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* Rufus: The Reliable USB Formatting Utility
[net] add Windows retail ISO downloads * This is accomplished through Fido (https://github.com/pbatard/Fido), a *SIGNED* PowerShell script, that is downloaded from GitHub and that resides in memory for the duration of a session. * The reason we use a downloaded PS script, rather than an embedded on, is because: - Microsoft have regularly been changing the deal with regards to how retail ISOs can be downloaded, and not for the better, so we can't simply embed a static means of downloading ISOs and expect that to work forever. - By using an external script, we can immediately respond to whatever new means of *ANNOYING* their legitimate users Microsoft will come up with next, as well as make sure that, the minute a new retail version of Windows becomes available, it also becomes available for download in Rufus. * Note that if you are concerned about downloading a remote PS script that is being run at the same level as an elevated application, you should understand that: - Only scripts downloaded from GitHub, from an account that is protected with 2FA, are allowed to run (i.e. someone would first have to steal a *physical* 2FA key to be in a position to upload a malicious script). - On top of this, only scripts that are signed with a separate private key (RSA + AES-256), that is itself also protected with a strong unique password which only a single person knows (and must manually enter each time they want to make a new version of the script available for download), are allowed to run. The above means that there's about as much chance for someone to manage to upload a malicious script on the GitHub servers, that Rufus would allow to run, as there is for someone to upload a malicious version of Rufus itself. Still, if you are paranoid and have concerns that, even as you can validate from its source that Rufus does not attempt to execute any remote script unless a user actively selected and clicked the DOWNLOAD button, you can also completely disable the remote script download feature, if you just set the update check to disabled (which, by the way, Rufus *EXPLICITLY* asks you to choose whether you want to enable or not, the very first time you run the application). * Also remove _unlinkU() which duplicates what DeleteFileU() already does.
2019-03-02 23:28:56 +00:00
* Copyright © 2011-2019 Pete Batard <pete@akeo.ie>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <windows.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
// Disable some VS Code Analysis warnings
#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // Ignore deprecated
#pragma warning(disable: 28159) // I'll keep using GetVersionEx(), thank you very much!
#pragma warning(disable: 6258) // I know what I'm using TerminateThread for
#pragma once
/* Program options */
#define RUFUS_LOGGING // print info to logging facility
/* Features not ready for prime time and that may *DESTROY* your data - USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS! */
//#define RUFUS_TEST
#define APPLICATION_NAME "Rufus"
#if defined(_M_AMD64)
#define APPLICATION_ARCH "x64"
#elif defined(_M_IX86)
#define APPLICATION_ARCH "x86"
#elif defined(_M_ARM64)
#define APPLICATION_ARCH "Arm64"
#elif defined(_M_ARM)
#define APPLICATION_ARCH "(Unknown Arch)"
#define COMPANY_NAME "Akeo Consulting"
// Yes, there exist characters between these seemingly empty quotes!
#define DRIVE_ACCESS_TIMEOUT 15000 // How long we should retry drive access (in ms)
#define DRIVE_ACCESS_RETRIES 150 // How many times we should retry
#define DRIVE_INDEX_MIN 0x00000080
#define DRIVE_INDEX_MAX 0x000000C0
#define MIN_DRIVE_SIZE 8 // Minimum size a drive must have, to be formattable (in MB)
#define MIN_EXTRA_PART_SIZE (1024*1024) // Minimum size of the extra partition, in bytes
#define MAX_TOOLTIPS 128
#define MAX_SIZE_SUFFIXES 6 // bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB
2012-05-30 23:32:25 +00:00
#define MAX_REFRESH 25 // How long we should wait to refresh UI elements (in ms)
#define MAX_SECTORS_TO_CLEAR 128 // nb sectors to zap when clearing the MBR/GPT (must be >34)
#define MAX_WININST 4 // Max number of install[.wim|.esd] we can handle on an image
#define MBR_UEFI_MARKER 0x49464555 // 'U', 'E', 'F', 'I', as a 32 bit little endian longword
#define STATUS_MSG_TIMEOUT 3500 // How long should cheat mode messages appear for on the status bar
#define WRITE_TIMEOUT 5000 // How long we should wait between write retries (in ms)
#define SEARCH_PROCESS_TIMEOUT 10000 // How long we should search for conflicting processes before giving up (in ms)
#define NET_SESSION_TIMEOUT 3500 // How long we should wait to connect, send or receive internet data
#define MARQUEE_TIMER_REFRESH 10 // Time between progress bar marquee refreshes, in ms
2011-11-24 23:49:42 +00:00
#define BADBLOCK_PATTERN_SLC {0x00, 0xff, 0x55, 0xaa}
#define BADCLOCK_PATTERN_MLC {0x00, 0xff, 0x33, 0xcc}
