/* * Rufus: The Reliable USB Formatting Utility * Virtual Disk Handling functions * Copyright © 2013-2023 Pete Batard * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rufus.h" #include "ui.h" #include "vhd.h" #include "missing.h" #include "resource.h" #include "settings.h" #include "msapi_utf8.h" #include "drive.h" #include "registry.h" #include "bled/bled.h" // WIM API Prototypes PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, HANDLE, WIMCreateFile, (PWSTR, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, PDWORD)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, BOOL, WIMSetTemporaryPath, (HANDLE, PWSTR)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, HANDLE, WIMLoadImage, (HANDLE, DWORD)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, BOOL, WIMMountImage, (PCWSTR, PCWSTR, DWORD, PCWSTR)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, BOOL, WIMUnmountImage, (PCWSTR, PCWSTR, DWORD, BOOL)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, BOOL, WIMApplyImage, (HANDLE, PCWSTR, DWORD)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, BOOL, WIMExtractImagePath, (HANDLE, PWSTR, PWSTR, DWORD)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, BOOL, WIMGetImageInformation, (HANDLE, PVOID, PDWORD)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, BOOL, WIMCloseHandle, (HANDLE)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, DWORD, WIMRegisterMessageCallback, (HANDLE, FARPROC, PVOID)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, DWORD, WIMUnregisterMessageCallback, (HANDLE, FARPROC)); typedef struct { int index; BOOL commit; const char* image; const char* dst; } mount_params_t; uint32_t wim_nb_files, wim_proc_files, wim_extra_files; HANDLE wim_thread = NULL; extern int default_thread_priority; extern char* save_image_type; extern BOOL ignore_boot_marker, has_ffu_support; extern RUFUS_DRIVE rufus_drive[MAX_DRIVES]; extern HANDLE format_thread; static uint8_t wim_flags = 0; static uint32_t progress_report_mask; static uint64_t progress_offset = 0, progress_total = 100; static wchar_t wmount_path[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }, wmount_track[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; static char sevenzip_path[MAX_PATH]; static BOOL count_files; static int progress_op = OP_FILE_COPY, progress_msg = MSG_267; static BOOL Get7ZipPath(void) { if ( (GetRegistryKeyStr(REGKEY_HKCU, "Software\\7-Zip\\Path", sevenzip_path, sizeof(sevenzip_path))) || (GetRegistryKeyStr(REGKEY_HKLM, "Software\\7-Zip\\Path", sevenzip_path, sizeof(sevenzip_path))) ) { static_strcat(sevenzip_path, "\\7z.exe"); return (_accessU(sevenzip_path, 0) != -1); } return FALSE; } typedef struct { const char* ext; uint8_t type; } comp_assoc; static comp_assoc file_assoc[] = { { ".zip", BLED_COMPRESSION_ZIP }, { ".Z", BLED_COMPRESSION_LZW }, { ".gz", BLED_COMPRESSION_GZIP }, { ".lzma", BLED_COMPRESSION_LZMA }, { ".bz2", BLED_COMPRESSION_BZIP2 }, { ".xz", BLED_COMPRESSION_XZ }, { ".vtsi", BLED_COMPRESSION_VTSI }, { ".ffu", BLED_COMPRESSION_MAX }, { ".vhd", BLED_COMPRESSION_MAX + 1 }, { ".vhdx", BLED_COMPRESSION_MAX + 2 }, }; // Look for a boot marker in the MBR area of the image static int8_t IsCompressedBootableImage(const char* path) { char *ext = NULL, *physical_disk = NULL; unsigned char *buf = NULL; int i; FILE* fd = NULL; BOOL r = 0; int64_t dc = 0; img_report.compression_type = BLED_COMPRESSION_NONE; if (safe_strlen(path) > 4) for (ext = (char*)&path[safe_strlen(path) - 1]; (*ext != '.') && (ext != path); ext--); for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(file_assoc); i++) { if (safe_stricmp(ext, file_assoc[i].ext) == 0) { img_report.compression_type = file_assoc[i].type; buf = malloc(MBR_SIZE); if (buf == NULL) return 0; FormatStatus = 0; if (img_report.compression_type < BLED_COMPRESSION_MAX) { bled_init(0, uprintf, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &FormatStatus); dc = bled_uncompress_to_buffer(path, (char*)buf, MBR_SIZE, file_assoc[i].type); bled_exit(); } else if (img_report.compression_type == BLED_COMPRESSION_MAX) { // Dism, through FfuProvider.dll, can mount a .ffu as a physicaldrive, which we // could then use to poke the MBR as we do for VHD... Except Microsoft did design // dism to FAIL AND EXIT, after mounting the ffu as a virtual drive, if it doesn't // find something that looks like Windows at the specified image index... which it // usually won't in our case. So, curse Microsoft and their incredible short- // sightedness (or, most likely in this case, intentional malice, by BREACHING the // OS contract to keep useful disk APIs for their usage, and their usage only). // Then again, considering that .ffu's are GPT based, the marker should always be // present, so just check for the FFU signature and pretend there's a marker then. if (has_ffu_support) { fd = fopenU(path, "rb"); if (fd != NULL) { img_report.is_vhd = TRUE; dc = fread(buf, 1, MBR_SIZE, fd); fclose(fd); // The signature may not be constant, but since the only game in town to // create FFU is dism, and dism appears to use "SignedImage " always,.we // might as well use this to our advantage. if (strncmp(&buf[4], "SignedImage ", 12) == 0) { // At this stage, the buffer is only used for marker validation. buf[0x1FE] = 0x55; buf[0x1FF] = 0xAA; } } else uprintf("Could not open %s: %d", path, errno); } else { uprintf(" An FFU image was selected, but this system does not have FFU support!"); } } else { physical_disk = VhdMountImage(path); if (physical_disk != NULL) { img_report.is_vhd = TRUE; fd = fopenU(physical_disk, "rb"); if (fd != NULL) { dc = fread(buf, 1, MBR_SIZE, fd); fclose(fd); } } VhdUnmountImage(); } if (dc != MBR_SIZE) { free(buf); return FALSE; } if ((buf[0x1FE] == 0x55) && (buf[0x1FF] == 0xAA)) r = 1; else if (ignore_boot_marker) r = 2; free(buf); return r; } } return FALSE; } // 0: non-bootable, 1: bootable, 2: forced bootable int8_t IsBootableImage(const char* path) { HANDLE handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; LARGE_INTEGER liImageSize; DWORD size; uint64_t wim_magic = 0; LARGE_INTEGER ptr = { 0 }; int8_t is_bootable_img; uprintf("Disk image analysis:"); handle = CreateFileU(path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { uprintf(" Could not open image '%s'", path); is_bootable_img = -1; goto out; } is_bootable_img = IsCompressedBootableImage(path) ? 1 : 0; if (img_report.compression_type == BLED_COMPRESSION_NONE) is_bootable_img = AnalyzeMBR(handle, " Image", FALSE) ? 1 : (ignore_boot_marker ? 2 : 0); if (!GetFileSizeEx(handle, &liImageSize)) { uprintf(" Could not get image size: %s", WindowsErrorString()); is_bootable_img = -2; goto out; } img_report.image_size = (uint64_t)liImageSize.QuadPart; size = sizeof(wim_magic); IGNORE_RETVAL(SetFilePointerEx(handle, ptr, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)); img_report.is_windows_img = ReadFile(handle, &wim_magic, size, &size, NULL) && (wim_magic == WIM_MAGIC); if (img_report.is_windows_img) goto out; out: safe_closehandle(handle); return is_bootable_img; } // WIM operations progress callback DWORD WINAPI WimProgressCallback(DWORD dwMsgId, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, PVOID pvIgnored) { PBOOL pbCancel = NULL; PWIN32_FIND_DATA pFileData; const char* level = NULL; uint64_t size; switch (dwMsgId) { case WIM_MSG_PROGRESS: // The default WIM progress is useless for apply (freezes at 95%, which is usually when // only half the files have been processed), so we only use it for mounting/unmounting. if (!(progress_report_mask & WIM_REPORT_PROGRESS)) break; UpdateProgressWithInfo(progress_op, progress_msg, progress_offset + wParam, progress_total); break; case WIM_MSG_PROCESS: if (!(progress_report_mask & WIM_REPORT_PROCESS)) break; // The amount of files processed is overwhelming (16k+ for a typical image), // and trying to display it *WILL* slow us down, so we don't. #if 0 uprintf("%S", (PWSTR)wParam); PrintStatus(0, MSG_000, str); // MSG_000 is "%s" #endif if (count_files) { wim_nb_files++; } else { // At the end of an actual apply, the WIM API re-lists a bunch of directories it already processed, // so, even as we try to compensate, we might end up with more entries than counted - ignore those. if (wim_proc_files < wim_nb_files) wim_proc_files++; else wim_extra_files++; UpdateProgressWithInfo(progress_op, progress_msg, wim_proc_files, wim_nb_files); } // Halt on error if (IS_ERROR(FormatStatus)) { pbCancel = (PBOOL)lParam; *pbCancel = TRUE; break; } break; case WIM_MSG_FILEINFO: if (!(progress_report_mask & WIM_REPORT_FILEINFO)) break; pFileData = (PWIN32_FIND_DATA)lParam; if (pFileData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { uprintf("Creating: %S", (PWSTR)wParam); } else { size = (((uint64_t)pFileData->nFileSizeHigh) << 32) + pFileData->nFileSizeLow; uprintf("Extracting: %S (%s)", (PWSTR)wParam, SizeToHumanReadable(size, FALSE, FALSE)); } break; case WIM_MSG_RETRY: level = "retry"; // fall through case WIM_MSG_INFO: if (level == NULL) level = "info"; // fall through case WIM_MSG_WARNING: if (level == NULL) level = "warning"; // fall through case WIM_MSG_ERROR: if (level == NULL) level = "error"; SetLastError((DWORD)lParam); uprintf("WIM processing %s: %S [%s]\n", level, (PWSTR)wParam, WindowsErrorString()); break; } return IS_ERROR(FormatStatus) ? WIM_MSG_ABORT_IMAGE : WIM_MSG_SUCCESS; } // Find out if we have any way to extract/apply WIM files on this platform // Returns a bitfield of the methods we can use (1 = Extract using wimgapi, 2 = Extract using 7-Zip, 4 = Apply using wimgapi) uint8_t WimExtractCheck(BOOL bSilent) { PF_INIT(WIMCreateFile, Wimgapi); PF_INIT(WIMSetTemporaryPath, Wimgapi); PF_INIT(WIMLoadImage, Wimgapi); PF_INIT(WIMApplyImage, Wimgapi); PF_INIT(WIMExtractImagePath, Wimgapi); PF_INIT(WIMGetImageInformation, Wimgapi); PF_INIT(WIMRegisterMessageCallback, Wimgapi); PF_INIT(WIMUnregisterMessageCallback, Wimgapi); PF_INIT(WIMCloseHandle, Wimgapi); if (pfWIMCreateFile && pfWIMSetTemporaryPath && pfWIMLoadImage && pfWIMExtractImagePath && pfWIMCloseHandle) wim_flags |= WIM_HAS_API_EXTRACT; if (Get7ZipPath()) wim_flags |= WIM_HAS_7Z_EXTRACT; if ((wim_flags & WIM_HAS_API_EXTRACT) && pfWIMApplyImage && pfWIMRegisterMessageCallback && pfWIMUnregisterMessageCallback) wim_flags |= WIM_HAS_API_APPLY; suprintf("WIM extraction method(s) supported: %s%s%s", (wim_flags & WIM_HAS_7Z_EXTRACT)?"7-Zip": ((wim_flags & WIM_HAS_API_EXTRACT)?"":"NONE"), (WIM_HAS_EXTRACT(wim_flags) == (WIM_HAS_API_EXTRACT|WIM_HAS_7Z_EXTRACT))?", ": "", (wim_flags & WIM_HAS_API_EXTRACT)?"wimgapi.dll":""); suprintf("WIM apply method supported: %s", (wim_flags & WIM_HAS_API_APPLY)?"wimgapi.dll":"NONE"); return wim_flags; } // // Looks like Microsoft's idea of "mount" for WIM images involves the creation // of a as many virtual junctions as there exist directories on the image... // So, yeah, this is both very slow and wasteful of space. // // NB: You can see mounted WIMs, along with