/* * Rufus: The Reliable USB Formatting Utility * Copyright © 2011-2016 Pete Batard * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #if defined(_MSC_VER) // Disable some VS2012 Code Analysis warnings #pragma warning(disable: 4996) // Ignore deprecated (eg. GetVersionEx()), as we have to contend with XP #pragma warning(disable: 28159) // We use GetTickCount64() where possible, but it's not available on XP #pragma warning(disable: 6258) // I know what I'm using TerminateThread for // Burn in HELL Windows XP!!! #ifdef DDKBUILD #if (_WIN32_WINNT < _WIN32_WINNT_VISTA) #error The Windows XP target is no longer supported for WDK compilation. #endif #endif #endif #pragma once /* Program options */ #define RUFUS_DEBUG // print debug info to Debug facility /* Features not ready for prime time and that may *DESTROY* your data - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS! */ // #define RUFUS_TEST #define APPLICATION_NAME "Rufus" #define COMPANY_NAME "Akeo Consulting" #define STR_NO_LABEL "NO_LABEL" // Yes, there exist characters between these seemingly empty quotes! #define LEFT_TO_RIGHT_MARK "‎" #define RIGHT_TO_LEFT_MARK "‏" #define LEFT_TO_RIGHT_EMBEDDING "‪" #define RIGHT_TO_LEFT_EMBEDDING "‫" #define POP_DIRECTIONAL_FORMATTING "‬" #define RIGHT_TO_LEFT_OVERRIDE "‮" #define DRIVE_ACCESS_TIMEOUT 15000 // How long we should retry drive access (in ms) #define DRIVE_ACCESS_RETRIES 60 // How many times we should retry #define DRIVE_INDEX_MIN 0x00000080 #define DRIVE_INDEX_MAX 0x000000C0 #define MIN_DRIVE_SIZE 8 // Minimum size a drive must have, to be formattable (in MB) #define MIN_EXTRA_PART_SIZE (1024*1024) // Minimum size of the extra partition, in bytes #define MAX_DRIVES (DRIVE_INDEX_MAX - DRIVE_INDEX_MIN) #define MAX_TOOLTIPS 128 #define MAX_SIZE_SUFFIXES 6 // bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB #define MAX_CLUSTER_SIZES 18 #define MAX_PROGRESS (0xFFFF-1) // leave room for 1 more for insta-progress workaround #define MAX_LOG_SIZE 0x7FFFFFFE #define MAX_REFRESH 25 // How long we should wait to refresh UI elements (in ms) #define MAX_GUID_STRING_LENGTH 40 #define MAX_GPT_PARTITIONS 128 #define MAX_SECTORS_TO_CLEAR 128 // nb sectors to zap when clearing the MBR/GPT (must be >34) #define MBR_UEFI_MARKER 0x49464555 // 'U', 'E', 'F', 'I', as a 32 bit little endian longword #define STATUS_MSG_TIMEOUT 3500 // How long should cheat mode messages appear for on the status bar #define WRITE_RETRIES 3 #define FS_DEFAULT FS_FAT32 #define SINGLE_CLUSTERSIZE_DEFAULT 0x00000100 #define BADBLOCK_PATTERNS {0xaa, 0x55, 0xff, 0x00} #define LARGE_FAT32_SIZE (32*1073741824LL) // Size at which we need to use fat32format #define UDF_FORMAT_SPEED 3.1f // Speed estimate at which we expect UDF drives to be formatted (GB/s) #define UDF_FORMAT_WARN 20 // Duration (in seconds) above which we warn about long UDF formatting times #define MAX_FAT32_SIZE 2.0f // Threshold above which we disable FAT32 formatting (in TB) #define FAT32_CLUSTER_THRESHOLD 1.011f // For FAT32, cluster size changes don't occur at power of 2 boundaries but