
43 lines
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import db from "../../utils/database.js";
import Command from "../../classes/command.js";
import * as collections from "../../utils/collections.js";
class CommandCommand extends Command {
async run() {
this.success = false;
if (!this.guild) return "This command only works in servers!";
const owners = process.env.OWNER.split(",");
if (!this.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR") && !owners.includes( return "You need to be an administrator to enable/disable me!";
if (this.args.length === 0) return "You need to provide whether you want to enable/disable a command!";
if (this.args[0] !== "disable" && this.args[0] !== "enable") return "That's not a valid option!";
if (!this.args[1]) return "You need to provide what command to enable/disable!";
if (!collections.commands.has(this.args[1].toLowerCase()) && !collections.aliases.has(this.args[1].toLowerCase())) return "That isn't a command!";
const guildDB = await db.getGuild(;
const disabled = guildDB.disabled_commands ?? guildDB.disabledCommands;
const command = collections.aliases.get(this.args[1].toLowerCase()) ?? this.args[1].toLowerCase();
if (this.args[0].toLowerCase() === "disable") {
if (command === "command") return "You can't disable that command!";
if (disabled?.includes(command)) return "That command is already disabled!";
await db.disableCommand(, command);
this.success = true;
return `The command has been disabled. To re-enable it, just run \`${guildDB.prefix}command enable ${command}\`.`;
} else if (this.args[0].toLowerCase() === "enable") {
if (!disabled?.includes(command)) return "That command isn't disabled!";
await db.enableCommand(, command);
this.success = true;
return `The command \`${command}\` has been re-enabled.`;
static description = "Enables/disables a classic command for a server (use server settings for slash commands)";
static aliases = ["cmd"];
static arguments = ["[enable/disable]", "[command]"];
static slashAllowed = false;
static directAllowed = false;
export default CommandCommand;