their mountpoint, by checking: // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WIMMount\Mounted Images // You can also mount/unmount images from an elevated prompt with something like: // dism /mount-image [/readonly] /imagefile:F:\sources\boot.wim /index:2 /mountdir:C:\test\offline // dism /unmount-image /discard /mountdir:C:\test\offline // static DWORD WINAPI WimMountImageThread(LPVOID param) { BOOL r = FALSE; wconvert(temp_dir); mount_params_t* mp = (mount_params_t*)param; wchar_t* wimage = utf8_to_wchar(mp->image); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMRegisterMessageCallback, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMMountImage, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMUnmountImage, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMUnregisterMessageCallback, Wimgapi); if (wmount_path[0] != 0) { uprintf("WimMountImage: An image is already mounted. Trying to unmount it..."); if (pfWIMUnmountImage(wmount_path, wimage, mp->index, FALSE)) uprintf("WimMountImage: Successfully unmounted existing image.."); else goto out; } if (GetTempFileNameW(wtemp_dir, L"Ruf", 0, wmount_path) == 0) { uprintf("WimMountImage: Can not generate mount directory: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } DeleteFileW(wmount_path); if (!CreateDirectoryW(wmount_path, 0)) { uprintf("WimMountImage: Can not create mount directory '%S': %s", wmount_path, WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } if (GetTempFileNameW(wtemp_dir, L"Ruf", 0, wmount_track) == 0) { uprintf("WimMountImage: Can not generate tracking directory: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } DeleteFileW(wmount_track); if (!CreateDirectoryW(wmount_track, 0)) { uprintf("WimMountImage: Can not create tracking directory '%S': %s", wmount_track, WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } progress_report_mask = WIM_REPORT_PROGRESS; progress_op = OP_PATCH; progress_msg = MSG_325; progress_offset = 1; progress_total = PATCH_PROGRESS_TOTAL; if (pfWIMRegisterMessageCallback(NULL, (FARPROC)WimProgressCallback, NULL) == INVALID_CALLBACK_VALUE) { uprintf("WimMountImage: Could not set progress callback: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } r = pfWIMMountImage(wmount_path, wimage, mp->index, wmount_track); pfWIMUnregisterMessageCallback(NULL, (FARPROC)WimProgressCallback); if (!r) { uprintf("Could not mount '%S [%d]' on '%S': %s", wimage, mp->index, wmount_path, WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } uprintf("Mounted '%S [%d]' on '%S'", wimage, mp->index, wmount_path); out: if (!r) { if (wmount_track[0] != 0) { RemoveDirectoryW(wmount_track); wmount_track[0] = 0; } if (wmount_path[0] != 0) { RemoveDirectoryW(wmount_path); wmount_path[0] = 0; } } wfree(temp_dir); safe_free(wimage); ExitThread((DWORD)r); } // Returns the temporary mount path on success, NULL on error. // Returned path must be freed by the caller. char* WimMountImage(const char* image, int index) { char* mount_path = NULL; DWORD dw = 0; mount_params_t mp = { 0 }; mp.image = image; mp.index = index; // Try to unmount an existing stale image, if there is any mount_path = WimGetExistingMountPoint(image, index); if (mount_path != NULL) { uprintf("WARNING: Found stale '%s [%d]' image mounted on '%s' - Attempting to unmount it...", image, index, mount_path); utf8_to_wchar_no_alloc(mount_path, wmount_path, ARRAYSIZE(wmount_path)); wmount_track[0] = 0; WimUnmountImage(image, index, FALSE); } wim_thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, WimMountImageThread, &mp, 0, NULL); if (wim_thread == NULL) { uprintf("Unable to start mount-image thread"); return NULL; } SetThreadPriority(wim_thread, default_thread_priority); WaitForSingleObject(wim_thread, INFINITE); if (!GetExitCodeThread(wim_thread, &dw)) dw = 0; wim_thread = NULL; return (dw) ? wchar_to_utf8(wmount_path) : NULL; } static DWORD WINAPI WimUnmountImageThread(LPVOID param) { BOOL r = FALSE; mount_params_t* mp = (mount_params_t*)param; wchar_t* wimage = utf8_to_wchar(mp->image); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMRegisterMessageCallback, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMUnmountImage, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMUnregisterMessageCallback, Wimgapi); if (wmount_path[0] == 0) { uprintf("WimUnmountImage: No image is mounted"); goto out; } progress_report_mask = WIM_REPORT_PROGRESS; progress_op = OP_PATCH; progress_msg = MSG_325; progress_offset = 105; progress_total = PATCH_PROGRESS_TOTAL; if (pfWIMRegisterMessageCallback(NULL, (FARPROC)WimProgressCallback, NULL) == INVALID_CALLBACK_VALUE) { uprintf("WimUnmountImage: Could not set progress callback: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } r = pfWIMUnmountImage(wmount_path, wimage, mp->index, mp->commit); pfWIMUnregisterMessageCallback(NULL, (FARPROC)WimProgressCallback); if (!r) { uprintf("Could not unmount '%S': %s", wmount_path, WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } uprintf("Unmounted '%S [%d]'", wmount_path, mp->index); if (wmount_track[0] != 0 && !RemoveDirectoryW(wmount_track)) uprintf("Could not delete '%S' : %s", wmount_track, WindowsErrorString()); wmount_track[0] = 0; if (wmount_path[0] != 0 && !RemoveDirectoryW(wmount_path)) uprintf("Could not delete '%S' : %s", wmount_path, WindowsErrorString()); wmount_path[0] = 0; out: safe_free(wimage); ExitThread((DWORD)r); } BOOL WimUnmountImage(const char* image, int index, BOOL commit) { DWORD dw = 0; mount_params_t