184 lines
6.1 KiB
184 lines
6.1 KiB
// code originally provided by tzlil
const os = require("os");
const { Worker, isMainThread, parentPort } = require("worker_threads");
const magick = require("../utils/image.js");
const execPromise = require("util").promisify(require("child_process").exec);
const net = require("net");
const dgram = require("dgram"); // for UDP servers
const socket = dgram.createSocket("udp4"); // Our universal UDP socket, this might cause issues and we may have to use a seperate socket for each connection
const start = process.hrtime();
const log = (msg, thread) => {
console.log(`[${process.hrtime(start)[1] / 1000000}${(thread)?`:${thread}`:""}]\t ${msg}`);
const jobs = {};
// Should look like UUID : { addr : "someaddr", port: someport msg: "request" }
const queue = [];
// Array of UUIDs
if (isMainThread) {
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid");
let cpuLoad = 0;
const getAverage = () => {
const cpus = os.cpus();
let idle = 0;
let tick = 0;
for (const cpu of cpus) {
for (const type in cpu.times) {
tick += cpu.times[type];
idle += cpu.times.idle;
return {
idle: idle / cpus.length,
tick: tick / cpus.length
let measure = getAverage();
setInterval(() => {
const newMeasure = getAverage();
const idleDiff = newMeasure.idle - measure.idle;
const tickDiff = newMeasure.tick - measure.tick;
cpuLoad = 100 - ~~(100 * idleDiff / tickDiff);
measure = newMeasure;
}, 5000);
const MAX_WORKERS = process.env.WORKERS === "" ? parseInt(process.env.WORKERS) : os.cpus().length * 4; // Completely arbitrary, should usually be some multiple of your amount of cores
let workingWorkers = 0;
const acceptJob = (uuid) => {
const worker = new Worker(__filename);
log(`Spawned worker ${uuid}`);
worker.once("message", (uuid) => {
// This means the worker is finished
if (queue.length > 0) {
acceptJob(queue[0]); // Get the next job UUID in queue and remove it from the original queue
delete jobs[uuid];
worker.once("error", err => {
console.error(`Error on worker ${uuid}:`, err);
socket.send(Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([0x2]), Buffer.from(uuid), Buffer.from(err.toString())]), jobs[uuid].port, jobs[uuid].addr);
worker.once("exit", (code) => {
if (queue.length > 0) {
delete jobs[uuid];
if (code === 0) {
log(`Worker ${uuid} successfully exited`);
} else {
console.error(`Worker ${uuid} stopped with exit code ${code}`);
uuid: uuid,
msg: jobs[uuid].msg,
addr: jobs[uuid].addr,
port: jobs[uuid].port,
threadNum: workingWorkers
const server = dgram.createSocket("udp4"); //Create a UDP server for listening to requests, we dont need tcp
server.on("message", (msg, rinfo) => {
const opcode = msg.readUint8(0);
const req = msg.toString().slice(1,msg.length);
// 0x0 == Cancel job
// 0x1 == Queue job
// 0x2 == Get CPU usage
if (opcode == 0x0) {
delete jobs[req];
} else if (opcode == 0x1) {
const job = { addr: rinfo.address, port: rinfo.port, msg: req };
const uuid = uuidv4();
jobs[uuid] = job;
if (workingWorkers < MAX_WORKERS) {
log(`Got request for job ${job.msg} with id ${uuid}`, job.threadNum);
} else {
log(`Got request for job ${job.msg} with id ${uuid}, queued in position ${queue.indexOf(uuid) - 1}`, job.threadNum);
const newBuffer = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([0x0]), Buffer.from(uuid)]);
socket.send(newBuffer, rinfo.port, rinfo.address);
} else if (opcode == 0x2) {
socket.send(Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([0x3]), Buffer.from(cpuLoad.toString())]), rinfo.port, rinfo.address);
} else {
log("Could not parse message");
server.on("listening", () => {
const address = server.address();
log(`server listening ${address.address}:${address.port}`);
server.bind(8080); // ATTENTION: Always going to be bound to !!!
} else {
parentPort.once("message", async (job) => {
log(`${job.uuid} worker started`, job.threadNum);
const object = JSON.parse(job.msg);
let type;
if (object.path) {
type = object.type;
if (!object.type) {
type = await magick.getType(object.path);
if (!type) {
throw new TypeError("Unknown image type");
object.type = type.split("/")[1];
if (object.type !== "gif" && object.onlyGIF) throw new TypeError(`Expected a GIF, got ${object.type}`);
object.delay = object.delay ? object.delay : 0;
if (object.type === "gif" && !object.delay) {
const delay = (await execPromise(`ffprobe -v 0 -of csv=p=0 -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=r_frame_rate ${object.path}`)).stdout.replace("\n", "");
object.delay = (100 / delay.split("/")[0]) * delay.split("/")[1];
const data = await magick.run(object, true);
log(`${job.uuid} is done`, job.threadNum);
const server = net.createServer(function(tcpSocket) {
tcpSocket.write(Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(type ? type : "image/png"), Buffer.from("\n"), data]), (err) => {
if (err) console.error(err);
tcpSocket.end(() => {
server.listen(job.port, job.addr);
// handle address in use errors
server.on("error", (e) => {
if (e.code === "EADDRINUSE") {
console.log("Address in use, retrying...");
setTimeout(() => {
server.listen(job.port, job.addr);
}, 500);
socket.send(Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([0x1]), Buffer.from(job.uuid), Buffer.from(job.port.toString())]), job.port, job.addr, () => {
parentPort.postMessage(job.uuid); //Inform main thread about this worker freeing up
} |