sligthly above #define DD_BUFFER_SIZE 65536 // Minimum size of the buffer we use for DD operations #define RUFUS_URL "http://rufus.akeo.ie" #define DOWNLOAD_URL RUFUS_URL "/downloads" #define FILES_URL RUFUS_URL "/files" #define SEVENZIP_URL "http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/files/7-Zip/" #define FILES_DIR "rufus_files" #define IGNORE_RETVAL(expr) do { (void)(expr); } while(0) #ifndef ARRAYSIZE #define ARRAYSIZE(A) (sizeof(A)/sizeof((A)[0])) #endif #ifndef STRINGIFY #define STRINGIFY(x) #x #endif #define IsChecked(CheckBox_ID) (IsDlgButtonChecked(hMainDialog, CheckBox_ID) == BST_CHECKED) #define MB_IS_RTL (right_to_left_mode?MB_RTLREADING|MB_RIGHT:0) #define CHECK_FOR_USER_CANCEL if (IS_ERROR(FormatStatus)) goto out #define safe_free(p) do {free((void*)p); p = NULL;} while(0) #define safe_min(a, b) min((size_t)(a), (size_t)(b)) #define safe_strcp(dst, dst_max, src, count) do {memcpy(dst, src, safe_min(count, dst_max)); \ ((char*)dst)[safe_min(count, dst_max)-1] = 0;} while(0) #define safe_strcpy(dst, dst_max, src) safe_strcp(dst, dst_max, src, safe_strlen(src)+1) #define safe_strncat(dst, dst_max, src, count) strncat(dst, src, safe_min(count, dst_max - safe_strlen(dst) - 1)) #define safe_strcat(dst, dst_max, src) safe_strncat(dst, dst_max, src, safe_strlen(src)+1) #define safe_strcmp(str1, str2) strcmp(((str1==NULL)?"":str1), ((str2==NULL)?"":str2)) #define safe_strstr(str1, str2) strstr(((str1==NULL)?"":str1), ((str2==NULL)?"":str2)) #define safe_stricmp(str1, str2) _stricmp(((str1==NULL)?"":str1), ((str2==NULL)?"":str2)) #define safe_strncmp(str1, str2, count) strncmp(((str1==NULL)?"":str1), ((str2==NULL)?"":str2), count) #define safe_strnicmp(str1, str2, count) _strnicmp(((str1==NULL)?"":str1), ((str2==NULL)?"":str2), count) #define safe_closehandle(h) do {if ((h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (h != NULL)) {CloseHandle(h); h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;}} while(0) #define safe_release_dc(hDlg, hDC) do {if ((hDC != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (hDC != NULL)) {ReleaseDC(hDlg, hDC); hDC = NULL;}} while(0) #define safe_sprintf(dst, count, ...) do {_snprintf(dst, count, __VA_ARGS__); (dst)[(count)-1] = 0; } while(0) #define static_sprintf(dst, ...) safe_sprintf(dst, sizeof(dst), __VA_ARGS__) #define safe_strlen(str) ((((char*)str)==NULL)?0:strlen(str)) #define safe_strdup _strdup #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define safe_vsnprintf(buf, size, format, arg) _vsnprintf_s(buf, size, _TRUNCATE, format, arg) #else #define safe_vsnprintf vsnprintf #endif #ifdef RUFUS_DEBUG extern void _uprintf(const char *format, ...); #define uprintf(...) _uprintf(__VA_ARGS__) #define ubclear() do { ubuffer[0] = 0; } while (0); #define ubpushf(...) static_sprintf(ubuffer, __VA_ARGS__) #define ubpop() uprintf("%s", ubuffer) #define vuprintf(...) if (verbose) _uprintf(__VA_ARGS__) #define vvuprintf(...) if (verbose > 1) _uprintf(__VA_ARGS__) #define suprintf(...) if (!bSilent) _uprintf(__VA_ARGS__) #define uuprintf(...) if (usb_debug) _uprintf(__VA_ARGS__) #ifdef _DEBUG #define duprintf(...) _uprintf(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define duprintf(...) #endif #else #define uprintf(...) #define vuprintf(...) #define vvuprintf(...) #define duprintf(...) #define suprintf(...) #endif /* Custom Windows messages */ enum user_message_type { UM_FORMAT_COMPLETED = WM_APP, UM_MEDIA_CHANGE, UM_PROGRESS_INIT, UM_PROGRESS_EXIT, UM_NO_UPDATE, UM_SET_PARTITION_SCHEME_TOOLTIP, // Start of the WM IDs for the language menu items UM_LANGUAGE_MENU = WM_APP + 0x100 }; /* Custom notifications */ enum notification_type { MSG_INFO, MSG_WARNING, MSG_ERROR, MSG_QUESTION, }; typedef INT_PTR (CALLBACK *Callback_t)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); typedef struct { WORD id; Callback_t callback; } notification_info; // To provide a "More info..." on notifications /* Status Bar sections */ #define SB_SECTION_LEFT 0 #define SB_SECTION_MIDDLE 1 #define SB_SECTION_RIGHT 2 #define SB_TIMER_SECTION_SIZE 58.0f /* Timers used throughout the program */ enum timer_type { TID_MESSAGE_INFO = 0x1000, TID_MESSAGE_STATUS, TID_OUTPUT_INFO, TID_OUTPUT_STATUS, TID_BADBLOCKS_UPDATE, TID_APP_TIMER, TID_BLOCKING_TIMER, TID_REFRESH_TIMER }; /* Action type, for progress bar breakdown */ enum action_type { OP_ANALYZE_MBR, OP_BADBLOCKS, OP_ZERO_MBR, OP_PARTITION, OP_FORMAT, OP_CREATE_FS, OP_FIX_MBR, OP_DOS, OP_FINALIZE, OP_MAX }; /* File system indexes in our FS combobox */ enum fs_type { FS_UNKNOWN = -1, FS_FAT16 = 0, FS_FAT32, FS_NTFS, FS_UDF, FS_EXFAT, FS_REFS, FS_MAX }; enum boot_type { BT_MSDOS = 0, BT_FREEDOS, BT_ISO, BT_IMG, BT_SYSLINUX_V4, // Start of indexes that only display in advanced mode BT_SYSLINUX_V6, BT_REACTOS, BT_GRUB4DOS, BT_GRUB2, BT_UEFI_NTFS, BT_MAX }; enum target_type { TT_BIOS = 0, TT_UEFI, TT_MAX }; // For the partition types we'll use Microsoft's PARTITION_STYLE_### constants #define GETTARGETTYPE(x) (((x)>0)?(((x) >> 16) & 0xFFFF):0) #define GETPARTTYPE(x) (((x)>0)?((x) & 0xFFFF):0); enum checksum_type { CHECKSUM_MD5 = 0, CHECKSUM_SHA1, CHECKSUM_SHA256, CHECKSUM_MAX }; /* Special handling for old .c32 files we need to replace */ #define NB_OLD_C32 2 #define OLD_C32_NAMES { "menu.c32", "vesamenu.c32" } #define OLD_C32_THRESHOLD { 53500, 148000 } /* ISO details that the application may want */ #define WINPE_MININT 0x2A #define WINPE_I386 0x15 #define MAX_WIM_VERSION 0x000E0000 #define HAS_SYSLINUX(r) (r.sl_version != 0) #define HAS_INSTALL_WIM(r) (r.install_wim_path[0] != 0) #define HAS_TOGO(r) (r.has_bootmgr && r.has_efi && HAS_INSTALL_WIM(r) && (r.install_wim_version < MAX_WIM_VERSION)) #define IS_WINPE(r) (((r & WINPE_MININT) == WINPE_MININT)||(( r & WINPE_I386) == WINPE_I386)) #define IS_WIN7_EFI(r) ((r.has_efi == 1) && HAS_INSTALL_WIM(r)) #define IS_REACTOS(r) (r.reactos_path[0] != 0) #define IS_GRUB(r) ((r.has_grub2) || (r.has_grub4dos)) #define IS_FAT(fs) ((fs == FS_FAT16) || (fs == FS_FAT32)) typedef struct { char label[192]; /* 3*64 to account for UTF-8 */ char usb_label[192]; /* converted USB label for workaround */ char cfg_path[128]; /* path