// database stuff const logger = require("./logger.js"); const collections = require("../utils/collections.js"); const misc = require("./misc.js"); if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "mongo") { const mongoose = require("mongoose"); mongoose.connect(process.env.DB, { poolSize: 10, bufferMaxEntries: 0, useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true, }); const guildSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ id: String, tags: Map, prefix: String, disabled: [String], tagsDisabled: Boolean }); const Guild = mongoose.model("Guild", guildSchema); const globalSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ cmdCounts: Map, }); const Global = mongoose.model("Global", globalSchema); exports.guilds = Guild; exports.global = Global; exports.connection = mongoose.connection; } else if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "postgres") { const { Pool } = require("pg"); const pool = new Pool({ connectionString: process.env.DB }); exports.connection = pool; } exports.getGuild = async (query) => { if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "mongo") { return await this.guilds.findOne({ id: query }); } else if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "postgres") { return (await this.connection.query("SELECT * FROM guilds WHERE guild_id = $1", [query])).rows[0]; } }; exports.setPrefix = async (prefix, guild) => { if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "mongo") { const guildDB = await this.getGuild(guild.id); guildDB.prefix = prefix; await guildDB.save(); collections.prefixCache.set(guild.id, prefix); } else if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "postgres") { await this.connection.query("UPDATE guilds SET prefix = $1 WHERE guild_id = $2", [prefix, guild.id]); collections.prefixCache.set(guild.id, prefix); } }; exports.setTag = async (name, content, guild) => { if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "mongo") { const guildDB = await this.getGuild(guild.id); guildDB.tags[name] = content; await guildDB.save(); } else if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "postgres") { const guildDB = await this.getGuild(guild.id); guildDB.tags[name] = content; await this.connection.query("UPDATE guilds SET tags = $1 WHERE guild_id = $2", [guildDB.tags, guild.id]); } }; exports.removeTag = async (name, guild) => { if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "mongo") { const guildDB = await this.getGuild(guild.id); delete guildDB.tags[name]; await guildDB.save(); } else if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "postgres") { const guildDB = await this.getGuild(guild.id); delete guildDB.tags[name]; await this.connection.query("UPDATE guilds SET tags = $1 WHERE guild_id = $2", [guildDB.tags, guild.id]); } }; exports.toggleTags = async (guild) => { if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "mongo") { const guildDB = await this.getGuild(guild.id); guildDB.tagsDisabled = !guildDB.tagsDisabled; await guildDB.save(); return guildDB.tagsDisabled; } else if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "postgres") { const guildDB = await this.getGuild(guild.id); guildDB.tags_disabled = !guildDB.tags_disabled; await this.connection.query("UPDATE guilds SET tags_disabled = $1 WHERE guild_id = $2", [guildDB.tags_disabled, guild.id]); return guildDB.tags_disabled; } }; exports.disableChannel = async (channel) => { if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "mongo") { const guildDB = await this.getGuild(channel.guild.id); guildDB.disabled.push(channel.id); await guildDB.save(); collections.disabledCache.set(channel.guild.id, guildDB.disabled); } else if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "postgres") { const guildDB = await this.getGuild(channel.guild.id); await this.connection.query("UPDATE guilds SET disabled = $1 WHERE guild_id = $2", [[...guildDB.disabled, channel.id], channel.guild.id]); collections.disabledCache.set(channel.guild.id, guildDB.disabled); } }; exports.enableChannel = async (channel) => { if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "mongo") { const guildDB = await this.getGuild(channel.guild.id); guildDB.disabled = guildDB.disabled.filter(item => item !== channel.id); await guildDB.save(); collections.disabledCache.set(channel.guild.id, guildDB.disabled); } else if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "postgres") { const guildDB = await this.getGuild(channel.guild.id); const newDisabled = guildDB.disabled.filter(item => item !== channel.id); await this.connection.query("UPDATE guilds SET disabled = $1 WHERE guild_id = $2", [newDisabled, channel.guild.id]); collections.disabledCache.set(channel.guild.id, guildDB.disabled); } }; exports.getCounts = async () => { if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "mongo") { return [...(await this.global.findOne({})).cmdCounts.entries()]; } else if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "postgres") { const counts = await this.connection.query("SELECT * FROM counts"); const countArray = []; for (const { command, count } of counts.rows) { countArray.push([command, count]); } return countArray; } }; exports.addCount = async (command) => { if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "mongo") { const global = await this.global.findOne({}); const count = global.cmdCounts.get(command); global.cmdCounts.set(command, parseInt(count) + 1); await global.save(); } else if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "postgres") { const count = await this.connection.query("SELECT * FROM counts WHERE command = $1", [command]); await this.connection.query("UPDATE counts SET count = $1 WHERE command = $2", [count.rows[0].count + 1, command]); } }; exports.addGuild = async (guild) => { if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "mongo") { const guildDB = new this.guilds({ id: guild.id, tags: misc.tagDefaults, prefix: process.env.PREFIX, disabled: [], tagsDisabled: false }); await guildDB.save(); return guildDB; } else if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "postgres") { await this.connection.query("INSERT INTO guilds (guild_id, tags, prefix, warns, disabled, tags_disabled) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)", [guild.id, misc.tagDefaults, process.env.PREFIX, {}, [], false]); return await this.getGuild(guild.id); } }; exports.fixGuild = async (guild) => { if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "mongo") { const guildDB = await this.guilds.findOne({ id: guild.id }); if (!guildDB) { logger.log(`Registering guild database entry for guild ${guild.id}...`); return await this.addGuild(guild); } else { if (!guildDB.disabled && guildDB.disabledChannels) { guildDB.set("disabled", guildDB.disabledChannels); guildDB.set("disabledChannels", undefined); await guildDB.save(); return guildDB; } } } else if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "postgres") { const guildDB = await this.connection.query("SELECT * FROM guilds WHERE guild_id = $1", [guild.id]); if (guildDB.rows.length === 0) { logger.log(`Registering guild database entry for guild ${guild.id}...`); return await this.addGuild(guild); } } }; exports.handleCounts = async () => { if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "mongo") { const global = await this.global.findOne({}); if (!global) { const countObject = {}; for (const command of collections.commands.keys()) { countObject[command] = 0; } const newGlobal = new this.global({ cmdCounts: countObject }); await newGlobal.save(); } else { const exists = []; for (const command of collections.commands.keys()) { if (!global.cmdCounts.has(command)) { global.cmdCounts.set(command, 0); } exists.push(command); } for (const command of global.cmdCounts.keys()) { if (!exists.includes(command)) { global.cmdCounts.set(command, undefined); } } await global.save(); } } else if (process.env.DB_DRIVER=== "postgres") { let counts; try { counts = await this.connection.query("SELECT * FROM counts"); } catch { counts = { rows: [] }; } if (!counts.rows[0]) { for (const command of collections.commands.keys()) { await this.connection.query("INSERT INTO counts (command, count) VALUES ($1, $2)", [command, 0]); } } else { const exists = []; for (const command of collections.commands.keys()) { const count = await this.connection.query("SELECT * FROM counts WHERE command = $1", [command]); if (!count.rows[0]) { await this.connection.query("INSERT INTO counts (command, count) VALUES ($1, $2)", [command, 0]); } exists.push(command); } for (const { command } of counts.rows) { if (!exists.includes(command)) { await this.connection.query("DELETE FROM counts WHERE command = $1", [command]); } } } } };