const client = require("./client.js"); const logger = require("./logger.js"); const paginator = require("./pagination/pagination.js"); const fetch = require("node-fetch"); const moment = require("moment"); require("moment-duration-format"); const { Manager } = require("@lavacord/eris"); const nodes = require("../lavanodes.json"); exports.players = new Map(); const queues = new Map(); const skipVotes = new Map(); exports.manager; exports.status = false; exports.checkStatus = async () => { const statuses = []; for (const node of nodes) { try { const response = await fetch(`http://${}:${node.port}/version`, { headers: { Authorization: node.password } }).then(res => res.text()); if (response) statuses.push(false); } catch { statuses.push(true); } } const result = statuses.filter(Boolean); this.status = result.length > 0 ? true : false; return this.status; }; exports.connect = async () => { this.manager = new Manager(client, nodes, { user: }); const { length } = await this.manager.connect(); logger.log(`Successfully connected to ${length} Lavalink node(s).`); this.manager.on("error", (error, node) => { logger.error(`An error occurred on Lavalink node ${node}: ${error}`); }); }; = async (sound, message, music = false) => { if (!message.member.voiceState.channelID) return client.createMessage(, `${}, you need to be in a voice channel first!`); if (!"voiceConnect") || !"voiceConnect")) return client.createMessage(, `${}, I can't join this voice channel!`); const voiceChannel =; if (!voiceChannel.permissionsOf("voiceConnect")) return client.createMessage(, `${}, I don't have permission to join this voice channel!`); if (!music && this.manager.voiceStates.has( && this.players.get( === "music") return client.createMessage(, `${}, I can't play a sound effect while playing music!`); const node = this.manager.idealNodes[0]; const { tracks } = await fetch(`http://${}:${node.port}/loadtracks?identifier=${sound}`, { headers: { Authorization: node.password } }).then(res => res.json()); const oldQueue = queues.get(; if (tracks.length === 0) return client.createMessage(, `${}, I couldn't find that song!`); queues.set(, oldQueue ? [...oldQueue, tracks[0].track] : [tracks[0].track]); const connection = await this.manager.join({ guild:, channel:, node: }); if (oldQueue) { client.createMessage(, `${}, your tune has been added to the queue!`); } else { this.nextSong(message, connection, tracks[0].track, tracks[0].info, music, voiceChannel); } }; exports.nextSong = async (message, connection, track, info, music, voiceChannel) => { const parts = Math.floor((0 / info.length) * 10); const playingMessage = await client.createMessage(, !music ? "🔊 Playing sound..." : { "embed": { "color": 16711680, "author": { "name": "Now Playing", "icon_url": client.user.avatarURL }, "fields": [{ "name": "ℹī¸ Title:", "value": info.title }, { "name": "🎤 Artist:", "value": }, { "name": "đŸ’Ŧ Channel:", "value": }, { "name": `${"â–Ŧ".repeat(parts)}🔘${"â–Ŧ".repeat(10 - parts)}`, "value": `${moment.duration(0).format("m:ss", { trim: false })}/${info.isStream ? "∞" : moment.duration(info.length).format("m:ss", { trim: false })}` }] } }); await; this.players.set(, { player: connection, type: music ? "music" : "sound", host:, voiceChannel: voiceChannel, originalChannel: }); connection.on("error", (error) => { playingMessage.delete(); this.manager.leave(; connection.destroy(); this.players.delete(; queues.delete(; throw error; }); connection.once("end", async (data) => { if (data.reason === "REPLACED") return; const queue = queues.get(; const newQueue = queue.slice(1); queues.set(, newQueue); await playingMessage.delete(); if (newQueue.length === 0) { this.manager.leave(; connection.destroy(); this.players.delete(; queues.delete(; if (music) await client.createMessage(, "🔊 The current voice channel session has ended."); } else { const track = await fetch(`http://${}:${connection.node.port}/decodetrack?track=${encodeURIComponent(newQueue[0])}`, { headers: { Authorization: connection.node.password } }).then(res => res.json()); this.nextSong(message, connection, newQueue[0], track, music, voiceChannel); } }); }; exports.stop = async (message) => { if (!message.member.voiceState.channelID) return client.createMessage(, `${}, you need to be in a voice channel first!