import ImageCommand from "../../classes/imageCommand.js"; class MemeCommand extends ImageCommand { params(url) { const newArgs = this.args.filter(item => !item.includes(url)); const [topText, bottomText] = newArgs.join(" ").split(/(? elem.trim()); return { top: topText.toUpperCase().replaceAll("&", "\\&").replaceAll(">", "\\>").replaceAll("<", "\\<").replaceAll("\"", "\\"").replaceAll("'", "\\'").replaceAll("%", "\\%"), bottom: bottomText ? bottomText.toUpperCase().replaceAll("&", "\\&").replaceAll(">", "\\>").replaceAll("<", "\\<").replaceAll("\"", "\\"").replaceAll("'", "\\'").replaceAll("%", "\\%") : "" }; } static description = "Generates a meme from an image (separate top/bottom text with a comma)"; static arguments = ["[top text]", "{bottom text}"]; static requiresText = true; static noText = "You need to provide some text to generate a meme!"; static noImage = "You need to provide an image to generate a meme!"; static command = "meme"; } export default MemeCommand;