to the ISO's isolinux.cfg */ char reactos_path[128]; /* path to the ISO's freeldr.sys or setupldr.sys */ char install_wim_path[64]; /* path to install.wim or install.swm */ uint64_t projected_size; uint32_t install_wim_version; BOOLEAN is_iso; BOOLEAN is_bootable_img; uint8_t winpe; uint8_t has_efi; BOOLEAN has_4GB_file; BOOLEAN has_long_filename; BOOLEAN has_symlinks; BOOLEAN has_bootmgr; BOOLEAN has_autorun; BOOLEAN has_old_c32[NB_OLD_C32]; BOOLEAN has_old_vesamenu; BOOLEAN has_efi_syslinux; BOOLEAN needs_syslinux_overwrite; BOOLEAN has_grub4dos; BOOLEAN has_grub2; BOOLEAN has_kolibrios; BOOLEAN uses_minint; BOOLEAN compression_type; BOOLEAN is_vhd; uint16_t sl_version; // Syslinux/Isolinux version char sl_version_str[12]; char sl_version_ext[32]; char grub2_version[32]; } RUFUS_IMG_REPORT; /* Isolate the Syslinux version numbers */ #define SL_MAJOR(x) ((uint8_t)((x)>>8)) #define SL_MINOR(x) ((uint8_t)(x)) typedef struct { uint16_t version[3]; uint32_t platform_min[2]; // minimum platform version required char* download_url; char* release_notes; } RUFUS_UPDATE; typedef struct { DWORD DeviceNum; char* path; } VHD_SAVE; /* * Structure and macros used for the extensions specification of FileDialog() * You can use: * EXT_DECL(my_extensions, "default.std", __VA_GROUP__("*.std", "*.other"), __VA_GROUP__("Standard type", "Other Type")); * to define an 'ext_t my_extensions' variable initialized with the relevant attributes. */ typedef struct ext_t { const size_t count; const char* filename; const char** extension; const char** description; } ext_t; #ifndef __VA_GROUP__ #define __VA_GROUP__(...) __VA_ARGS__ #endif #define EXT_X(prefix, ...) const char* _##prefix##_x[] = { __VA_ARGS__ } #define EXT_D(prefix, ...) const char* _##prefix##_d[] = { __VA_ARGS__ } #define EXT_DECL(var, filename, extensions, descriptions) \ EXT_X(var, extensions); \ EXT_D(var, descriptions); \ ext_t var = { ARRAYSIZE(_##var##_x), filename, _##var##_x, _##var##_d } /* Duplication of the TBPFLAG enum for Windows 7 taskbar progress */ typedef enum TASKBAR_PROGRESS_FLAGS { TASKBAR_NOPROGRESS = 0, TASKBAR_INDETERMINATE = 0x1, TASKBAR_NORMAL = 0x2, TASKBAR_ERROR = 0x4, TASKBAR_PAUSED = 0x8 } TASKBAR_PROGRESS_FLAGS; /* Windows versions */ enum WindowsVersion { WINDOWS_UNDEFINED = -1, WINDOWS_UNSUPPORTED = 0, WINDOWS_XP = 0x51, WINDOWS_2003 = 0x52, // Also XP x64 WINDOWS_VISTA = 0x60, WINDOWS_7 = 0x61, WINDOWS_8 = 0x62, WINDOWS_8_1 = 0x63, WINDOWS_10_PREVIEW1 = 0x64, WINDOWS_10 = 0xA0, WINDOWS_MAX }; /* * Globals */ extern HINSTANCE hMainInstance; extern HWND hMainDialog, hLogDlg, hStatus, hDeviceList, hCapacity; extern HWND hPartitionScheme, hFileSystem, hClusterSize, hLabel, hBootType, hNBPasses, hLog; extern HWND hInfo, hProgress, hDiskID, hStatusToolbar; extern float fScale; extern char szFolderPath[MAX_PATH], app_dir[MAX_PATH], system_dir[MAX_PATH], sysnative_dir[MAX_PATH]; extern char* image_path; extern DWORD FormatStatus, DownloadStatus, MainThreadId; extern BOOL PromptOnError; extern unsigned long syslinux_ldlinux_len[2]; extern const int