import { play } from "../../utils/soundplayer.js"; import MusicCommand from "../../classes/musicCommand.js"; const urlRegex = /(?:\w+:)?\/\/(\S+)/; const searchRegex = /^ytsearch:/; class PlayCommand extends MusicCommand { async run() { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" && !== process.env.OWNER) return "Music commands are coming soon, but they aren't ready yet. Stay tuned to @esmBot_ on Twitter for updates!"; if (!this.args[0]) return "You need to provide what you want to play!"; const query = this.args.join(" ").trim(); const search = urlRegex.test(query) ? query : (searchRegex.test(query) ? query : `ytsearch:${query}`); return await play(this.client, encodeURIComponent(search), this.message, true); } static description = "Plays a song or adds it to the queue"; static aliases = ["p"]; static arguments = ["[url]"]; } export default PlayCommand;