2021-03-08 10:37:43 -06:00

77 lines
2.7 KiB

const util = require("util");
const client = require("./client.js");
// random(array) to select a random entry in array
exports.random = (array) => {
return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];
const optionalReplace = (token) => {
return token === "" ? "" : "<redacted>";
// clean(text) to clean message of any private info or mentions
exports.clean = async (text) => {
if (text && == "Promise")
text = await text;
if (typeof text !== "string")
text = util.inspect(text, { depth: 1 });
text = text
.replaceAll("`", `\`${String.fromCharCode(8203)}`)
.replaceAll("@", `@${String.fromCharCode(8203)}`)
.replaceAll(process.env.TOKEN, optionalReplace(process.env.TOKEN))
.replaceAll(process.env.MASHAPE, optionalReplace(process.env.MASHAPE))
.replaceAll(process.env.CAT, optionalReplace(process.env.CAT))
.replaceAll(process.env.GOOGLE, optionalReplace(process.env.GOOGLE))
.replaceAll(process.env.DBL, optionalReplace(process.env.DBL))
.replaceAll(process.env.MONGO, optionalReplace(process.env.MONGO))
.replaceAll(process.env.TWITTER_KEY, optionalReplace(process.env.TWITTER_KEY))
.replaceAll(process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET, optionalReplace(process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET))
.replaceAll(process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN, optionalReplace(process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN))
.replaceAll(process.env.ACCESS_SECRET, optionalReplace(process.env.ACCESS_SECRET));
return text;
exports.getRandomMessage = async () => {
const messages = await client.guilds.get("631290275456745502").channels.get("631290275888627713").getMessages(50);
const randomMessage = this.random(messages);
if (randomMessage.content.length > 144) return await this.getRandomMessage();
if (randomMessage.content.match(/<@!?\d+>/g)) return await this.getRandomMessage();
return randomMessage.content;
// regexEscape(string) to escape characters in a string for use in a regex
exports.regexEscape = (string) => {
return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); // $& means the whole matched string
// decodeEntities(string)
exports.decodeEntities = (string) => {
var translate_re = /&(nbsp|amp|quot|lt|gt);/g;
var translate = {
"nbsp": " ",
"amp": "&",
"quot": "\"",
"lt": "<",
"gt": ">"
return string.replace(translate_re, function(match, entity) {
return translate[entity];
}).replace(/&#(\d+);/gi, function(match, numStr) {
var num = parseInt(numStr, 10);
return String.fromCharCode(num);
// define defaults for prefixes and tags
exports.defaults = {
prefix: process.env.PREFIX
exports.tagDefaults = {
help: {
content: "",
author: "198198681982205953"