mp = { 0 }; mp.image = image; mp.index = index; mp.commit = commit; wim_thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, WimUnmountImageThread, &mp, 0, NULL); if (wim_thread == NULL) { uprintf("Unable to start unmount-image thread"); return FALSE; } SetThreadPriority(wim_thread, default_thread_priority); WaitForSingleObject(wim_thread, INFINITE); if (!GetExitCodeThread(wim_thread, &dw)) dw = 0; wim_thread = NULL; return dw; } // Get the existing mount point (if any) for the image + index passed as parameters. // Needed because Windows refuses to mount two images with the same path/index even // if the previous has become stale or deleted. This situation may occur if the user // force-closed Rufus when 'boot.wim' was mounted, thus leaving them unable to mount // 'boot.wim' for subsequent sessions unless they invoke dism /Unmount-Wim manually. // This basically parses HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WIMMount\Mounted Images // to see if an instance exists with the image/index passed as parameter and returns // the mount point of this image if found, or NULL otherwise. char* WimGetExistingMountPoint(const char* image, int index) { static char path[MAX_PATH]; char class[MAX_PATH] = "", guid[40], key_name[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey; DWORD dw = 0, i, k, nb_subkeys = 0, class_size; DWORD cbMaxSubKey, cchMaxClass, cValues, cchMaxValue; DWORD cbMaxValueData, cbSecurityDescriptor; FILETIME ftLastWriteTime; if (RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WIMMount\\Mounted Images", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return NULL; class_size = sizeof(class); RegQueryInfoKeyA(hKey, class, &class_size, NULL, &nb_subkeys, &cbMaxSubKey, &cchMaxClass, &cValues, &cchMaxValue, &cbMaxValueData, &cbSecurityDescriptor, &ftLastWriteTime); for (k = 0; k < nb_subkeys; k++) { dw = sizeof(guid); if (RegEnumKeyExA(hKey, k, guid, &dw, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftLastWriteTime) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { static_sprintf(key_name, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WIMMount\\Mounted Images\\%s\\WIM Path", guid); if (GetRegistryKeyStr(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key_name, path, sizeof(path)) && (stricmp(path, image) != 0)) continue; static_sprintf(key_name, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WIMMount\\Mounted Images\\%s\\Image Index", guid); if (GetRegistryKey32(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key_name, &i) && (i != (DWORD)index)) continue; path[0] = 0; static_sprintf(key_name, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WIMMount\\Mounted Images\\%s\\Mount Path", guid); if (GetRegistryKeyStr(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key_name, path, sizeof(path))) break; } } if (k >= nb_subkeys) path[0] = 0; RegCloseKey(hKey); return (path[0] == 0) ? NULL: path; } // Extract a file from a WIM image using wimgapi.dll // NB: if you want progress from a WIM callback, you must run the WIM API call in its own thread // (which we don't do here) as it won't work otherwise. Thanks go to Erwan for figuring this out! BOOL WimExtractFile_API(const char* image, int index, const char* src, const char* dst, BOOL bSilent) { static char* index_name = "[1].xml"; BOOL r = FALSE; DWORD dw = 0; HANDLE hWim = NULL; HANDLE hImage = NULL; HANDLE hFile = NULL; wchar_t wtemp[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; wchar_t* wimage = utf8_to_wchar(image); wchar_t* wsrc = utf8_to_wchar(src); wchar_t* wdst = utf8_to_wchar(dst); wchar_t* wim_info; PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMCreateFile, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMSetTemporaryPath, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMLoadImage, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMExtractImagePath, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMCloseHandle, Wimgapi); suprintf("Opening: %s:[%d] (API)", image, index); if (GetTempPathW(ARRAYSIZE(wtemp), wtemp) == 0) { uprintf(" Could not fetch temp path: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } // Thanks to dism++ for figuring out that you can use UNDOCUMENTED FLAG 0x20000000 // to open newer install.wim/install.esd images, without running into obnoxious error: // [0x0000000B] An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. // No thanks to Microsoft for NOT DOCUMENTING THEIR UTTER BULLSHIT with the WIM API! hWim = pfWIMCreateFile(wimage, WIM_GENERIC_READ, WIM_OPEN_EXISTING, (img_report.wininst_version >= SPECIAL_WIM_VERSION) ? WIM_UNDOCUMENTED_BULLSHIT : 0, 0, NULL); if (hWim == NULL) { uprintf(" Could not access image: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } if (!pfWIMSetTemporaryPath(hWim, wtemp)) { uprintf(" Could not set temp path: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } suprintf("Extracting: %s (From %s)", dst, src); if (safe_strcmp(src, index_name) == 0) { if (!pfWIMGetImageInformation(hWim, &wim_info, &dw) || (dw == 0)) { uprintf(" Could not access WIM info: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } hFile = CreateFileW(wdst, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if ((hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (!WriteFile(hFile, wim_info, dw, &dw, NULL))) { suprintf(" Could not extract file: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } } else { hImage = pfWIMLoadImage(hWim, (DWORD)index); if (hImage == NULL) { uprintf(" Could