import { play } from "../../utils/soundplayer.js"; import MusicCommand from "../../classes/musicCommand.js"; class PlayCommand extends MusicCommand { async run() { const input = this.type === "classic" ? this.args.join(" ") : this.options.query; if (!input && (this.type === "classic" ? (!this.message || this.message.attachments.length <= 0) : !this.options.file)) return "You need to provide what you want to play!"; let query = input ? input.trim() : ""; const attachment = this.type === "classic" ? this.message.attachments[0] :[this.options.file]; if (query.startsWith("||") && query.endsWith("||")) { query = query.substring(2, query.length - 2); } if (query.startsWith("<") && query.endsWith(">")) { query = query.substring(1, query.length - 1); } try { const url = new URL(query); return await play(this.client, url, { channel:, author:, member: this.member, type: this.type, interaction: this.interaction }, true); } catch { const search = query.startsWith("ytsearch:") ? query : !query && attachment ? attachment.url : `ytsearch:${query}`; return await play(this.client, search, { channel:, author:, member: this.member, type: this.type, interaction: this.interaction }, true); } } static flags = [{ name: "file", type: 11, description: "An audio file attachment" }, { name: "query", type: 3, description: "An audio search query or URL" }]; static description = "Plays a song or adds it to the queue"; static aliases = ["p"]; static arguments = ["[url]"]; } export default PlayCommand;