %%a >NUL 2>&1 ) for %%a in (%OTHER_SCALES%) do ( rd /S /Q %%a >NUL 2>&1 ) del /q *.map >NUL 2>&1 del /q *.appx >NUL 2>&1 del /q *.appxbundle >NUL 2>&1 pause exit