#define BADBLOCK_PATTERN_TLC {0x00, 0xff, 0x1c71c7, 0xe38e38}
#define BADBLOCK_BLOCK_SIZE (128 * 1024)
#define LARGE_FAT32_SIZE (32*1073741824LL) // Size at which we need to use fat32format
#define UDF_FORMAT_SPEED 3.1f // Speed estimate at which we expect UDF drives to be formatted (GB/s)
#define UDF_FORMAT_WARN 20 // Duration (in seconds) above which we warn about long UDF formatting times
#define MAX_FAT32_SIZE 2.0f // Threshold above which we disable FAT32 formatting (in TB)
#define FAT32_CLUSTER_THRESHOLD 1.011f // For FAT32, cluster size changes don't occur at power of 2 boundaries but sligthly above
#define DD_BUFFER_SIZE 65536 // Minimum size of the buffer we use for DD operations
#define UBUFFER_SIZE 2048
#if defined(RUFUS_TEST)
[net] add Windows retail ISO downloads * This is accomplished through Fido (https://github.com/pbatard/Fido), a *SIGNED* PowerShell script, that is downloaded from GitHub and that resides in memory for the duration of a session. * The reason we use a downloaded PS script, rather than an embedded on, is because: - Microsoft have regularly been changing the deal with regards to how retail ISOs can be downloaded, and not for the better, so we can't simply embed a static means of downloading ISOs and expect that to work forever. - By using an external script, we can immediately respond to whatever new means of *ANNOYING* their legitimate users Microsoft will come up with next, as well as make sure that, the minute a new retail version of Windows becomes available, it also becomes available for download in Rufus. * Note that if you are concerned about downloading a remote PS script that is being run at the same level as an elevated application, you should understand that: - Only scripts downloaded from GitHub, from an account that is protected with 2FA, are allowed to run (i.e. someone would first have to steal a *physical* 2FA key to be in a position to upload a malicious script). - On top of this, only scripts that are signed with a separate private key (RSA + AES-256), that is itself also protected with a strong unique password which only a single person knows (and must manually enter each time they want to make a new version of the script available for download), are allowed to run. The above means that there's about as much chance for someone to manage to upload a malicious script on the GitHub servers, that Rufus would allow to run, as there is for someone to upload a malicious version of Rufus itself. Still, if you are paranoid and have concerns that, even as you can validate from its source that Rufus does not attempt to execute any remote script unless a user actively selected and clicked the DOWNLOAD button, you can also completely disable the remote script download feature, if you just set the update check to disabled (which, by the way, Rufus *EXPLICITLY* asks you to choose whether you want to enable or not, the very first time you run the application). * Also remove _unlinkU() which duplicates what DeleteFileU() already does.
2019-03-02 23:28:56 +00:00
#define RUFUS_URL "http://nano/~rufus"
#define RUFUS_URL "https://rufus.ie"
#define DOWNLOAD_URL RUFUS_URL "/downloads"
#define FILES_URL RUFUS_URL "/files"
#define FIDO_VERSION "v1"
#define SECURE_BOOT_MORE_INFO_URL "https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/wiki/FAQ#Why_do_I_need_to_disable_Secure_Boot_to_use_UEFINTFS"
#define WPPRECORDER_MORE_INFO_URL "https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/wiki/FAQ#BSODs_with_Windows_To_Go_drives_created_from_Windows_10_1809_ISOs"
#define SEVENZIP_URL "https://www.7-zip.org"
#define FILES_DIR "rufus_files"
2011-11-17 01:43:06 +00:00
#define IGNORE_RETVAL(expr) do { (void)(expr); } while(0)
#define ARRAYSIZE(A) (sizeof(A)/sizeof((A)[0]))
#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
#define IsChecked(CheckBox_ID) (IsDlgButtonChecked(hMainDialog, CheckBox_ID) == BST_CHECKED)
#define MB_IS_RTL (right_to_left_mode?MB_RTLREADING|MB_RIGHT:0)
#define CHECK_FOR_USER_CANCEL if (IS_ERROR(FormatStatus)) goto out
// Bit masks used for the display of additional image options in the UI
#define IMOP_WINTOGO 0x01
#define safe_free(p) do {free((void*)p); p = NULL;} while(0)
#define safe_mm_free(p) do {_mm_free((void*)p); p = NULL;} while(0)
#define safe_min(a, b) min((size_t)(a), (size_t)(b))
#define safe_strcp(dst, dst_max, src, count) do {memcpy(dst, src, safe_min(count, dst_max)); \
((char*)dst)[safe_min(count, dst_max)-1] = 0;} while(0)
#define safe_strcpy(dst, dst_max, src) safe_strcp(dst, dst_max, src, safe_strlen(src)+1)
#define static_strcpy(dst, src) safe_strcpy(dst, sizeof(dst), src)
#define safe_strncat(dst, dst_max, src, count) strncat(dst, src, safe_min(count, dst_max - safe_strlen(dst) - 1))
#define safe_strcat(dst, dst_max, src) safe_strncat(dst, dst_max, src, safe_strlen(src)+1)
#define static_strcat(dst, src) safe_strcat(dst, sizeof(dst), src)
