
20 lines
958 B

const { writeFile } = require("fs");
const { promisify } = require("util");
const tweets = require("../tweets.json");
const twitter = require("../utils/twitter.js"); = async (message, args) => {
if ( !== process.env.OWNER) return `${}, only the bot owner can add tweets!`;
if (args.length === 0) return `${}, you need to provide some text to add to the tweet database!`;
if (args[1] === undefined) return `${}, you need to provide the content you want to add!`;
tweets[args[0]].push(args.slice(1).join(" "));
twitter.tweets = tweets;
await promisify(writeFile)("../tweets.json", JSON.stringify(tweets, null, 2));
return `${}, the content has been added.`;
exports.aliases = ["add"];
exports.category = 8; = "Adds a tweet to the database";
exports.requires = "twitter";
exports.params = "[category] [message]";