/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Copyright 2003 Lars Munch Christensen - All Rights Reserved * Copyright 1998-2008 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved * Copyright 2012-2016 Pete Batard * * Based on the Linux installer program for SYSLINUX by H. Peter Anvin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330, * Boston MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference. * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Memory leaks detection - define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC as preprocessor macro */ #ifdef _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "rufus.h" #include "missing.h" #include "resource.h" #include "msapi_utf8.h" #include "localization.h" #include "drive.h" #include "syslinux.h" #include "syslxfs.h" #include "libfat.h" #include "setadv.h" #include "ntfssect.h" unsigned char* syslinux_ldlinux[2] = { NULL, NULL }; unsigned long syslinux_ldlinux_len[2]; unsigned char* syslinux_mboot = NULL; unsigned long syslinux_mboot_len; // Workaround for 4K support uint32_t SECTOR_SHIFT = 9; uint32_t SECTOR_SIZE = 512; uint32_t LIBFAT_SECTOR_SHIFT = 9; uint32_t LIBFAT_SECTOR_SIZE = 512; uint32_t LIBFAT_SECTOR_MASK = 511; /* * Wrapper for ReadFile suitable for libfat */ int libfat_readfile(intptr_t pp, void *buf, size_t secsize, libfat_sector_t sector) { LARGE_INTEGER offset; DWORD bytes_read; offset.QuadPart = (LONGLONG) sector * secsize; if (!SetFilePointerEx((HANDLE) pp, offset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) { uprintf("Could not set pointer to position %llu: %s", offset.QuadPart, WindowsErrorString()); return 0; } if (!ReadFile((HANDLE) pp, buf, (DWORD) secsize, &bytes_read, NULL)) { uprintf("Could not read sector %llu: %s", sector, WindowsErrorString()); return 0; } if (bytes_read != secsize) { uprintf("Sector %llu: Read %d bytes instead of %d requested", sector, bytes_read, secsize); return 0; } return (int)secsize; } /* * Extract the ldlinux.sys and ldlinux.bss from resources, * then patch and install them */ BOOL InstallSyslinux(DWORD drive_index, char drive_letter, int fs_type) { const LARGE_INTEGER liZero = { {0, 0} }; HANDLE f_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE d_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD bytes_read, bytes_written, err; S_NTFSSECT_VOLINFO vol_info; LARGE_INTEGER vcn, lba, len; S_NTFSSECT_EXTENT extent; BOOL r = FALSE; FILE* fd; size_t length; static unsigned char* sectbuf = NULL; static char* resource[2][2] = { { MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDR_SL_LDLINUX_V4_SYS), MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDR_SL_LDLINUX_V4_BSS) }, { MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDR_SL_LDLINUX_V6_SYS), MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDR_SL_LDLINUX_V6_BSS) } }; const char* ldlinux = "ldlinux"; const char* syslinux = "syslinux"; const char* ldlinux_ext[3] = { "sys", "bss", "c32" }; const char* mboot_c32 = "mboot.c32"; char path[MAX_PATH], tmp[64]; const char *errmsg; struct libfat_filesystem *fs; libfat_sector_t s, *secp; libfat_sector_t *sectors = NULL; int ldlinux_sectors; uint32_t ldlinux_cluster; int i, nsectors, sl_fs_stype; int bt = (int)ComboBox_GetItemData(hBootType, ComboBox_GetCurSel(hBootType)); BOOL use_v5 = (bt == BT_SYSLINUX_V6) || ((bt == BT_ISO) && (SL_MAJOR(img_report.sl_version) >= 5)); PrintInfoDebug(0, MSG_234, (bt == BT_ISO)?img_report.sl_version_str:embedded_sl_version_str[use_v5?1:0]); /* 4K sector size workaround */ SECTOR_SHIFT = 0; SECTOR_SIZE = SelectedDrive.SectorSize; while (SECTOR_SIZE>>=1) SECTOR_SHIFT++; SECTOR_SIZE = SelectedDrive.SectorSize; LIBFAT_SECTOR_SHIFT = SECTOR_SHIFT; LIBFAT_SECTOR_SIZE = SECTOR_SIZE; LIBFAT_SECTOR_MASK = SECTOR_SIZE - 1; /* sectbuf should be aligned to at least 8 bytes - see github #767 */ sectbuf = _aligned_malloc(SECTOR_SIZE, 16); if (sectbuf == NULL) goto out; /* First, reopen the volume (we already have a lock) */ d_handle = GetLogicalHandle(drive_index, TRUE, FALSE); if ((d_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (d_handle == NULL)) { uprintf("Could open volume for Syslinux installation"); goto out; } /* Make sure we can