const misc = require("../../utils/misc.js"); const Command = require("../../classes/command.js"); class RPSCommand extends Command { async run() { if (this.args.length === 0 || (this.args[0] !== "rock" && this.args[0] !== "paper" && this.args[0] !== "scissors")) return `${}, you need to choose whether you want to be rock, paper, or scissors!`; let emoji; let winOrLose; const result = misc.random(["rock", "paper", "scissors"]); switch (result) { case "rock": emoji = "✊"; if (this.args[0].toLowerCase() === "paper") winOrLose = 1; break; case "paper": emoji = "✋"; if (this.args[0].toLowerCase() === "scissors") winOrLose = 1; break; case "scissors": emoji = "✌"; if (this.args[0].toLowerCase() === "rock") winOrLose = 1; break; default: break; } return this.args[0].toLowerCase() === result ? `${emoji} I chose ${result}. It's a tie!` : `${emoji} I chose ${result}. ${winOrLose ? "You win!" : "You lose!"}`; } static description = "Plays rock, paper, scissors with me"; static aliases = ["rockpaperscissors"]; static arguments = ["[rock/paper/scissors]"]; } module.exports = RPSCommand;