import ImageCommand from "../../classes/imageCommand.js"; class SpeedCommand extends ImageCommand { static category = "image-editing" params() { const speed = parseInt(this.options.multiplier ?? this.args[0]); return { speed: isNaN(speed) || speed < 1 ? 2 : speed }; } static init() { super.init(); this.flags.push({ name: "multiplier", type: 4, description: "Set the speed multiplier (default: 2)", min_value: 1 }); return this; } static description = "Makes an image sequence faster"; static aliases = ["speedup", "fast", "gifspeed", "faster"]; static arguments = ["{multiplier}"]; static requiresGIF = true; static noImage = "You need to provide an image/GIF to speed up!"; static command = "speed"; } export default SpeedCommand;