not set index: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } if (!pfWIMExtractImagePath(hImage, wsrc, wdst, 0)) { suprintf(" Could not extract file: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } } r = TRUE; out: if ((hImage != NULL) || (hWim != NULL)) { suprintf("Closing: %s", image); if (hImage != NULL) pfWIMCloseHandle(hImage); if (hWim != NULL) pfWIMCloseHandle(hWim); } safe_closehandle(hFile); safe_free(wimage); safe_free(wsrc); safe_free(wdst); return r; } // Extract a file from a WIM image using 7-Zip BOOL WimExtractFile_7z(const char* image, int index, const char* src, const char* dst, BOOL bSilent) { int n; size_t i; char cmdline[MAX_PATH]; char tmpdst[MAX_PATH]; char index_prefix[] = "#\\"; suprintf("Opening: %s:[%d] (7-Zip)", image, index); if ((image == NULL) || (src == NULL) || (dst == NULL)) return FALSE; // If you shove more than 9 images in a WIM, don't come complaining // that this breaks! index_prefix[0] = '0' + index; suprintf("Extracting: %s (From %s)", dst, src); // 7z has a quirk where the image index MUST be specified if a // WIM has multiple indexes, but it MUST be removed if there is // only one image. Because of this (and because 7z will not // return an error code if it can't extract the file), we need // to issue 2 passes. See github issue #680. for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) { static_strcpy(tmpdst, dst); for (i = strlen(tmpdst) - 1; (i > 0) && (tmpdst[i] != '\\') && (tmpdst[i] != '/'); i--); tmpdst[i] = 0; static_sprintf(cmdline, "\"%s\" -y e \"%s\" %s%s", sevenzip_path, image, (n == 0) ? index_prefix : "", src); if (RunCommand(cmdline, tmpdst, FALSE) != 0) { uprintf(" Could not launch 7z.exe: %s", WindowsErrorString()); return FALSE; } for (i = safe_strlen(src); (i > 0) && (src[i] != '\\') && (src[i] != '/'); i--); if (i == 0) static_strcat(tmpdst, "\\"); static_strcat(tmpdst, &src[i]); if (_access(tmpdst, 0) == 0) // File was extracted => move on break; } if (n >= 2) { suprintf(" 7z.exe did not extract %s", tmpdst); return FALSE; } // coverity[toctou] if (!MoveFileExU(tmpdst, dst, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) { uprintf(" Could not rename %s to %s: %s", tmpdst, dst, WindowsErrorString()); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // Extract a file from a WIM image BOOL WimExtractFile(const char* image, int index, const char* src, const char* dst, BOOL bSilent) { if ((wim_flags == 0) && (!WIM_HAS_EXTRACT(WimExtractCheck(TRUE)))) return FALSE; if ((image == NULL) || (src == NULL) || (dst == NULL)) return FALSE; // Prefer 7-Zip as, unsurprisingly, it's faster than the Microsoft way, // but allow fallback if 7-Zip doesn't succeed return ( ((wim_flags & WIM_HAS_7Z_EXTRACT) && WimExtractFile_7z(image, index, src, dst, bSilent)) || ((wim_flags & WIM_HAS_API_EXTRACT) && WimExtractFile_API(image, index, src, dst, bSilent)) ); } /// /// Find if a specific index belongs to a WIM image. /// /// The path to the WIM file. /// The (non-zero) value of the index to check. /// TRUE if the index was found in the image, FALSE otherwise. BOOL WimIsValidIndex(const char* image, int index) { int i = 1; BOOL r = FALSE; DWORD dw = 0; HANDLE hWim = NULL; HANDLE hFile = NULL; char xml_file[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; char* str; wchar_t* wimage = utf8_to_wchar(image); wchar_t* wim_info; PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMCreateFile, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMGetImageInformation, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMCloseHandle, Wimgapi); // Zero indexes are invalid if (index == 0) goto out; hWim = pfWIMCreateFile(wimage, WIM_GENERIC_READ, WIM_OPEN_EXISTING, (img_report.wininst_version >= SPECIAL_WIM_VERSION) ? WIM_UNDOCUMENTED_BULLSHIT : 0, 0, NULL); if (hWim == NULL) { uprintf(" Could not access image: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } if (!pfWIMGetImageInformation(hWim, &wim_info, &dw) || (dw == 0)) { uprintf(" Could not access WIM info: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } if ((GetTempFileNameU(temp_dir, APPLICATION_NAME, 0, xml_file) == 0) || (xml_file[0] == 0)) static_strcpy(xml_file, ".\\RufVXml.tmp"); DeleteFileU(xml_file); hFile = CreateFileU(xml_file, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if ((hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (!WriteFile(hFile, wim_info, dw, &dw, NULL))) goto out; while ((str = get_token_data_file_indexed("IMAGE INDEX", xml_file, i)) != NULL) { if (atoi(str) == index) { r = TRUE; break; } i++; } out: if (hWim != NULL) pfWIMCloseHandle(hWim); safe_closehandle(hFile); if (xml_file[0] != 0) DeleteFileU(xml_file); safe_free(wimage); return r; } // Apply a WIM image using wimgapi.dll // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/msdn10/dd851944(v=msdn.10) // To get progress, we must run this call within its own thread static DWORD WINAPI WimApplyImageThread(LPVOID param) { BOOL r = FALSE; HANDLE hWim = NULL; HANDLE hImage = NULL; wchar_t wtemp[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; mount_params_t* mp = (mount_params_t*)param; wchar_t* wimage = utf8_to_wchar(mp->image); wchar_t* wdst = utf8_to_wchar(mp->dst); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMRegisterMessageCallback, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMCreateFile, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMSetTemporaryPath, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMLoadImage, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMApplyImage, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMCloseHandle, Wimgapi); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(WIMUnregisterMessageCallback, Wimgapi); uprintf("Opening: %s:[%d]", mp->image, mp->index); progress_report_mask = WIM_REPORT_PROCESS | WIM_REPORT_FILEINFO; progress_op = OP_FILE_COPY; progress_msg = MSG_267; progress_offset = 0; progress_total = 100; if (pfWIMRegisterMessageCallback(NULL, (FARPROC)WimProgressCallback, NULL) == INVALID_CALLBACK_VALUE) { uprintf(" Could not set progress callback: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } if (GetTempPathW(ARRAYSIZE(wtemp), wtemp) == 0) { uprintf(" Could not fetch temp path: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } hWim = pfWIMCreateFile(wimage, WIM_GENERIC_READ, WIM_OPEN_EXISTING, (img_report.wininst_version >= SPECIAL_WIM_VERSION) ? WIM_UNDOCUMENTED_BULLSHIT : 0, 0, NULL); if (hWim == NULL) { uprintf(" Could not access image: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } if (!pfWIMSetTemporaryPath(hWim, wtemp)) { uprintf(" Could not set temp path: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } hImage = pfWIMLoadImage(hWim, (DWORD)mp->index); if (hImage == NULL) { uprintf(" Could not set index: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } uprintf("Applying Windows image..."); UpdateProgressWithInfoInit(NULL, TRUE); // Run a first pass using WIM_FLAG_NO_APPLY to count the files wim_nb_files = 0; wim_proc_files = 0; wim_extra_files = 0; count_files = TRUE; if (!pfWIMApplyImage(hImage, wdst, WIM_FLAG_NO_APPLY)) { uprintf(" Could not count the files to apply: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } // The latest Windows 10 ISOs have a ~17.5% discrepancy between the number of // files and directories actually applied vs. the ones counted when not applying. // Therefore, we add a 'safe' 20% to our counted files to compensate for yet // another dismal Microsoft progress reporting API... wim_nb_files += wim_nb_files / 5; count_files = FALSE; // Actual apply if (!pfWIMApplyImage(hImage, wdst, WIM_FLAG_FILEINFO)) { uprintf(" Could not apply image: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } // Ensure that we'll pick if need to readjust our 20% above from user reports if (wim_extra_files > 0) uprintf("Notice: An extra %d files and directories were applied, from the %d expected", wim_extra_files, wim_nb_files); // Re-use extra files as the final progress step wim_extra_files = (wim_nb_files - wim_proc_files) / 3; UpdateProgressWithInfo(OP_FILE_COPY, MSG_267, wim_proc_files + wim_extra_files, wim_nb_files); r = TRUE; out: if ((hImage != NULL) || (hWim != NULL)) { uprintf("Closing: %s", mp->image); if (hImage != NULL) pfWIMCloseHandle(hImage); if (hWim != NULL) pfWIMCloseHandle(hWim); } if (pfWIMUnregisterMessageCallback != NULL) pfWIMUnregisterMessageCallback(NULL, (FARPROC)WimProgressCallback); safe_free(wimage); safe_free(wdst); ExitThread((DWORD)r); } BOOL WimApplyImage(const char* image, int index, const char* dst) { DWORD dw = 0; mount_params_t mp = { 0 }; mp.image = image; mp.index = index; mp.dst = dst; wim_thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, WimApplyImageThread, &mp, 0, NULL); if (wim_thread == NULL) { uprintf("Unable to start apply-image thread"); return FALSE; } SetThreadPriority(wim_thread, default_thread_priority); WaitForSingleObject(wim_thread, INFINITE); if (!GetExitCodeThread(wim_thread, &dw)) dw = 0; wim_thread = NULL; return dw; } // VirtDisk API Prototypes since we can't use delay-loading because of MinGW // See https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/issues/2272#issuecomment-1615976013 PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, DWORD, CreateVirtualDisk, (PVIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE, PCWSTR, VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_MASK, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG, ULONG, PCREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_PARAMETERS, LPOVERLAPPED, PHANDLE)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, DWORD, OpenVirtualDisk, (PVIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE, PCWSTR, VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_MASK, OPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG, POPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_PARAMETERS, PHANDLE)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, DWORD, AttachVirtualDisk, (HANDLE, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG, ULONG, PATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_PARAMETERS, LPOVERLAPPED)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, DWORD, DetachVirtualDisk, (HANDLE, DETACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG, ULONG)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, DWORD, GetVirtualDiskPhysicalPath, (HANDLE, PULONG, PWSTR)); PF_TYPE_DECL(WINAPI, DWORD, GetVirtualDiskOperationProgress, (HANDLE, LPOVERLAPPED, PVIRTUAL_DISK_PROGRESS)); static char physical_path[128] = ""; static HANDLE mounted_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // Mount an ISO or a VHD/VHDX image // Returns the physical path of the mounted image or NULL on error. char* VhdMountImage(const char* path) { VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE vtype = { VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_DEVICE_ISO, VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_VENDOR_MICROSOFT }; ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_PARAMETERS vparams = { 0 }; DWORD r; wchar_t wtmp[128]; ULONG size = ARRAYSIZE(wtmp); wconvert(path); char *ret = NULL, *ext = NULL; PF_INIT_OR_OUT(OpenVirtualDisk, VirtDisk); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(AttachVirtualDisk, VirtDisk); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(GetVirtualDiskPhysicalPath, VirtDisk); if (wpath == NULL) return NULL; if ((mounted_handle != NULL) && (mounted_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) VhdUnmountImage(); if (safe_strlen(path) > 4) for (ext = (char*)&path[safe_strlen(path) - 1]; (*ext != '.') && (ext != path); ext--); if (safe_stricmp(ext, ".vhdx") == 0) vtype.DeviceId = VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_DEVICE_VHDX; else if (safe_stricmp(ext, ".vhd") == 0) vtype.DeviceId = VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_DEVICE_VHD; r = pfOpenVirtualDisk(&vtype, wpath, VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_READ | VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_GET_INFO, OPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG_NONE, NULL, &mounted_handle); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(r); uprintf("Could not open image '%s': %s", path, WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } vparams.Version = ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION_1; r = pfAttachVirtualDisk(mounted_handle, NULL, ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG_READ_ONLY | ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG_NO_DRIVE_LETTER, 0, &vparams, NULL); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(r); uprintf("Could not mount image '%s': %s", path, WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } r = pfGetVirtualDiskPhysicalPath(mounted_handle, &size, wtmp); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(r); uprintf("Could not obtain physical path for mounted image '%s': %s", path, WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } wchar_to_utf8_no_alloc(wtmp, physical_path, sizeof(physical_path)); ret = physical_path; out: if (ret == NULL) VhdUnmountImage(); wfree(path); return ret; } void VhdUnmountImage(void) { PF_INIT_OR_OUT(DetachVirtualDisk, VirtDisk); if ((mounted_handle == NULL) || (mounted_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) goto out; pfDetachVirtualDisk(mounted_handle, DETACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG_NONE, 0); safe_closehandle(mounted_handle); out: physical_path[0] = 0; } // Since we no longer have to deal with Windows 7, we can call on CreateVirtualDisk() // to backup a physical disk to VHD/VHDX. Now if this could also be used to create an // ISO from optical media that would be swell, but no matter what I tried, it didn't // seem possible... static DWORD WINAPI VhdSaveImageThread(void* param) { IMG_SAVE* img_save = (IMG_SAVE*)param; HANDLE handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WCHAR* wSrc = utf8_to_wchar(img_save->DevicePath); WCHAR* wDst = utf8_to_wchar(img_save->ImagePath); VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE vtype = { img_save->Type, VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_VENDOR_MICROSOFT }; STOPGAP_CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_PARAMETERS vparams = { 0 }; VIRTUAL_DISK_PROGRESS vprogress = { 0 }; OVERLAPPED overlapped = { 0 }; DWORD r = ERROR_NOT_FOUND, flags; PF_INIT_OR_OUT(CreateVirtualDisk, VirtDisk); PF_INIT_OR_OUT(GetVirtualDiskOperationProgress, VirtDisk); assert(img_save->Type == VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_DEVICE_VHD || img_save->Type == VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_DEVICE_VHDX); UpdateProgressWithInfoInit(NULL, FALSE); vparams.Version = CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION_2; vparams.Version2.UniqueId = GUID_NULL; vparams.Version2.BlockSizeInBytes = CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_PARAMETERS_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE; vparams.Version2.SectorSizeInBytes = CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_PARAMETERS_DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE; vparams.Version2.PhysicalSectorSizeInBytes = SelectedDrive.SectorSize; vparams.Version2.SourcePath = wSrc; // When CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG_CREATE_BACKING_STORAGE is specified with // a source path, CreateVirtualDisk() automatically clones the source to // the virtual disk. flags = CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG_CREATE_BACKING_STORAGE; // The following ensures that VHD images are stored uncompressed and can // be used as DD images. if (img_save->Type == VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_DEVICE_VHD) flags |= CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG_FULL_PHYSICAL_ALLOCATION; // TODO: Use CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG_PREVENT_WRITES_TO_SOURCE_DISK? overlapped.hEvent = CreateEventA(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); // CreateVirtualDisk() does not have an overwrite flag... DeleteFileW(wDst); r = pfCreateVirtualDisk(&vtype, wDst, VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_NONE, NULL, flags, 0, (PCREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_PARAMETERS)&vparams, &overlapped, &handle); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS && r != