import emojiRegex from "emoji-regex"; import Command from "../../classes/command.js"; class EmoteCommand extends Command { async run() { if (this.args.length === 0) return "You need to provide an emoji!"; if (this.content.split(" ")[0].match(/^$/)) { return `${this.content.split(" ")[0].replace(/^<(a)?:.+:(\d+)>$/, "$2")}.${this.content.split(" ")[0].replace(/^<(a)?:.+:(\d+)>$/, "$1") === "a" ? "gif" : "png"}`; } else if (this.args[0].match(emojiRegex)) { const codePoints = []; for (const codePoint of this.args[0]) { codePoints.push(codePoint.codePointAt(0).toString(16)); } return `${codePoints.join("-").replace("-fe0f", "")}.png`; } else { return "You need to provide a valid emoji to get an image!"; } } static description = "Gets a raw emote image"; static aliases = ["e", "em", "hugemoji", "hugeemoji", "emoji"]; static arguments = ["[emote]"]; } export default EmoteCommand;