const gm = require("gm").subClass({ imageMagick: true }); const gmToBuffer = require("../utils/gmbuffer.js"); const fetch = require("node-fetch"); const fs = require("fs"); = async (message) => { const image = await require("../utils/imagedetect.js")(message); if (image === undefined) return `${}, you need to provide an image to make a "who did this" meme!`;; const template = "./assets/images/whodidthis.png"; const imageData = await fetch(image.url); const imageBuffer = await imageData.buffer(); const path = `/tmp/${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15)}.${image.type}`; require("util").promisify(fs.writeFile)(path, imageBuffer); const command = gm(template).composite(path).gravity("Center").geometry("374x374+0+0"); const resultBuffer = await gmToBuffer(command); return"", { file: resultBuffer, name: "wdt.png" }); }; exports.aliases = ["whodidthis"];