#define safe_strcmp(str1, str2) strcmp(((str1==NULL)?"<NULL>":str1), ((str2==NULL)?"<NULL>":str2))
#define safe_strstr(str1, str2) strstr(((str1==NULL)?"<NULL>":str1), ((str2==NULL)?"<NULL>":str2))
#define safe_stricmp(str1, str2) _stricmp(((str1==NULL)?"<NULL>":str1), ((str2==NULL)?"<NULL>":str2))
#define safe_strncmp(str1, str2, count) strncmp(((str1==NULL)?"<NULL>":str1), ((str2==NULL)?"<NULL>":str2), count)
#define safe_strnicmp(str1, str2, count) _strnicmp(((str1==NULL)?"<NULL>":str1), ((str2==NULL)?"<NULL>":str2), count)
#define safe_closehandle(h) do {if ((h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (h != NULL)) {CloseHandle(h); h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;}} while(0)
#define safe_release_dc(hDlg, hDC) do {if ((hDC != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (hDC != NULL)) {ReleaseDC(hDlg, hDC); hDC = NULL;}} while(0)
#define safe_sprintf(dst, count, ...) do {_snprintf(dst, count, __VA_ARGS__); (dst)[(count)-1] = 0; } while(0)
#define static_sprintf(dst, ...) safe_sprintf(dst, sizeof(dst), __VA_ARGS__)
#define safe_strlen(str) ((((char*)str)==NULL)?0:strlen(str))
#define safe_strdup _strdup
2011-11-17 01:43:06 +00:00
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define safe_vsnprintf(buf, size, format, arg) _vsnprintf_s(buf, size, _TRUNCATE, format, arg)
#define safe_vsnprintf vsnprintf
extern void _uprintf(const char *format, ...);
#define uprintf(...) _uprintf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define vuprintf(...) do { if (verbose) _uprintf(__VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
#define vvuprintf(...) do { if (verbose > 1) _uprintf(__VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
#define suprintf(...) do { if (!bSilent) _uprintf(__VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
#define uuprintf(...) do { if (usb_debug) _uprintf(__VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
#define ubprintf(...) do { safe_sprintf(&ubuffer[ubuffer_pos], UBUFFER_SIZE - ubuffer_pos - 2, __VA_ARGS__); \
ubuffer_pos = strlen(ubuffer); ubuffer[ubuffer_pos++] = '\r'; ubuffer[ubuffer_pos++] = '\n'; \
ubuffer[ubuffer_pos] = 0; } while(0)
#define ubflush() do { if (ubuffer_pos) uprintf("%s", ubuffer); ubuffer_pos = 0; } while(0)
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define duprintf(...) _uprintf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define duprintf(...)
#define uprintf(...)
#define vuprintf(...)
#define vvuprintf(...)
#define duprintf(...)
#define suprintf(...)
#define uuprintf(...)
#define duprintf(...)
#define ubprintf(...)
#define ubflush()
#define _uprintf NULL
2011-11-18 01:58:08 +00:00
/* Custom Windows messages */
enum user_message_type {
[net] add Windows retail ISO downloads * This is accomplished through Fido (https://github.com/pbatard/Fido), a *SIGNED* PowerShell script, that is downloaded from GitHub and that resides in memory for the duration of a session. * The reason we use a downloaded PS script, rather than an embedded on, is because: - Microsoft have regularly been changing the deal with regards to how retail ISOs can be downloaded, and not for the better, so we can't simply embed a static means of downloading ISOs and expect that to work forever. - By using an external script, we can immediately respond to whatever new means of *ANNOYING* their legitimate users Microsoft will come up with next, as well as make sure that, the minute a new retail version of Windows becomes available, it also becomes available for download in Rufus. * Note that if you are concerned about downloading a remote PS script that is being run at the same level as an elevated application, you should understand that: - Only scripts downloaded from GitHub, from an account that is protected with 2FA, are allowed to run (i.e. someone would first have to steal a *physical* 2FA key to be in a position to upload a malicious script). - On top of this, only scripts that are signed with a separate private key (RSA + AES-256), that is itself also protected with a strong unique password which only a single person knows (and must manually enter each time they want to make a new version of the script available for download), are allowed to run. The above means that there's about as much chance for someone to manage to upload a malicious script on the GitHub servers, that Rufus would allow to run, as there is for someone to upload a malicious version of Rufus itself. Still, if you are paranoid and have concerns that, even as you can validate from its source that Rufus does not attempt to execute any remote script unless a user actively selected and clicked the DOWNLOAD button, you can also completely disable the remote script download feature, if you just set the update check to disabled (which, by the way, Rufus *EXPLICITLY* asks you to choose whether you want to enable or not, the very first time you run the application). * Also remove _unlinkU() which duplicates what DeleteFileU() already does.