read the boot sector (NB: Re-open already set us to offset 0) */ if (!ReadFile(d_handle, sectbuf, SECTOR_SIZE, &bytes_read, NULL)) { uprintf("Could not read VBR"); goto out; } if (bytes_read != SECTOR_SIZE) { uprintf("Could not read the whole VBR"); goto out; } if ((errmsg = syslinux_check_bootsect(sectbuf, &sl_fs_stype))) { uprintf("Error: %s", errmsg); goto out; } /* Initialize the ADV -- this should be smarter */ syslinux_reset_adv(syslinux_adv); /* Access a copy of the ldlinux.sys & ldlinux.bss resources (downloaded or embedded) */ if ((syslinux_ldlinux_len[0] != 0) && (syslinux_ldlinux_len[1] != 0)) { IGNORE_RETVAL(_chdirU(app_dir)); for (i=0; i<2; i++) { syslinux_ldlinux[i] = (unsigned char*) malloc(syslinux_ldlinux_len[i]); if (syslinux_ldlinux[i] == NULL) goto out; static_sprintf(path, "%s/%s-%s%s/%s.%s", FILES_DIR, syslinux, img_report.sl_version_str, img_report.sl_version_ext, ldlinux, i==0?"sys":"bss"); fd = fopen(path, "rb"); if (fd == NULL) { uprintf("Could not open %s", path); goto out; } length = fread(syslinux_ldlinux[i], 1, (size_t)syslinux_ldlinux_len[i], fd); fclose(fd); if (length != (size_t)syslinux_ldlinux_len[i]) { uprintf("Could not read %s", path); goto out; } uprintf("Using existing './%s' %s", path, IsBufferInDB(syslinux_ldlinux[i], (size_t)syslinux_ldlinux_len[i])?"✓":"✗"); } } else { for (i=0; i<2; i++) { static_sprintf(tmp, "%s.%s", ldlinux, ldlinux_ext[i]); syslinux_ldlinux[i] = GetResource(hMainInstance, resource[use_v5?1:0][i], _RT_RCDATA, tmp, &syslinux_ldlinux_len[i], TRUE); if (syslinux_ldlinux[i] == NULL) goto out; } } /* Create ldlinux.sys file */ static_sprintf(path, "%C:\\%s.%s", drive_letter, ldlinux, ldlinux_ext[0]); f_handle = CreateFileA(path, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN, NULL); if (f_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { uprintf("Unable to create '%s'", &path[3]); goto out; } /* Write ldlinux.sys file */ if (!WriteFileWithRetry(f_handle, (const char _force *)syslinux_ldlinux[0], syslinux_ldlinux_len[0], &bytes_written, WRITE_RETRIES)) { uprintf("Could not write '%s': %s", &path[3], WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } if (!WriteFileWithRetry(f_handle, syslinux_adv, 2 * ADV_SIZE, &bytes_written, WRITE_RETRIES)) { uprintf("Could not write ADV to '%s': %s", &path[3], WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } uprintf("Successfully wrote '%s'", &path[3]); if (bt != BT_ISO) UpdateProgress(OP_DOS, -1.0f); /* Now flush the media */ if (!FlushFileBuffers(f_handle)) { uprintf("FlushFileBuffers failed"); goto out; } /* Map the file (is there a better way to do this?) */ ldlinux_sectors = (syslinux_ldlinux_len[0] + 2 * ADV_SIZE + SECTOR_SIZE - 1) >> SECTOR_SHIFT; sectors = (libfat_sector_t*) calloc(ldlinux_sectors, sizeof *sectors); if (sectors == NULL) goto out; switch (fs_type) { case FS_NTFS: static_sprintf(tmp, "%C:\\", drive_letter); vol_info.Handle = d_handle; err = NtfsSectGetVolumeInfo(tmp, &vol_info); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { uprintf("Could not fetch NTFS volume info"); goto out; } secp = sectors; nsectors = 0; for (vcn.QuadPart = 0; NtfsSectGetFileVcnExtent(f_handle, &vcn, &extent) == ERROR_SUCCESS; vcn = extent.NextVcn) { err = NtfsSectLcnToLba(&vol_info, &extent.FirstLcn, &lba); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { uprintf("Could not translate LDLINUX.SYS LCN to disk LBA"); goto out; } lba.QuadPart -= vol_info.PartitionLba.QuadPart; len.QuadPart = ((extent.NextVcn.QuadPart - extent.FirstVcn.QuadPart) * vol_info.SectorsPerCluster); while (len.QuadPart-- && nsectors < ldlinux_sectors) { *secp++ = lba.QuadPart++; nsectors++; } } break; case FS_FAT16: case FS_FAT32: case FS_EXFAT: fs = libfat_open(libfat_readfile, (intptr_t) d_handle); if (fs == NULL) { uprintf("Syslinux FAT access error"); goto out; } ldlinux_cluster = libfat_searchdir(fs, 0, "LDLINUX SYS", NULL); secp = sectors; nsectors = 0; s = libfat_clustertosector(fs, ldlinux_cluster); while (s && nsectors < ldlinux_sectors) { *secp++ = s; nsectors++; s = libfat_nextsector(fs, s); } libfat_close(fs); break; default: uprintf("Unsupported Syslinux filesystem"); goto out; } /* Patch ldlinux.sys and the boot sector */ if (syslinux_patch(sectors, nsectors, 0, 0, NULL, NULL) < 0) { uprintf("Could not patch Syslinux files."); uprintf("WARNING: This could be caused by your firewall having modifed downloaded content, such as 'ldlinux.sys'..."); goto out; } /* Rewrite the file */ if (!SetFilePointerEx(f_handle, liZero, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) || !WriteFileWithRetry(f_handle, syslinux_ldlinux[0], syslinux_ldlinux_len[0], &bytes_written, WRITE_RETRIES)) { uprintf("Could not rewrite '%s': %s\n", &path[3], WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } /* Close file */ safe_closehandle(f_handle); /* Read existing FAT data into boot sector */ if (!SetFilePointerEx(d_handle, liZero, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) || !ReadFile(d_handle, sectbuf, SECTOR_SIZE, &bytes_read, NULL)) { uprintf("Could not read Syslinux boot record: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } if (bytes_read < SECTOR_SIZE) { uprintf("Partial read of Syslinux boot record: read %d bytes but requested %d", bytes_read, SECTOR_SIZE); goto out; } /* Make the syslinux boot sector */ syslinux_make_bootsect(sectbuf, (fs_type == FS_NTFS)?NTFS:VFAT); /* Write boot sector back */ if (!SetFilePointerEx(d_handle, liZero, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) || !WriteFileWithRetry(d_handle, sectbuf, SECTOR_SIZE, &bytes_written, WRITE_RETRIES)) { uprintf("Could not write Syslinux boot record: %s", WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } uprintf("Successfully wrote Syslinux boot record"); if (bt == BT_SYSLINUX_V6) { IGNORE_RETVAL(_chdirU(app_dir)); static_sprintf(path, "%s/%s-%s", FILES_DIR, syslinux, embedded_sl_version_str[1]); IGNORE_RETVAL(_chdir(path)); static_sprintf(path, "%C:\\%s.%s", drive_letter, ldlinux, ldlinux_ext[2]); fd = fopen(&path[3], "rb"); if (fd == NULL) { uprintf("Caution: No '%s' was provided. The target will be missing a required Syslinux file!", &path[3]); } else { fclose(fd); if (CopyFileU(&path[3], path, TRUE)) { uprintf("Created '%s' (from '%s/%s-%s/%s') %s", path, FILES_DIR, syslinux, embedded_sl_version_str[1], &path[3], IsFileInDB(&path[3])?"✓":"✗"); } else { uprintf("Failed to create '%s': %s", path, WindowsErrorString()); } } } else if (IS_REACTOS(img_report)) { uprintf("Setting up ReactOS..."); syslinux_mboot = GetResource(hMainInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDR_SL_MBOOT_C32), _RT_RCDATA, "mboot.c32", &syslinux_mboot_len, FALSE); if (syslinux_mboot == NULL) { goto out; } /* Create mboot.c32 file */ static_sprintf(path, "%C:\\%s", drive_letter, mboot_c32); f_handle = CreateFileA(path, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (f_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { uprintf("Unable to create '%s'\n", path); goto out; } if (!WriteFileWithRetry(f_handle, syslinux_mboot, syslinux_mboot_len, &bytes_written, WRITE_RETRIES)) { uprintf("Could not write '%s'", path); goto out; } safe_closehandle(f_handle); static_sprintf(path, "%C:\\syslinux.cfg", drive_letter); fd = fopen(path, "w"); if (fd == NULL) { uprintf("Could not create ReactOS 'syslinux.cfg'"); goto out; } /* Write the syslinux.cfg for ReactOS */ fprintf(fd, "DEFAULT ReactOS\nLABEL ReactOS\n KERNEL %s\n APPEND %s", mboot_c32, img_report.reactos_path); fclose(fd); } if (bt != BT_ISO) UpdateProgress(OP_DOS, -1.0f); r = TRUE; out: if (sectbuf != NULL) _aligned_free(sectbuf); safe_free(syslinux_ldlinux[0]); safe_free(syslinux_ldlinux[1]); safe_free(sectors); safe_closehandle(d_handle); safe_closehandle(f_handle); return r; } uint16_t GetSyslinuxVersion(char* buf, size_t buf_size, char** ext) { size_t i, j, k; char *p; uint16_t version; const char LINUX[] = { 'L', 'I', 'N', 'U', 'X', ' ' }; static char* nullstr = ""; char unauthorized[] = {'<', '>', ':', '|', '*', '?', '\\', '/'}; *ext = nullstr; if (buf_size < 256) return 0; // Start at 64 to avoid the short incomplete version at the beginning of ldlinux.sys for (i=64; i= 4) { p[j] = '/'; p = &p[j]; } for (j=safe_strlen(p)-1; j>0; j--) { // Arch Linux affixes a star for their version - who knows what else is out there... if ((p[j] == ' ') || (p[j] == '*')) p[j] = 0; else break; } // Sanitize the string for (j=1; j