nb_steps[FS_MAX]; extern BOOL use_own_c32[NB_OLD_C32], detect_fakes, iso_op_in_progress, format_op_in_progress, right_to_left_mode; extern BOOL allow_dual_uefi_bios, togo_mode; extern RUFUS_IMG_REPORT img_report; extern int64_t iso_blocking_status; extern uint16_t rufus_version[3], embedded_sl_version[2]; extern int nWindowsVersion; extern char WindowsVersionStr[128]; extern char ubuffer[256]; extern char embedded_sl_version_str[2][12]; extern RUFUS_UPDATE update; extern int dialog_showing; extern WORD selected_langid; /* * Shared prototypes */ extern void GetWindowsVersion(void); extern BOOL is_x64(void); extern const char *WindowsErrorString(void); extern void DumpBufferHex(void *buf, size_t size); extern void PrintStatusInfo(BOOL info, BOOL debug, unsigned int duration, int msg_id, ...); #define PrintStatus(...) PrintStatusInfo(FALSE, FALSE, __VA_ARGS__) #define PrintStatusDebug(...) PrintStatusInfo(FALSE, TRUE, __VA_ARGS__) #define PrintInfo(...) PrintStatusInfo(TRUE, FALSE, __VA_ARGS__) #define PrintInfoDebug(...) PrintStatusInfo(TRUE, TRUE, __VA_ARGS__) extern void UpdateProgress(int op, float percent); extern const char* StrError(DWORD error_code, BOOL use_default_locale); extern char* GuidToString(const GUID* guid); extern char* SizeToHumanReadable(uint64_t size, BOOL copy_to_log, BOOL fake_units); extern HWND MyCreateDialog(HINSTANCE hInstance, int Dialog_ID, HWND hWndParent, DLGPROC lpDialogFunc); extern INT_PTR MyDialogBox(HINSTANCE hInstance, int Dialog_ID, HWND hWndParent, DLGPROC lpDialogFunc); extern void CenterDialog(HWND hDlg); extern void ResizeMoveCtrl(HWND hDlg, HWND hCtrl, int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, float scale); extern void CreateStatusBar(void); extern void SetTitleBarIcon(HWND hDlg); extern BOOL CreateTaskbarList(void); extern BOOL SetTaskbarProgressState(TASKBAR_PROGRESS_FLAGS tbpFlags); extern BOOL SetTaskbarProgressValue(ULONGLONG ullCompleted, ULONGLONG ullTotal); extern INT_PTR CreateAboutBox(void); extern BOOL CreateTooltip(HWND hControl, const char* message, int duration); extern void DestroyTooltip(HWND hWnd); extern void DestroyAllTooltips(void); extern BOOL Notification(int type, const notification_info* more_info, char* title, char* format, ...); extern int Selection(char* title, char* message, char* selection1, char* selection2); extern SIZE GetTextSize(HWND hCtrl); extern BOOL ExtractDOS(const char* path); extern BOOL ExtractISO(const char* src_iso, const char* dest_dir, BOOL scan); extern int64_t ExtractISOFile(const char* iso, const char* iso_file, const char* dest_file, DWORD attributes); extern char* MountISO(const char* path); extern void UnMountISO(void); extern BOOL InstallSyslinux(DWORD drive_index, char drive_letter, int fs); extern uint16_t GetSyslinuxVersion(char* buf, size_t buf_size, char** ext); extern BOOL CreateProgress(void); extern BOOL SetAutorun(const char* path); extern char* FileDialog(BOOL save, char* path, const ext_t* ext, DWORD options); extern BOOL FileIO(BOOL save, char* path, char** buffer, DWORD* size); extern unsigned char* GetResource(HMODULE