2019-03-02 23:28:56 +00:00
2013-10-24 21:57:34 +00:00
// Start of the WM IDs for the language menu items
/* Custom notifications */
enum notification_type {
typedef struct {
WORD id;
union {
Callback_t callback;
char* url;
} notification_info; // To provide a "More info..." on notifications
/* Status Bar sections */
/* Timers used throughout the program */
enum timer_type {
/* Action type, for progress bar breakdown */
enum action_type {
2011-11-24 23:49:42 +00:00
/* File system indexes in our FS combobox */
enum fs_type {
2011-11-24 23:49:42 +00:00
FS_FAT16 = 0,
2011-11-24 23:49:42 +00:00
enum boot_type {
BT_SYSLINUX_V4, // Start of indexes that only display in advanced mode
enum target_type {
TT_BIOS = 0,
// For the partition types we'll use Microsoft's PARTITION_STYLE_### constants
2017-08-12 14:12:00 +00:00
enum checksum_type {
/* Special handling for old .c32 files we need to replace */
#define NB_OLD_C32 2
#define OLD_C32_NAMES { "menu.c32", "vesamenu.c32" }
#define OLD_C32_THRESHOLD { 53500, 148000 }
/* ISO details that the application may want */
#define WINPE_I386 0x0007
#define WINPE_AMD64 0x0023
#define WINPE_MININT 0x01C0
#define SPECIAL_WIM_VERSION 0x000E0000
#define HAS_KOLIBRIOS(r) (r.has_kolibrios)
#define HAS_REACTOS(r) (r.reactos_path[0] != 0)
#define HAS_GRUB(r) ((r.has_grub2) || (r.has_grub4dos))
#define HAS_SYSLINUX(r) (r.sl_version != 0)
#define HAS_BOOTMGR_BIOS(r) (r.has_bootmgr)
#define HAS_BOOTMGR_EFI(r) (r.has_bootmgr_efi)
#define HAS_WININST(r) (r.wininst_index != 0)
#define HAS_WINPE(r) (((r.winpe & WINPE_I386) == WINPE_I386)||((r.winpe & WINPE_AMD64) == WINPE_AMD64)||((r.winpe & WINPE_MININT) == WINPE_MININT))
#define HAS_WINDOWS(r) (HAS_BOOTMGR(r) || (r.uses_minint) || HAS_WINPE(r))
#define HAS_WIN7_EFI(r) ((r.has_efi == 1) && HAS_WININST(r))
#define HAS_EFI_IMG(r) (r.efi_img_path[0] != 0)
#define IS_DD_BOOTABLE(r) (r.is_bootable_img)
#define IS_EFI_BOOTABLE(r) (r.has_efi != 0)
#define HAS_PERSISTENCE(r) (r.has_casper)
#define IS_FAT(fs) ((fs == FS_FAT16) || (fs == FS_FAT32))
typedef struct {
char label[192]; // 3*64 to account for UTF-8
char usb_label[192]; // converted USB label for workaround
char cfg_path[128]; // path to the ISO's isolinux.cfg
char reactos_path[128]; // path to the ISO's freeldr.sys or setupldr.sys
char wininst_path[MAX_WININST][64]; // path to the Windows install image(s)
char efi_img_path[128]; // path to an efi.img file
uint64_t image_size;
uint64_t projected_size;
int64_t mismatch_size;
uint32_t wininst_version;
BOOLEAN is_iso;
BOOLEAN is_bootable_img;
uint16_t winpe;
uint8_t has_efi;
uint8_t wininst_index;
BOOLEAN has_4GB_file;
BOOLEAN has_long_filename;
BOOLEAN has_symlinks;
BOOLEAN has_bootmgr;
BOOLEAN has_bootmgr_efi;
BOOLEAN has_autorun;
BOOLEAN has_old_c32[NB_OLD_C32];
BOOLEAN has_old_vesamenu;
BOOLEAN has_efi_syslinux;
BOOLEAN needs_syslinux_overwrite;
BOOLEAN has_grub4dos;
BOOLEAN has_grub2;
BOOLEAN has_kolibrios;
BOOLEAN uses_minint;
BOOLEAN compression_type;
BOOLEAN is_vhd;
BOOLEAN has_casper;
uint16_t sl_version; // Syslinux/Isolinux version
char sl_version_str[12];
char sl_version_ext[32];
char grub2_version[32];
/* Isolate the Syslinux version numbers */
#define SL_MAJOR(x) ((uint8_t)((x)>>8))
#define SL_MINOR(x) ((uint8_t)(x))
typedef struct {
uint16_t version[3];
uint32_t platform_min[2]; // minimum platform version required
char* download_url;
char* release_notes;
typedef struct {
DWORD DeviceNum;
DWORD BufSize;
LONGLONG DeviceSize;
char* DevicePath;
char* ImagePath;
char* Label;
* Structure and macros used for the extensions specification of FileDialog()
* You can use:
* EXT_DECL(my_extensions, "default.std", __VA_GROUP__("*.std", "*.other"), __VA_GROUP__("Standard type", "Other Type"));
* to define an 'ext_t my_extensions' variable initialized with the relevant attributes.
