const cowsay = require("cowsay2"); const cows = require("cowsay2/cows"); const Command = require("../../classes/command.js"); class CowsayCommand extends Command { async run() { if (this.args.length === 0) { return `${}, you need to provide some text for the cow to say!`; } else if (cows[this.args[0].toLowerCase()] != undefined) { const cow = cows[this.args.shift().toLowerCase()]; return `\`\`\`\n${cowsay.say(this.args.join(" "), { cow })}\n\`\`\``; } else { return `\`\`\`\n${cowsay.say(this.args.join(" "))}\n\`\`\``; } } static description = "Makes an ASCII cow say a message"; static aliases = ["cow"]; static arguments = ["{cow}", "[text]"]; } module.exports = CowsayCommand;