178 lines
7.3 KiB
178 lines
7.3 KiB
const logger = require("./logger.js");
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const fs = require("fs");
const format = require("format-duration");
const { Manager } = require("lavacord");
let nodes;
exports.players = new Map();
exports.queues = new Map();
exports.skipVotes = new Map();
exports.status = false;
exports.connected = false;
exports.checkStatus = async () => {
const json = await fs.promises.readFile("./servers.json", { encoding: "utf8" });
nodes = JSON.parse(json).lava;
const newNodes = [];
for (const node of nodes) {
try {
const response = await fetch(`http://${node.host}:${node.port}/version`, { headers: { Authorization: node.password } }).then(res => res.text());
if (response) newNodes.push(node);
} catch {
logger.error(`Failed to get status of Lavalink node ${node.host}.`);
nodes = newNodes;
this.status = newNodes.length === 0 ? true : false;
return this.status;
exports.connect = async (client) => {
this.manager = new Manager(nodes, {
user: client.user.id,
shards: client.shards.size || 1,
send: (packet) => {
const guild = client.guilds.get(packet.d.guild_id);
if (!guild) return;
return guild.shard.sendWS(packet.op, packet.d);
const { length } = await this.manager.connect();
logger.log(`Successfully connected to ${length} Lavalink node(s).`);
exports.connected = true;
this.manager.on("error", (error, node) => {
logger.error(`An error occurred on Lavalink node ${node}: ${error}`);
return length;
exports.play = async (client, sound, message, music = false) => {
if (!this.manager) return "The sound commands are still starting up!";
if (!message.channel.guild) return "This command only works in servers!";
if (!message.member.voiceState.channelID) return "You need to be in a voice channel first!";
if (!message.channel.permissionsOf(client.user.id).has("voiceConnect")) return "I can't join this voice channel!";
const voiceChannel = message.channel.guild.channels.get(message.member.voiceState.channelID);
if (!voiceChannel.permissionsOf(client.user.id).has("voiceConnect")) return "I don't have permission to join this voice channel!";
const player = this.players.get(message.channel.guild.id);
if (!music && this.manager.voiceStates.has(message.channel.guild.id) && (player && player.type === "music")) return "I can't play a sound effect while playing music!";
const node = this.manager.idealNodes[0];
if (!music && !nodes.filter(obj => obj.host === node.host)[0].local) {
sound = sound.replace(/\.\//, "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/esmBot/esmBot/master/");
const { tracks } = await fetch(`http://${node.host}:${node.port}/loadtracks?identifier=${sound}`, { headers: { Authorization: node.password } }).then(res => res.json());
const oldQueue = this.queues.get(voiceChannel.guild.id);
if (!tracks || tracks.length === 0) return "I couldn't find that song!";
if (music) {
this.queues.set(voiceChannel.guild.id, oldQueue ? [...oldQueue, tracks[0].track] : [tracks[0].track]);
let connection;
if (player) {
connection = player.player;
} else {
connection = await this.manager.join({
guild: voiceChannel.guild.id,
channel: voiceChannel.id,
node: node.id
if (oldQueue && music) {
return `Your tune \`${tracks[0].info.title}\` has been added to the queue!`;
} else {
this.nextSong(client, message, connection, tracks[0].track, tracks[0].info, music, voiceChannel, player ? player.loop : false);
exports.nextSong = async (client, message, connection, track, info, music, voiceChannel, loop = false, inQueue = false, lastTrack = null) => {
const parts = Math.floor((0 / info.length) * 10);
let playingMessage;
if (!music && this.players.get(voiceChannel.guild.id)) {
const playMessage = this.players.get(voiceChannel.guild.id).playMessage;
if (playMessage.channel.messages.get(playMessage.id)) playMessage.delete();
if (lastTrack === track) {
playingMessage = this.players.get(voiceChannel.guild.id).playMessage;
} else {
playingMessage = await client.createMessage(message.channel.id, !music ? "🔊 Playing sound..." : {
"embed": {
"color": 16711680,
"author": {
"name": "Now Playing",
"icon_url": client.user.avatarURL
"fields": [{
"name": "ℹ️ Title:",
"value": info.title
"name": "🎤 Artist:",
"value": info.author
"name": "💬 Channel:",
"value": voiceChannel.name
"name": `${"▬".repeat(parts)}🔘${"▬".repeat(10 - parts)}`,
"value": `0:00/${info.isStream ? "∞" : format(info.length)}`
await connection.play(track);
this.players.set(voiceChannel.guild.id, { player: connection, type: music ? "music" : "sound", host: message.author.id, voiceChannel: voiceChannel, originalChannel: message.channel, loop: loop, playMessage: playingMessage });
if (inQueue && connection.listeners("error").length === 0) {
connection.on("error", (error) => {
if (playingMessage.channel.messages.get(playingMessage.id)) playingMessage.delete();
const playMessage = this.players.get(voiceChannel.guild.id).playMessage;
if (playMessage.channel.messages.get(playMessage.id)) playMessage.delete();
if (connection.listeners("end").length === 0) {
connection.on("end", async (data) => {
if (data.reason === "REPLACED") return;
const queue = this.queues.get(voiceChannel.guild.id);
const player = this.players.get(voiceChannel.guild.id);
let newQueue;
if (player.loop) {
newQueue = queue;
} else {
newQueue = queue ? queue.slice(1) : [];
this.queues.set(voiceChannel.guild.id, newQueue);
if (newQueue.length === 0) {
if (music) await client.createMessage(message.channel.id, "🔊 The current voice channel session has ended.");
try {
if (playingMessage.channel.messages.get(playingMessage.id)) await playingMessage.delete();
if (player.playMessage.channel.messages.get(player.playMessage.id)) await player.playMessage.delete();
} catch {
// no-op
} else {
const newTrack = await fetch(`http://${connection.node.host}:${connection.node.port}/decodetrack?track=${encodeURIComponent(newQueue[0])}`, { headers: { Authorization: connection.node.password } }).then(res => res.json());
this.nextSong(client, message, connection, newQueue[0], newTrack, music, voiceChannel, player.loop, true, track);
try {
if (newQueue[0] !== track && playingMessage.channel.messages.get(playingMessage.id)) await playingMessage.delete();
if (newQueue[0] !== track && player.playMessage.channel.messages.get(player.playMessage.id)) await player.playMessage.delete();
} catch {
// no-op
}; |