typedef struct ext_t {
const size_t count;
const char* filename;
const char** extension;
const char** description;
} ext_t;
#ifndef __VA_GROUP__
#define __VA_GROUP__(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define EXT_X(prefix, ...) const char* _##prefix##_x[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }
#define EXT_D(prefix, ...) const char* _##prefix##_d[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }
#define EXT_DECL(var, filename, extensions, descriptions) \
EXT_X(var, extensions); \
EXT_D(var, descriptions); \
ext_t var = { ARRAYSIZE(_##var##_x), filename, _##var##_x, _##var##_d }
/* Duplication of the TBPFLAG enum for Windows 7 taskbar progress */
/* Windows versions */
enum WindowsVersion {
WINDOWS_XP = 0x51,
WINDOWS_2003 = 0x52, // Also XP_64
WINDOWS_VISTA = 0x60, // Also 2008
WINDOWS_7 = 0x61, // Also 2008_R2
WINDOWS_8 = 0x62, // Also 2012
WINDOWS_8_1 = 0x63, // Also 2012_R2
WINDOWS_10 = 0xA0,
enum CpuArch {
CPU_ARCH_X86_32 = 0,
* Globals
extern RUFUS_UPDATE update;
extern RUFUS_IMG_REPORT img_report;
extern HINSTANCE hMainInstance;
extern HWND hMainDialog, hLogDialog, hStatus, hDeviceList, hCapacity;
extern HWND hPartitionScheme, hTargetSystem, hFileSystem, hClusterSize, hLabel, hBootType, hNBPasses, hLog;
extern HWND hInfo, hProgress, hDiskID;
extern WORD selected_langid;
extern DWORD FormatStatus, DownloadStatus, MainThreadId;
extern BOOL use_own_c32[NB_OLD_C32], detect_fakes, iso_op_in_progress, format_op_in_progress, right_to_left_mode;
extern BOOL allow_dual_uefi_bios, large_drive, usb_debug;
extern int64_t iso_blocking_status;
extern uint8_t image_options;
extern uint16_t rufus_version[3], embedded_sl_version[2];
extern size_t ubuffer_pos;
extern const int nb_steps[FS_MAX];
extern float fScale;
extern int nWindowsVersion, nWindowsBuildNumber, dialog_showing;
extern int fs, bt, pt, tt;
extern unsigned long syslinux_ldlinux_len[2];
extern char WindowsVersionStr[128], ubuffer[UBUFFER_SIZE], embedded_sl_version_str[2][12];
extern char szFolderPath[MAX_PATH], app_dir[MAX_PATH], temp_dir[MAX_PATH], system_dir[MAX_PATH], sysnative_dir[MAX_PATH];
extern char *image_path, *fido_url;
* Shared prototypes
extern uint8_t popcnt8(uint8_t val);
extern void GetWindowsVersion(void);
extern BOOL is_x64(void);
extern BOOL GetCpuArch(void);
extern const char *WindowsErrorString(void);
extern void DumpBufferHex(void *buf, size_t size);
extern void PrintStatusInfo(BOOL info, BOOL debug, unsigned int duration, int msg_id, ...);
#define PrintStatus(...) PrintStatusInfo(FALSE, FALSE, __VA_ARGS__)
#define PrintStatusDebug(...) PrintStatusInfo(FALSE, TRUE, __VA_ARGS__)
#define PrintInfo(...) PrintStatusInfo(TRUE, FALSE, __VA_ARGS__)
#define PrintInfoDebug(...) PrintStatusInfo(TRUE, TRUE, __VA_ARGS__)
extern void UpdateProgress(int op, float percent);
extern const char* StrError(DWORD error_code, BOOL use_default_locale);
extern char* GuidToString(const GUID* guid);
extern char* SizeToHumanReadable(uint64_t size, BOOL copy_to_log, BOOL fake_units);
extern char* TimestampToHumanReadable(uint64_t ts);
extern HWND MyCreateDialog(HINSTANCE hInstance, int Dialog_ID, HWND hWndParent, DLGPROC lpDialogFunc);
extern INT_PTR MyDialogBox(HINSTANCE hInstance, int Dialog_ID, HWND hWndParent, DLGPROC lpDialogFunc);
extern void CenterDialog(HWND hDlg, HWND hParent);
extern void ResizeMoveCtrl(HWND hDlg, HWND hCtrl, int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, float scale);
extern void ResizeButtonHeight(HWND hDlg, int id);
extern void CreateStatusBar(void);
extern void CreateStaticFont(HDC hDC, HFONT* hFont, BOOL underlined);
extern void SetTitleBarIcon(HWND hDlg);
extern BOOL CreateTaskbarList(void);
extern BOOL SetTaskbarProgressState(TASKBAR_PROGRESS_FLAGS tbpFlags);
extern BOOL SetTaskbarProgressValue(ULONGLONG ullCompleted, ULONGLONG ullTotal);
extern INT_PTR CreateAboutBox(void);
extern BOOL CreateTooltip(HWND hControl, const char* message, int duration);
extern void DestroyTooltip(HWND hWnd);
extern void DestroyAllTooltips(void);
extern BOOL Notification(int type, const char* dont_display_setting, const notification_info* more_info, char* title, char* format, ...);
extern int SelectionDialog(char* title, char* message, char** choices, int size);
