* Load commands recursively * Sort commands * Missed a couple of spots * missed even more spots apparently * Ported commands in "fun" category to new class-based format, added babel eslint plugin * Ported general commands, removed old/unneeded stuff, replaced moment with day, many more fixes I lost track of * Missed a spot * Removed unnecessary abort-controller package, add deprecation warning for mongo database * Added imagereload, clarified premature end message * Fixed docker-compose path issue, added total bot uptime to stats, more fixes for various parts * Converted image commands into classes, fixed reload, ignore another WS event, cleaned up command handler and image runner * Converted music/soundboard commands to class format * Cleanup unnecessary logs * awful tag command class port * I literally somehow just learned that you can leave out the constructor in classes * Pass client directly to commands/events, cleaned up command handler * Migrated bot to eris-sharder, fixed some error handling stuff * Remove unused modules * Fixed type returning * Switched back to Eris stable * Some fixes and cleanup * might wanna correct this * Implement image command ratelimiting * Added Bot token prefix, added imagestats, added running endpoint to API
68 lines
1.2 KiB
68 lines
1.2 KiB
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