const magick = require("../build/Release/image.node"); const { promisify } = require("util"); = async (message) => {; const image = await require("../utils/imagedetect.js")(message); if (image === undefined) return `${}, you need to provide an image to make a Scott the Woz TV meme!`; //const template = "./assets/images/scott.png"; //const buffer = await gm(template).out("null:").out("(").out(image.path).coalesce().out("-virtual-pixel", "transparent").resize("415x234!").out("+distort", "Perspective", "0,0 129,187 415,0 517,182 415,234 517,465 0,234 132,418").out(")").compose("over").gravity("Center").geometry("-238-98").out("-layers", "composite").bufferPromise(image.type, image.delay); const buffer = await promisify(magick.scott)(image.path, image.type.toUpperCase(), image.delay ? (100 / image.delay.split("/")[0]) * image.delay.split("/")[1] : 0); return { file: buffer, name: `scott.${image.type}` }; }; exports.aliases = ["woz", "tv", "porn"]; exports.category = 5; = "Creates a Scott the Woz TV image";