const fetch = require("node-fetch"); const AbortController = require("abort-controller"); const fileType = require("file-type"); const { promisify } = require("util"); const { writeFile } = require("fs").promises; const execPromise = promisify(require("child_process").exec); const urlRegex = /(?:\w+:)?\/\/(\S+)/; // this checks if the file is, in fact, an image const typeCheck = async (image, image2, gifv = false) => { // download the file to a buffer const controller = new AbortController(); const timeout = setTimeout(() => { controller.abort(); }, 25000); try { const imageRequest = await fetch(image, { signal: controller.signal }); const imageBuffer = await imageRequest.buffer(); if (imageBuffer.size >= 25 * 1024 * 1024) return; // get the file type const imageType = await fileType.fromBuffer(imageBuffer); // check if the file is a jpeg, png, or webp const formats = ["image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/webp", "image/gif"]; if (gifv) formats.push("video/mp4"); if (imageType && formats.includes(imageType.mime)) { // if it is, then return the url with the file type const path = `/tmp/${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15)}.${imageType.ext}`; await writeFile(path, imageBuffer); const payload = { type: imageType.ext !== "mp4" ? (imageType.ext === "jpg" ? "jpeg" : imageType.ext) : "gif", path: path, url: image2 }; if (payload.type === "gif") payload.delay = (await execPromise(`ffprobe -v 0 -of csv=p=0 -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=r_frame_rate ${path}`)).stdout.replace("\n", ""); return payload; } else { // if not, then return false return false; } } catch (error) { if ( === "AbortError") { throw Error("Timed out"); } else { throw error; } } finally { clearTimeout(timeout); } }; const checkImages = async (message) => { let type; // first check the embeds if (message.embeds.length !== 0) { // embeds can have 2 possible entries with images, we check the thumbnail first if (message.embeds[0].type === "gifv") { type = await typeCheck(message.embeds[0].video.url, message.embeds[0].video.url, true); } else if (message.embeds[0].thumbnail) { type = await typeCheck(message.embeds[0].thumbnail.proxy_url, message.embeds[0].thumbnail.url); // if there isn't a thumbnail check the image area } else if (message.embeds[0].image) { type = await typeCheck(message.embeds[0].image.proxy_url, message.embeds[0].image.url); } // then check the attachments } else if (message.attachments.length !== 0) { // get type of file type = await typeCheck(message.attachments[0].proxy_url, message.attachments[0].url); // if there's nothing in the attachments check the urls in the message if there are any } else if (urlRegex.test(message.content)) { // get url const url = message.content.match(urlRegex); // get type of file type = await typeCheck(url[0], url[0]); } // if the file is an image then return it return type ? type : false; }; // this checks for the latest message containing an image and returns the url of the image module.exports = async (cmdMessage) => { // we start by checking the current message for images const result = await checkImages(cmdMessage); if (result !== false) return result; // if there aren't any then iterate over the last few messages in the channel const messages = await; // iterate over each message for (const message of messages) { const result = await checkImages(message); if (result === false) { continue; } else { return result; } } };