import { skipVotes } from "../../utils/soundplayer.js"; import MusicCommand from "../../classes/musicCommand.js"; class ForceSkipCommand extends MusicCommand { async run() { if (! return "This command only works in servers!"; if (!this.message.member.voiceState.channelID) return "You need to be in a voice channel first!"; if (! return "I'm not in a voice channel!"; if (!this.message.member.permissions.has("manageChannels")) return "You need to have the `Manage Channels` permission to force skip!"; this.connection.player.stop(; skipVotes.set(, { count: 0, ids: [], max: Math.min(3, this.connection.voiceChannel.voiceMembers.size - 1) }); return; } static description = "Force skips the current song"; } export default ForceSkipCommand;