extern void ListDialog(char* title, char* message, char** items, int size);
extern SIZE GetTextSize(HWND hCtrl, char* txt);
[net] add Windows retail ISO downloads * This is accomplished through Fido (https://github.com/pbatard/Fido), a *SIGNED* PowerShell script, that is downloaded from GitHub and that resides in memory for the duration of a session. * The reason we use a downloaded PS script, rather than an embedded on, is because: - Microsoft have regularly been changing the deal with regards to how retail ISOs can be downloaded, and not for the better, so we can't simply embed a static means of downloading ISOs and expect that to work forever. - By using an external script, we can immediately respond to whatever new means of *ANNOYING* their legitimate users Microsoft will come up with next, as well as make sure that, the minute a new retail version of Windows becomes available, it also becomes available for download in Rufus. * Note that if you are concerned about downloading a remote PS script that is being run at the same level as an elevated application, you should understand that: - Only scripts downloaded from GitHub, from an account that is protected with 2FA, are allowed to run (i.e. someone would first have to steal a *physical* 2FA key to be in a position to upload a malicious script). - On top of this, only scripts that are signed with a separate private key (RSA + AES-256), that is itself also protected with a strong unique password which only a single person knows (and must manually enter each time they want to make a new version of the script available for download), are allowed to run. The above means that there's about as much chance for someone to manage to upload a malicious script on the GitHub servers, that Rufus would allow to run, as there is for someone to upload a malicious version of Rufus itself. Still, if you are paranoid and have concerns that, even as you can validate from its source that Rufus does not attempt to execute any remote script unless a user actively selected and clicked the DOWNLOAD button, you can also completely disable the remote script download feature, if you just set the update check to disabled (which, by the way, Rufus *EXPLICITLY* asks you to choose whether you want to enable or not, the very first time you run the application). * Also remove _unlinkU() which duplicates what DeleteFileU() already does.
2019-03-02 23:28:56 +00:00
extern BOOL ExtractAppIcon(const char* filename, BOOL bSilent);
extern BOOL ExtractDOS(const char* path);
extern BOOL ExtractISO(const char* src_iso, const char* dest_dir, BOOL scan);
extern int64_t ExtractISOFile(const char* iso, const char* iso_file, const char* dest_file, DWORD attributes);
extern BOOL ExtractEfiImgFiles(const char* dir);
extern char* MountISO(const char* path);
extern void UnMountISO(void);
extern BOOL InstallSyslinux(DWORD drive_index, char drive_letter, int fs);
extern uint16_t GetSyslinuxVersion(char* buf, size_t buf_size, char** ext);
extern BOOL CreateProgress(void);
extern BOOL SetAutorun(const char* path);
extern char* FileDialog(BOOL save, char* path, const ext_t* ext, DWORD options);
2012-05-30 23:32:25 +00:00
extern BOOL FileIO(BOOL save, char* path, char** buffer, DWORD* size);
extern unsigned char* GetResource(HMODULE module, char* name, char* type, const char* desc, DWORD* len, BOOL duplicate);
extern DWORD GetResourceSize(HMODULE module, char* name, char* type, const char* desc);
extern DWORD RunCommand(const char* cmdline, const char* dir, BOOL log);
extern BOOL CompareGUID(const GUID *guid1, const GUID *guid2);
extern BOOL GetDevices(DWORD devnum);
extern BOOL ResetDevice(int index);
extern BOOL GetOpticalMedia(IMG_SAVE* img_save);
extern BOOL SetLGP(BOOL bRestore, BOOL* bExistingKey, const char* szPath, const char* szPolicy, DWORD dwValue);
extern LONG GetEntryWidth(HWND hDropDown, const char* entry);
extern uint64_t DownloadToFileOrBuffer(const char* url, const char* file, BYTE** buffer, HWND hProgressDialog, BOOL bTaskBarProgress);
extern DWORD DownloadSignedFile(const char* url, const char* file, HWND hProgressDialog, BOOL PromptOnError);
extern HANDLE DownloadSignedFileThreaded(const char* url, const char* file, HWND hProgressDialog, BOOL bPromptOnError);
