/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Copyright 2011 Shao Miller - All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330, * Boston MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /**** * ntfssect.c * * Fetch NTFS file cluster & sector information via Windows * * With special thanks to Mark Roddy for his article: * http://www.wd-3.com/archive/luserland.htm */ #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning(disable:4996) #endif #include #include #include #include #include "ntfssect.h" /*** Macros */ #define M_ERR(msg) (NtfsSectLastErrorMessage = (msg)) /*** Function declarations */ static DWORD NtfsSectGetVolumePartitionLba(S_NTFSSECT_VOLINFO * VolumeInfo); /*** Objects */ CHAR * NtfsSectLastErrorMessage; /*** Function definitions */ DWORD M_NTFSSECT_API NtfsSectGetFileVcnExtent( HANDLE File, LARGE_INTEGER * Vcn, S_NTFSSECT_EXTENT * Extent ) { BOOL bad, ok; DWORD output_size, rc; STARTING_VCN_INPUT_BUFFER input; RETRIEVAL_POINTERS_BUFFER output; bad = ( File == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !Vcn || Vcn->QuadPart < 0 || !Extent ); if (bad) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; input.StartingVcn = *Vcn; ok = DeviceIoControl( File, FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS, &input, sizeof input, &output, sizeof output, &output_size, NULL ); ok = ok; rc = GetLastError(); switch (rc) { case NO_ERROR: case ERROR_MORE_DATA: Extent->FirstVcn = output.StartingVcn; Extent->NextVcn = output.Extents[0].NextVcn; Extent->FirstLcn = output.Extents[0].Lcn; return ERROR_SUCCESS; case ERROR_HANDLE_EOF: break; default: M_ERR("NtfsSectGetFileVcnExtent(): Unknown status!"); } return rc; } DWORD M_NTFSSECT_API NtfsSectGetVolumeInfo( CHAR * VolumeName, S_NTFSSECT_VOLINFO * VolumeInfo ) { S_NTFSSECT_XPFUNCS xp_funcs; DWORD rc, free_clusts, total_clusts; BOOL ok; if (!VolumeName || !VolumeInfo) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; rc = NtfsSectLoadXpFuncs(&xp_funcs); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto err_xp_funcs; ok = xp_funcs.GetDiskFreeSpace( VolumeName, &VolumeInfo->SectorsPerCluster, &VolumeInfo->BytesPerSector, &free_clusts, &total_clusts ); rc = GetLastError(); if (!ok) { M_ERR("GetDiskFreeSpace() failed!"); goto err_freespace; } rc = NtfsSectGetVolumePartitionLba(VolumeInfo); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto err_lba; VolumeInfo->Size = sizeof *VolumeInfo; rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; err_lba: err_freespace: NtfsSectUnloadXpFuncs(&xp_funcs); err_xp_funcs: if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CloseHandle(VolumeInfo->Handle); VolumeInfo->Handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } return rc; } DWORD M_NTFSSECT_API NtfsSectGetVolumeInfoFromFileName( CHAR * FileName, S_NTFSSECT_VOLINFO * VolumeInfo ) { S_NTFSSECT_XPFUNCS xp_funcs; DWORD rc; CHAR volname[MAX_PATH + 1]; BOOL ok; if (!FileName || !VolumeInfo) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; rc = NtfsSectLoadXpFuncs(&xp_funcs); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto err_xp_funcs; } ok = xp_funcs.GetVolumePathName( FileName, volname, sizeof volname ); rc = GetLastError(); if (!ok) { M_ERR("GetVolumePathName() failed!"); goto err_volname; } rc = NtfsSectGetVolumeInfo(volname, VolumeInfo); err_volname: NtfsSectUnloadXpFuncs(&xp_funcs); err_xp_funcs: return rc; } /* Internal use only */ static DWORD NtfsSectGetVolumePartitionLba(S_NTFSSECT_VOLINFO * VolumeInfo) { BOOL ok; VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS vol_disk_extents; DWORD output_size, rc; ok = DeviceIoControl( VolumeInfo->Handle, IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS, NULL, 0, &vol_disk_extents, sizeof vol_disk_extents, &output_size, NULL ); rc = GetLastError(); if (!ok) { M_ERR("Couldn't fetch volume disk extent(s)!"); goto err_vol_disk_extents; } if (vol_disk_extents.NumberOfDiskExtents != 1) { M_ERR("Unsupported number of volume disk extents!"); goto err_num_of_extents; } VolumeInfo->PartitionLba.QuadPart = ( vol_disk_extents.Extents[0].StartingOffset.QuadPart / VolumeInfo->BytesPerSector ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; err_num_of_extents: err_vol_disk_extents: return rc; } DWORD M_NTFSSECT_API NtfsSectLcnToLba( const S_NTFSSECT_VOLINFO * VolumeInfo, const LARGE_INTEGER * Lcn, LARGE_INTEGER * Lba ) { BOOL bad; bad = ( !VolumeInfo || !VolumeInfo->BytesPerSector || !VolumeInfo->SectorsPerCluster || !Lcn || Lcn->QuadPart < 0 || !Lba ); if (bad) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; Lba->QuadPart = ( VolumeInfo->PartitionLba.QuadPart + Lcn->QuadPart * VolumeInfo->SectorsPerCluster ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } DWORD M_NTFSSECT_API NtfsSectLoadXpFuncs(S_NTFSSECT_XPFUNCS * XpFuncs) { DWORD rc; if (!XpFuncs) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; XpFuncs->Size = sizeof *XpFuncs; XpFuncs->Kernel32 = LoadLibraryA("kernel32.dll"); rc = GetLastError(); if (!XpFuncs->Kernel32) { M_ERR("KERNEL32.DLL not found!"); goto err; } XpFuncs->GetVolumePathName = (F_KERNEL32_GETVOLUMEPATHNAME *) ( GetProcAddress( XpFuncs->Kernel32, "GetVolumePathNameA" ) ); rc = GetLastError(); if (!XpFuncs->GetVolumePathName) { M_ERR("GetVolumePathName() not found in KERNEL32.DLL!"); goto err; } XpFuncs->GetDiskFreeSpace = (F_KERNEL32_GETDISKFREESPACE *) ( GetProcAddress( XpFuncs->Kernel32, "GetDiskFreeSpaceA" ) ); rc = GetLastError(); if (!XpFuncs->GetDiskFreeSpace) { M_ERR("GetDiskFreeSpace() not found in KERNEL32.DLL!"); goto err; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; err: NtfsSectUnloadXpFuncs(XpFuncs); return rc; } VOID M_NTFSSECT_API NtfsSectUnloadXpFuncs(S_NTFSSECT_XPFUNCS * XpFuncs) { if (!XpFuncs) return; XpFuncs->GetDiskFreeSpace = NULL; XpFuncs->GetVolumePathName = NULL; if (XpFuncs->Kernel32) FreeLibrary(XpFuncs->Kernel32); XpFuncs->Kernel32 = NULL; XpFuncs->Size = 0; return; }