import { Rest } from "lavacord"; import MusicCommand from "../../classes/musicCommand.js"; class SeekCommand extends MusicCommand { async run() { if (! return "This command only works in servers!"; if (!this.message.member.voiceState.channelID) return "You need to be in a voice channel first!"; if (! return "I'm not in a voice channel!"; if ( !== return "Only the current voice session host can seek the music!"; const player = this.connection.player; const track = await Rest.decode(player.node, player.track); if (!track.isSeekable) return "This track isn't seekable!"; const seconds = parseFloat(this.args[0]); if (isNaN(seconds) || (seconds * 1000) > track.length || (seconds * 1000) < 0) return "That's not a valid position!"; * 1000); return `🔊 Seeked track to ${seconds} second(s).`; } static description = "Seeks to a different position in the music"; static aliases = ["pos"]; static arguments = ["[seconds]"]; } export default SeekCommand;