extern INT_PTR CALLBACK UpdateCallback(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
extern BOOL SetUpdateCheck(void);
extern BOOL CheckForUpdates(BOOL force);
extern void DownloadNewVersion(void);
[net] add Windows retail ISO downloads * This is accomplished through Fido (https://github.com/pbatard/Fido), a *SIGNED* PowerShell script, that is downloaded from GitHub and that resides in memory for the duration of a session. * The reason we use a downloaded PS script, rather than an embedded on, is because: - Microsoft have regularly been changing the deal with regards to how retail ISOs can be downloaded, and not for the better, so we can't simply embed a static means of downloading ISOs and expect that to work forever. - By using an external script, we can immediately respond to whatever new means of *ANNOYING* their legitimate users Microsoft will come up with next, as well as make sure that, the minute a new retail version of Windows becomes available, it also becomes available for download in Rufus. * Note that if you are concerned about downloading a remote PS script that is being run at the same level as an elevated application, you should understand that: - Only scripts downloaded from GitHub, from an account that is protected with 2FA, are allowed to run (i.e. someone would first have to steal a *physical* 2FA key to be in a position to upload a malicious script). - On top of this, only scripts that are signed with a separate private key (RSA + AES-256), that is itself also protected with a strong unique password which only a single person knows (and must manually enter each time they want to make a new version of the script available for download), are allowed to run. The above means that there's about as much chance for someone to manage to upload a malicious script on the GitHub servers, that Rufus would allow to run, as there is for someone to upload a malicious version of Rufus itself. Still, if you are paranoid and have concerns that, even as you can validate from its source that Rufus does not attempt to execute any remote script unless a user actively selected and clicked the DOWNLOAD button, you can also completely disable the remote script download feature, if you just set the update check to disabled (which, by the way, Rufus *EXPLICITLY* asks you to choose whether you want to enable or not, the very first time you run the application). * Also remove _unlinkU() which duplicates what DeleteFileU() already does.
2019-03-02 23:28:56 +00:00
extern BOOL DownloadISO(void);
extern BOOL IsDownloadable(const char* url);
extern const char* ResolveRedirect(const char* url);
extern BOOL IsShown(HWND hDlg);
extern char* get_token_data_file_indexed(const char* token, const char* filename, int index);
#define get_token_data_file(token, filename) get_token_data_file_indexed(token, filename, 1)
extern char* set_token_data_file(const char* token, const char* data, const char* filename);
extern char* get_token_data_buffer(const char* token, unsigned int n, const char* buffer, size_t buffer_size);
extern char* insert_section_data(const char* filename, const char* section, const char* data, BOOL dos2unix);
extern char* replace_in_token_data(const char* filename, const char* token, const char* src, const char* rep, BOOL dos2unix);
extern char* replace_char(const char* src, const char c, const char* rep);
extern void parse_update(char* buf, size_t len);
extern void* get_data_from_asn1(const uint8_t* buf, size_t buf_len, const char* oid_str, uint8_t asn1_type, size_t* data_len);
extern uint8_t WimExtractCheck(void);
extern BOOL WimExtractFile(const char* wim_image, int index, const char* src, const char* dst);
extern BOOL WimExtractFile_API(const char* image, int index, const char* src, const char* dst);
extern BOOL WimExtractFile_7z(const char* image, int index, const char* src, const char* dst);
extern BOOL WimApplyImage(const char* image, int index, const char* dst);
extern BOOL IsBootableImage(const char* path);
extern BOOL AppendVHDFooter(const char* vhd_path);
extern int SetWinToGoIndex(void);
extern int IsHDD(DWORD DriveIndex, uint16_t vid, uint16_t pid, const char* strid);
extern char* GetSignatureName(const char* path, const char* country_code);
extern uint64_t GetSignatureTimeStamp(const char* path);
