const database = require("../utils/database.js"); const config = require("../config.json"); const client = require("../utils/client.js"); const paginator = require("../utils/pagination/pagination.js"); const { random } = require("../utils/misc.js"); = async (message, args) => { const guild = (await database.guilds.find({ id: }).exec())[0]; const tags = guild.tags; const blacklist = ["add", "edit", "remove", "delete", "list", "random"]; switch (args[0].toLowerCase()) { case "add": if (args[1] === undefined) return `${}, you need to provide the name of the tag you want to add!`; if (blacklist.indexOf(args[1].toLowerCase()) > -1) return `${}, you can't make a tag with that name!`; if (tags.has(args[1].toLowerCase())) return `${}, this tag already exists!`; await setTag(args.slice(2).join(" "), args[1].toLowerCase(), message, guild); return `${}, the tag \`${args[1].toLowerCase()}\` has been added!`; case "delete": case "remove": if (args[1] === undefined) return `${}, you need to provide the name of the tag you want to delete!`; if (!tags.has(args[1].toLowerCase())) return `${}, this tag doesn't exist!`; if (tags.get(args[1].toLowerCase()).author !== && tags.get(args[1].toLowerCase()).author !== config.botOwner) return `${}, you don't own this tag!`; tags.set(args[1].toLowerCase(), undefined); await; return `${}, the tag \`${args[1].toLowerCase()}\` has been deleted!`; case "edit": if (args[1] === undefined) return `${}, you need to provide the name of the tag you want to edit!`; if (!tags.has(args[1].toLowerCase())) return `${}, this tag doesn't exist!`; if (tags.get(args[1].toLowerCase()).author !== && tags.get(args[1].toLowerCase()).author !== config.botOwner) return `${}, you don't own this tag!`; await setTag(args.slice(2).join(" "), args[1].toLowerCase(), message, guild); return `${}, the tag \`${args[1].toLowerCase()}\` has been edited!`; case "list": if (!"addReactions") && !"addReactions")) return `${}, I don't have the \`Add Reactions\` permission!`; if (!"embedLinks") && !"embedLinks")) return `${}, I don't have the \`Embed Links\` permission!`; var pageSize = 15; var embeds = []; var groups = Array.from(tags.keys()).map((item, index) => { return index % pageSize === 0 ? Array.from(tags.keys()).slice(index, index + pageSize) : null; }).filter((item) => { return item; }); for (const [i, value] of groups.entries()) { embeds.push({ "embed": { "title": "Tag List", "color": 16711680, "footer": { "text": `Page ${i + 1} of ${groups.length}` }, "description": value.join("\n"), "author": { "name":, "icon_url": } } }); } if (embeds.length === 0) return `${}, I couldn't find any tags!`; return paginator(message, embeds); case "random": return tags[random(Object.keys(tags))].content; default: if (args.length === 0) return `${}, you need to specify the name of the tag you want to view!`; if (!tags.has(args[0].toLowerCase())) return `${}, this tag doesn't exist!`; return tags.get(args[0].toLowerCase()).content; } }; const setTag = async (content, name, message, guild) => { if (content === undefined || content.length === 0) return `${}, you need to provide the content of the tag!`; if (message.attachments.length !== 0) { guild.tags.set(name, { content: `${content} ${message.attachments[0].url}`, author: }); } else { guild.tags.set(name, { content: content, author: }); } await; }; exports.aliases = ["t", "tag", "ta"];