module, char* name, char* type, const char* desc, DWORD* len, BOOL duplicate); extern DWORD GetResourceSize(HMODULE module, char* name, char* type, const char* desc); extern DWORD RunCommand(const char* cmdline, const char* dir, BOOL log); extern BOOL CompareGUID(const GUID *guid1, const GUID *guid2); extern BOOL GetDevices(DWORD devnum); extern BOOL SetLGP(BOOL bRestore, BOOL* bExistingKey, const char* szPath, const char* szPolicy, DWORD dwValue); extern LONG GetEntryWidth(HWND hDropDown, const char* entry); extern DWORD DownloadFile(const char* url, const char* file, HWND hProgressDialog); extern HANDLE DownloadFileThreaded(const char* url, const char* file, HWND hProgressDialog); extern INT_PTR CALLBACK UpdateCallback(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); extern BOOL SetUpdateCheck(void); extern BOOL CheckForUpdates(BOOL force); extern void DownloadNewVersion(void); extern BOOL IsShown(HWND hDlg); extern char* get_token_data_file(const char* token, const char* filename); extern char* set_token_data_file(const char* token, const char* data, const char* filename); extern char* get_token_data_buffer(const char* token, unsigned int n, const char* buffer, size_t buffer_size); extern char* insert_section_data(const char* filename, const char* section, const char* data, BOOL dos2unix); extern char* replace_in_token_data(const char* filename, const char* token, const char* src, const char* rep, BOOL dos2unix); extern char* replace_char(const char* src, const char c, const char* rep); extern void parse_update(char* buf, size_t len); extern uint8_t WimExtractCheck(void); extern BOOL WimExtractFile(const char* wim_image, int index, const char* src, const char* dst); extern BOOL WimApplyImage(const char* image, int index, const char* dst); extern BOOL IsBootableImage(const char* path); extern BOOL AppendVHDFooter(const char* vhd_path); extern int IsHDD(DWORD DriveIndex, uint16_t vid, uint16_t pid, const char* strid); extern LONG ValidateSignature(HWND hDlg, const char* path); extern BOOL IsFontAvailable(const char* font_name); extern BOOL WriteFileWithRetry(HANDLE hFile, LPCVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten, DWORD nNumRetries); extern BOOL SetThreadAffinity(DWORD_PTR* thread_affinity, size_t num_threads); extern BOOL HashFile(const unsigned type, const char* path, uint8_t* sum); extern BOOL HashBuffer(const unsigned type, const unsigned char* buf, const size_t len, uint8_t* sum); extern BOOL IsFileInDB(const char* path); extern BOOL IsBufferInDB(const unsigned char* buf, const size_t len); #define printbits(x) _printbits(sizeof(x), &x, 0) #define printbitslz(x) _printbits(sizeof(x), &x, 1) extern char* _printbits(size_t const size, void const * const ptr, int leading_zeroes); DWORD WINAPI FormatThread(void* param); DWORD WINAPI SaveImageThread(void* param); DWORD WINAPI SumThread(void* param); /* Hash tables */ typedef struct htab_entry { uint32_t used; char* str; void* data; } htab_entry; typedef struct htab_table { htab_entry *table; uint32_t size; uint32_t filled; } htab_table; #define