
137 lines
5.4 KiB

const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const { getType } = require("./image.js");
const execPromise = require("util").promisify(require("child_process").exec);
const tenorURLs = [
const giphyURLs = [
const giphyMediaURLs = [ // there could be more of these
const imgurURLs = [
const gfycatURLs = [
const imageFormats = ["image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/webp", "image/gif"];
const videoFormats = ["video/mp4", "video/webm", "video/mov"];
// gets the proper image paths
const getImage = async (image, image2, video, gifv = false) => {
try {
const payload = {
url: image2,
path: image
if (gifv) {
const host = new URL(image2).host;
if (tenorURLs.includes(host)) {
// Tenor doesn't let us access a raw GIF without going through their API,
// so we use that if there's a key in the config and fall back to using the MP4 if there isn't
// Note that MP4 conversion requires an ImageMagick build that supports MPEG decoding
if (process.env.TENOR !== "") {
const data = await fetch(`${image2.split("-").pop()}&key=${process.env.TENOR}`);
const json = await data.json();
payload.path = json.results[0].media[0].gif.url;
} else {
const delay = (await execPromise(`ffprobe -v 0 -of csv=p=0 -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=r_frame_rate ${image}`)).stdout.replace("\n", "");
payload.delay = (100 / delay.split("/")[0]) * delay.split("/")[1];
} else if (giphyURLs.includes(host)) {
// Can result in an HTML page instead of a GIF
payload.path = `${image2.split("-").pop()}/giphy.gif`;
} else if (giphyMediaURLs.includes(host)) {
payload.path = `${image2.split("/")[4]}/giphy.gif`;
} else if (imgurURLs.includes(host)) {
// Seems that Tenor has a possibility of making GIFs static
payload.path = image.replace(".mp4", ".gif");
} else if (gfycatURLs.includes(host)) {
// iirc Gfycat also seems to sometimes make GIFs static
payload.path = `${image.split("/").pop().split(".mp4")[0]}-size_restricted.gif`;
payload.type = "image/gif";
} else if (video) {
payload.type = await getType(payload.path);
if (!payload.type || (!videoFormats.includes(payload.type) && !imageFormats.includes(payload.type))) return;
} else {
payload.type = await getType(payload.path);
if (!payload.type || !imageFormats.includes(payload.type)) return;
return payload;
} catch (error) {
if ( === "AbortError") {
throw Error("Timed out");
} else {
throw error;
const checkImages = async (message, video) => {
let type;
// first check the embeds
if (message.embeds.length !== 0) {
// embeds can vary in types, we check for tenor gifs first
if (message.embeds[0].type === "gifv") {
type = await getImage(message.embeds[0].video.url, message.embeds[0].url, video, true);
// then we check for other image types
} else if ((message.embeds[0].type === "video" || message.embeds[0].type === "image") && message.embeds[0].thumbnail) {
type = await getImage(message.embeds[0].thumbnail.proxy_url, message.embeds[0].thumbnail.url, video);
// finally we check both possible image fields for "generic" embeds
} else if (message.embeds[0].type === "rich") {
if (message.embeds[0].thumbnail) {
type = await getImage(message.embeds[0].thumbnail.proxy_url, message.embeds[0].thumbnail.url, video);
} else if (message.embeds[0].image) {
type = await getImage(message.embeds[0].image.proxy_url, message.embeds[0].image.url, video);
// then check the attachments
} else if (message.attachments.length !== 0 && message.attachments[0].width) {
type = await getImage(message.attachments[0].proxy_url, message.attachments[0].url, video);
// if the file is an image then return it
return type ? type : false;
// this checks for the latest message containing an image and returns the url of the image
module.exports = async (client, cmdMessage, video = false) => {
// we start by checking if the message is a reply to another message
if (cmdMessage.messageReference) {
const replyMessage = await client.getMessage(cmdMessage.messageReference.channelID, cmdMessage.messageReference.messageID).catch(() => undefined);
if (replyMessage) {
const replyResult = await checkImages(replyMessage, video);
if (replyResult !== false) return replyResult;
// then we check the current message
const result = await checkImages(cmdMessage, video);
if (result !== false) return result;
// if there aren't any replies then iterate over the last few messages in the channel
const messages = await client.getMessages(;
// iterate over each message
for (const message of messages) {
const result = await checkImages(message, video);
if (result === false) {
} else {
return result;