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { SetLastError(r); uprintf("Could not create virtual disk: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } if (r == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { while ((r = WaitForSingleObject(overlapped.hEvent, 100)) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { if (IS_ERROR(FormatStatus) && (SCODE_CODE(FormatStatus) == ERROR_CANCELLED)) { CancelIoEx(handle, &overlapped); goto out; } if (pfGetVirtualDiskOperationProgress(handle, &overlapped, &vprogress) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (vprogress.OperationStatus == ERROR_IO_PENDING) UpdateProgressWithInfo(OP_FORMAT, MSG_261, vprogress.CurrentValue, vprogress.CompletionValue); } } if (r != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { uprintf("Could not save virtual disk: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } } r = 0; UpdateProgressWithInfo(OP_FORMAT, MSG_261, SelectedDrive.DiskSize, SelectedDrive.DiskSize); uprintf("Operation complete."); out: safe_closehandle(overlapped.hEvent); safe_closehandle(handle); safe_free(wSrc); safe_free(wDst); safe_free(img_save->DevicePath); safe_free(img_save->ImagePath); PostMessage(hMainDialog, UM_FORMAT_COMPLETED, (WPARAM)TRUE, 0); ExitThread(r); } // FfuProvider.dll has some nice FfuApplyImage()/FfuCaptureImage() calls... which // Microsoft decided not make public! // Considering that trying to both figure out how to use these internal function // calls, as well as how to properly hook into the DLL for every arch/every release // of Windows, would be a massive timesink, we just take a shortcut by calling dism // directly, as imperfect as such a solution might be... static DWORD WINAPI FfuSaveImageThread(void* param) { DWORD r; IMG_SAVE* img_save = (IMG_SAVE*)param; char cmd[MAX_PATH + 128], *letter = "", *label; GetDriveLabel(SelectedDrive.DeviceNumber, letter, &label, TRUE); static_sprintf(cmd, "dism /Capture-Ffu /CaptureDrive:%s /ImageFile:\"%s\" " "/Name:\"%s\" /Description:\"Created by %s (%s)\"", img_save->DevicePath, img_save->ImagePath, label, APPLICATION_NAME, RUFUS_URL); uprintf("Running command: '%s", cmd); r = RunCommandWithProgress(cmd, sysnative_dir, TRUE, MSG_261); if (r != 0 && !IS_ERROR(FormatStatus)) { SetLastError(r); uprintf("Failed to capture FFU image: %s", WindowsErrorString()); FormatStatus = ERROR_SEVERITY_ERROR | FAC(FACILITY_WINDOWS) | SCODE_CODE(r); } safe_free(img_save->DevicePath); safe_free(img_save->ImagePath); PostMessage(hMainDialog, UM_FORMAT_COMPLETED, (WPARAM)TRUE, 0); ExitThread(r); } void VhdSaveImage(void) { UINT i; static IMG_SAVE img_save; char filename[128]; char path[MAX_PATH]; int DriveIndex = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hDeviceList); static EXT_DECL(img_ext, filename, __VA_GROUP__("*.vhd", "*.vhdx", "*.ffu"), __VA_GROUP__(lmprintf(MSG_343), lmprintf(MSG_342), lmprintf(MSG_344))); ULARGE_INTEGER free_space; memset(&img_save, 0, sizeof(IMG_SAVE)); if ((DriveIndex < 0) || (format_thread != NULL)) return; static_sprintf(filename, "%s", rufus_drive[DriveIndex].label); img_save.DeviceNum = (DWORD)ComboBox_GetItemData(hDeviceList, DriveIndex); img_save.DevicePath = GetPhysicalName(img_save.DeviceNum); // FFU support requires GPT if (!has_ffu_support || SelectedDrive.PartitionStyle != PARTITION_STYLE_GPT) img_ext.count = 2; for (i = 1; i <= (UINT)img_ext.count && (safe_strcmp(&_img_ext_x[i - 1][2], save_image_type) != 0); i++); if (i > (UINT)img_ext.count) i = 2; img_save.ImagePath = FileDialog(TRUE, NULL, &img_ext, &i); assert(i > 0 && i <= (UINT)img_ext.count); save_image_type = (char*) &_img_ext_x[i - 1][2]; WriteSettingStr(SETTING_PREFERRED_SAVE_IMAGE_TYPE, save_image_type); switch (i) { case 1: img_save.Type = VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_DEVICE_VHD; break; case 3: img_save.Type = VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_DEVICE_FFU; break; default: img_save.Type = VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_DEVICE_VHDX; break; } img_save.BufSize = DD_BUFFER_SIZE; img_save.DeviceSize = SelectedDrive.DiskSize; if (img_save.DevicePath != NULL && img_save.ImagePath != NULL) { // Reset all progress bars SendMessage(hMainDialog, UM_PROGRESS_INIT, 0, 0); FormatStatus = 0; if (img_save.Type == VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_DEVICE_VHD) { free_space.QuadPart = 0; if ((GetVolumePathNameA(img_save.ImagePath, path, sizeof(path))) && (GetDiskFreeSpaceExA(path, &free_space, NULL, NULL)) && ((LONGLONG)free_space.QuadPart < (SelectedDrive.DiskSize + 512))) { uprintf("The VHD size is too large for the target drive"); FormatStatus = ERROR_SEVERITY_ERROR | FAC(FACILITY_STORAGE) | ERROR_FILE_TOO_LARGE; PostMessage(hMainDialog, UM_FORMAT_COMPLETED, (WPARAM)FALSE, 0); goto out; } } // Disable all controls except Cancel EnableControls(FALSE, FALSE); FormatStatus = 0; InitProgress(TRUE); format_thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, img_save.Type == VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_DEVICE_FFU ? FfuSaveImageThread : VhdSaveImageThread, &img_save, 0, NULL); if (format_thread != NULL) { uprintf("\r\nSave to VHD operation started"); PrintInfo(0, -1); SendMessage(hMainDialog, UM_TIMER_START, 0, 0); } else { uprintf("Unable to start VHD save thread"); FormatStatus = ERROR_SEVERITY_ERROR | FAC(FACILITY_STORAGE) | APPERR(ERROR_CANT_START_THREAD); PostMessage(hMainDialog, UM_FORMAT_COMPLETED, (WPARAM)FALSE, 0); } } out: if (format_thread == NULL) { safe_free(img_save.DevicePath); safe_free(img_save.ImagePath); } }