extern LONG ValidateSignature(HWND hDlg, const char* path);
extern BOOL ValidateOpensslSignature(BYTE* pbBuffer, DWORD dwBufferLen, BYTE* pbSignature, DWORD dwSigLen);
extern BOOL IsFontAvailable(const char* font_name);
extern BOOL WriteFileWithRetry(HANDLE hFile, LPCVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten, DWORD nNumRetries);
extern BOOL SetThreadAffinity(DWORD_PTR* thread_affinity, size_t num_threads);
extern BOOL HashFile(const unsigned type, const char* path, uint8_t* sum);
extern BOOL HashBuffer(const unsigned type, const unsigned char* buf, const size_t len, uint8_t* sum);
extern BOOL IsFileInDB(const char* path);
extern BOOL IsBufferInDB(const unsigned char* buf, const size_t len);
#define printbits(x) _printbits(sizeof(x), &x, 0)
#define printbitslz(x) _printbits(sizeof(x), &x, 1)
extern char* _printbits(size_t const size, void const * const ptr, int leading_zeroes);
extern BOOL IsCurrentProcessElevated(void);
extern char* GetCurrentMUI(void);
extern void SetAlertPromptMessages(void);
extern BOOL SetAlertPromptHook(void);
extern void ClrAlertPromptHook(void);
extern BYTE SearchProcess(char* HandleName, DWORD dwTimeout, BOOL bPartialMatch, BOOL bIgnoreSelf, BOOL bQuiet);
extern BOOL EnablePrivileges(void);
extern void FlashTaskbar(HANDLE handle);
extern DWORD WaitForSingleObjectWithMessages(HANDLE hHandle, DWORD dwMilliseconds);
extern HICON CreateMirroredIcon(HICON hiconOrg);
#define GetTextWidth(hDlg, id) GetTextSize(GetDlgItem(hDlg, id), NULL).cx
DWORD WINAPI FormatThread(void* param);
DWORD WINAPI SaveImageThread(void* param);
DWORD WINAPI SumThread(void* param);
/* Hash tables */
typedef struct htab_entry {
uint32_t used;
char* str;
void* data;
} htab_entry;
typedef struct htab_table {
htab_entry *table;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t filled;
} htab_table;
#define HTAB_EMPTY {NULL, 0, 0}
extern BOOL htab_create(uint32_t nel, htab_table* htab);
extern void htab_destroy(htab_table* htab);
extern uint32_t htab_hash(char* str, htab_table* htab);
/* Basic String Array */
typedef struct {
char** String;
uint32_t Index; // Current array size
uint32_t Max; // Maximum array size
} StrArray;
extern void StrArrayCreate(StrArray* arr, uint32_t initial_size);
extern int32_t StrArrayAdd(StrArray* arr, const char* str, BOOL );
extern int32_t StrArrayFind(StrArray* arr, const char* str);
extern void StrArrayClear(StrArray* arr);
extern void StrArrayDestroy(StrArray* arr);
#define IsStrArrayEmpty(arr) (arr.Index == 0)
* typedefs for the function prototypes. Use the something like:
* PF_DECL(FormatEx);
* which translates to:
* FormatEx_t pfFormatEx = NULL;
* in your code, to declare the entrypoint and then use:
* PF_INIT(FormatEx, Fmifs);
* which translates to:
* pfFormatEx = (FormatEx_t) GetProcAddress(GetDLLHandle("fmifs"), "FormatEx");
* to make it accessible.
extern HMODULE OpenedLibrariesHandle[MAX_LIBRARY_HANDLES];
extern uint16_t OpenedLibrariesHandleSize;
#define OPENED_LIBRARIES_VARS HMODULE OpenedLibrariesHandle[MAX_LIBRARY_HANDLES]; uint16_t OpenedLibrariesHandleSize = 0
#define CLOSE_OPENED_LIBRARIES while(OpenedLibrariesHandleSize > 0) FreeLibrary(OpenedLibrariesHandle[--OpenedLibrariesHandleSize])
static __inline HMODULE GetLibraryHandle(char* szLibraryName) {
if ((h = GetModuleHandleA(szLibraryName)) == NULL) {
if (OpenedLibrariesHandleSize >= MAX_LIBRARY_HANDLES) {
uprintf("Error: MAX_LIBRARY_HANDLES is too small\n");
} else {
h = LoadLibraryA(szLibraryName);
if (h != NULL)
OpenedLibrariesHandle[OpenedLibrariesHandleSize++] = h;
return h;
#define PF_TYPE(api, ret, proc, args) typedef ret (api *proc##_t)args
#define PF_DECL(proc) static proc##_t pf##proc = NULL
#define PF_TYPE_DECL(api, ret, proc, args) PF_TYPE(api, ret, proc, args); PF_DECL(proc)
#define PF_INIT(proc, name) if (pf##proc == NULL) pf##proc = \
(proc##_t) GetProcAddress(GetLibraryHandle(#name), #proc)
#define PF_INIT_OR_OUT(proc, name) do {PF_INIT(proc, name); \
if (pf##proc == NULL) {uprintf("Unable to locate %s() in %s.dll: %s\n", \
#proc, #name, WindowsErrorString()); goto out;} } while(0)
/* Custom application errors */
#define FAC(f) (f<<16)
#define ERROR_ISO_SCAN 0x1207
#define ERROR_ISO_EXTRACT 0x1208
#define ERROR_CANT_PATCH 0x120A