import Command from "../../classes/command.js"; import imagedetect from "../../utils/imagedetect.js"; class StickerCommand extends Command { async run() { const result = await imagedetect(this.client, this.message, false, false, true); if (!result) return "You need to provide a sticker!"; if (result.format_type === 1) { // PNG return `${}.png`; } else if (result.format_type === 2) { // APNG return { embed: { color: 16711680, description: `[This sticker is an APNG; however, since Discord doesn't allow displaying APNGs outside of stickers, you'll have to save it or open it in your browser to view it.](${}.png)`, image: { url: `${}.png` } } }; } else if (result.format_type === 3) { // Lottie return `I can't display this sticker because it uses the Lottie animation format; however, I can give you the raw JSON link to it:${}.json`; } else { return "I don't recognize that sticker format!"; } } static description = "Gets a raw sticker image"; static aliases = ["s", "stick"]; static arguments = ["[sticker]"]; } export default StickerCommand;