HTAB_EMPTY {NULL, 0, 0} extern BOOL htab_create(uint32_t nel, htab_table* htab); extern void htab_destroy(htab_table* htab); extern uint32_t htab_hash(char* str, htab_table* htab); /* Basic String Array */ typedef struct { char** String; uint32_t Index; // Current array size uint32_t Max; // Maximum array size } StrArray; extern void StrArrayCreate(StrArray* arr, uint32_t initial_size); extern int32_t StrArrayAdd(StrArray* arr, const char* str); extern void StrArrayClear(StrArray* arr); extern void StrArrayDestroy(StrArray* arr); #define IsStrArrayEmpty(arr) (arr.Index == 0) /* * typedefs for the function prototypes. Use the something like: * PF_DECL(FormatEx); * which translates to: * FormatEx_t pfFormatEx = NULL; * in your code, to declare the entrypoint and then use: * PF_INIT(FormatEx, Fmifs); * which translates to: * pfFormatEx = (FormatEx_t) GetProcAddress(GetDLLHandle("fmifs"), "FormatEx"); * to make it accessible. */ #define MAX_LIBRARY_HANDLES 32 extern HMODULE OpenedLibrariesHandle[MAX_LIBRARY_HANDLES]; extern uint16_t OpenedLibrariesHandleSize; #define OPENED_LIBRARIES_VARS HMODULE OpenedLibrariesHandle[MAX_LIBRARY_HANDLES]; uint16_t OpenedLibrariesHandleSize = 0 #define CLOSE_OPENED_LIBRARIES while(OpenedLibrariesHandleSize > 0) FreeLibrary(OpenedLibrariesHandle[--OpenedLibrariesHandleSize]) static __inline HMODULE GetLibraryHandle(char* szLibraryName) { HMODULE h = NULL; if ((h = GetModuleHandleA(szLibraryName)) == NULL) { if (OpenedLibrariesHandleSize >= MAX_LIBRARY_HANDLES) { uprintf("Error: MAX_LIBRARY_HANDLES is too small\n"); } else { h = LoadLibraryA(szLibraryName); if (h != NULL) OpenedLibrariesHandle[OpenedLibrariesHandleSize++] = h; } } return h; } #define PF_TYPE(api, ret, proc, args) typedef ret (api *proc##_t)args #define PF_DECL(proc) static proc##_t pf##proc = NULL #define PF_TYPE_DECL(api, ret, proc, args) PF_TYPE(api, ret, proc, args); PF_DECL(proc) #define PF_INIT(proc, name) if (pf##proc == NULL) pf##proc = \ (proc##_t) GetProcAddress(GetLibraryHandle(#name), #proc) #define PF_INIT_OR_OUT(proc, name) do {PF_INIT(proc, name); \ if (pf##proc == NULL) {uprintf("Unable to locate %s() in %s.dll: %s\n", \ #proc, #name, WindowsErrorString()); goto out;} } while(0) /* Custom application errors */ #define FAC(f) (f<<16) #define APPERR(err) (APPLICATION_ERROR_MASK|err) #define ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_FS 0x1201 #define ERROR_CANT_QUICK_FORMAT 0x1202 #define ERROR_INVALID_CLUSTER_SIZE 0x1203 #define ERROR_INVALID_VOLUME_SIZE 0x1204 #define ERROR_CANT_START_THREAD 0x1205 #define ERROR_BADBLOCKS_FAILURE 0x1206 #define ERROR_ISO_SCAN 0x1207 #define ERROR_ISO_EXTRACT 0x1208 #define ERROR_CANT_REMOUNT_VOLUME 0x1209 #define ERROR_CANT_PATCH 0x120A #define ERROR_CANT_ASSIGN_LETTER 0x120B #define ERROR_CANT_MOUNT_VOLUME 0x120C /* GetTickCount64 not being available on XP is a massive bother */ PF_TYPE(WINAPI, ULONGLONG, GetTickCount64, (void)); extern GetTickCount64_t pfGetTickCount64; #define _GetTickCount64() ((pfGetTickCount64 != NULL)?(uint64_t)pfGetTickCount64():(uint64_t)GetTickCount())