`); if (! return client.createMessage(, `${}, I'm not in a voice channel!`); if (this.players.get( !== return client.createMessage(, `${}, only the current voice session host can stop the music!`); this.manager.leave(; const connection = this.players.get(; connection.destroy(); this.players.delete(; queues.delete(; await client.createMessage(, "🔊 The current voice channel session has ended."); }; exports.skip = async (message) => { if (!message.member.voiceState.channelID) return client.createMessage(, `${}, you need to be in a voice channel first!`); if (! return client.createMessage(, `${}, I'm not in a voice channel!`); const player = this.players.get(; if ( !== { const voteCount = skipVotes.has( ? skipVotes.get( : 0; if (voteCount + 1 === 3) { player.player.stop(; skipVotes.set(, 0); } else { await client.createMessage(, `🔊 Voted to skip song (${voteCount + 1}/3 people have voted).`); skipVotes.set(, voteCount + 1); } } else { player.player.stop(; } }; exports.pause = async (message) => { if (!message.member.voiceState.channelID) return client.createMessage(, `${}, you need to be in a voice channel first!`); if (! return client.createMessage(, `${}, I'm not in a voice channel!`); if (this.players.get( !== return client.createMessage(, `${}, only the current voice session host can pause/resume the music!`); const player = this.players.get(; player.pause(!player.paused ? true : false); await client.createMessage(, `🔊 The player has been ${!player.paused ? "paused" : "resumed"}.`); }; exports.playing = async (message) => { if (!message.member.voiceState.channelID) return client.createMessage(, `${}, you need to be in a voice channel first!`); if (! return client.createMessage(, `${}, I'm not in a voice channel!`); const player = this.players.get(; if (!player) return client.createMessage(, `${}, I'm not playing anything!`); const track = await fetch(`http://${}:${player.node.port}/decodetrack?track=${encodeURIComponent(player.track)}`, { headers: { Authorization: player.node.password } }).then(res => res.json()); const parts = Math.floor((player.state.position / track.length) * 10); await client.createMessage(, { "embed": { "color": 16711680, "author": { "name": "Now Playing", "icon_url": client.user.avatarURL }, "fields": [{ "name": "ℹī¸ Title:", "value": track.title }, { "name": "🎤 Artist:", "value": }, { "name": "đŸ’Ŧ Channel:", "value": }, { "name": `${"â–Ŧ".repeat(parts)}🔘${"â–Ŧ".repeat(10 - parts)}`, "value": `${moment.duration(player.state.position).format("m:ss", { trim: false })}/${track.isStream ? "∞" : moment.duration(track.length).format("m:ss", { trim: false })}` }] } }); }; exports.queue = async (message) => { if (!message.member.voiceState.channelID) return client.createMessage(, `${}, you need to be in a voice channel first!`); if (! return client.createMessage(, `${}, I'm not in a voice channel!`); if (!"addReactions") && !"addReactions")) return `${}, I don't have the \`Add Reactions\` permission!`; if (!"embedLinks") && !"embedLinks")) return `${}, I don't have the \`Embed Links\` permission!`; const queue = queues.get(; const player = this.players.get(; const tracks = await fetch(`http://${}:${player.node.port}/decodetracks`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(queue), headers: { Authorization: player.node.password, "Content-Type": "application/json" } }).then(res => res.json()); const trackList = []; const firstTrack = tracks.shift(); for (const [i, track] of tracks.entries()) { trackList.push(`${i + 1}. ${} - **${}** (${ ? "∞" : moment.duration("m:ss", { trim: false })})`); } const pageSize = 5; const embeds = []; const groups =, index) => { return index % pageSize === 0 ? trackList.slice(index, index + pageSize) : null; }).filter(Boolean); if (groups.length === 0) groups.push("del"); for (const [i, value] of groups.entries()) { embeds.push({ "embed": { "author": { "name": "Queue", "icon_url": client.user.avatarURL }, "color": 16711680, "footer": { "text": `Page ${i + 1} of ${groups.length}` }, "fields": [{ "name": "đŸŽļ Now Playing", "value": `${} - **${}** (${ ? "∞" : moment.duration("m:ss", { trim: false })})` }, { "name": "🗒ī¸ Queue", "value": value !== "del" ? value.join("\n") : "There's nothing in the queue!" }] } }); } if (embeds.length === 0) return `${}, there's nothing in the queue!`; return paginator(message, embeds); };