const gm = require("gm"); const cron = require("cron"); const { promisify } = require("util"); const client = require("../utils/client.js"); const database = require("../utils/database.js"); const collections = require("../utils/collections.js"); const logger = require("../utils/logger.js"); const messages = require("../messages.json"); const misc = require("../utils/misc.js"); const soundPlayer = require("../utils/soundplayer.js"); const helpGenerator = process.env.OUTPUT !== "" ? require("../utils/help.js") : null; const twitter = process.env.TWITTER === "true" ? require("../utils/twitter.js") : null; // run when ready module.exports = async () => { // add gm extensions gm.prototype.writePromise = promisify(gm.prototype.write); gm.prototype.streamPromise = promisify(; gm.prototype.sizePromise = promisify(gm.prototype.size); gm.prototype.identifyPromise = promisify(gm.prototype.identify); gm.prototype.bufferPromise = function(format, delay, type) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { delay ? "-delay" : "", delay ? delay.split("/").reverse().join("x") : "" ) .out( type !== "sonic" ? "-layers" : "", type !== "sonic" ? "OptimizeTransparency" : "" ) .out(type !== "sonic" ? "-fuzz" : "", type !== "sonic" ? "2%" : "") .out("+profile", "xmp") .out("-limit", "memory", "64MB") .out("-limit", "map", "128MB") .stream(format, (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err) return reject(err); const chunks = []; stdout.on("data", (chunk) => { chunks.push(chunk); }); // these are 'once' because they can and do fire multiple times for multiple errors, // but this is a promise so you'll have to deal with them one at a time stdout.once("end", () => { resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks)); }); stderr.once("data", (data) => { reject(data.toString()); }); }); }); }; // connect to lavalink if (!soundPlayer.status) await soundPlayer.connect(); // make sure settings/tags exist for (const [id] of client.guilds) { const guildDB = await database.query("SELECT * FROM guilds WHERE guild_id = $1", [id]); if (guildDB.rows.length === 0) { logger.log(`Registering guild database entry for guild ${id}...`); await database.query("INSERT INTO guilds (guild_id, tags, prefix, warns, disabled) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)", [id, misc.tagDefaults, "&", {}, []]); } } const job = new cron.CronJob("0 0 * * 0", async () => { logger.log("Deleting stale guild entries in database..."); const guildDB = await database.query("SELECT * FROM guilds"); for (const { guild_id } of guildDB.rows) { if (!client.guilds.get(guild_id)) { await database.query("DELETE FROM guilds WHERE guild_id = $1", [guild_id]); logger.log(`Deleted entry for guild ID ${guild_id}.`); } } logger.log("Finished deleting stale entries."); }); job.start(); let counts; try { counts = await database.query("SELECT * FROM counts"); } catch { counts = { rows: [] }; } if (!counts.rows[0]) { for (const command of collections.commands.keys()) { await database.query("INSERT INTO counts (command, count) VALUES ($1, $2)", [command, 0]); } } else { for (const command of collections.commands.keys()) { const count = await database.query("SELECT * FROM counts WHERE command = $1", [command]); if (!count) { await database.query("INSERT INTO counts (command, count) VALUES ($1, $2)", [command, 0]); } } } // generate docs if (helpGenerator) await helpGenerator(process.env.OUTPUT); // set activity (a.k.a. the gamer code) (async function activityChanger() { client.editStatus("dnd", { name: `${misc.random(messages)} | @esmBot help`, }); setTimeout(activityChanger, 900000); })(); // tweet stuff if (twitter !== null && === false) { const blocks = await twitter.client.blocks.ids(); const tweet = async () => { const tweetContent = await misc.getTweet(twitter.tweets); try { const info = await twitter.client.statuses.update(tweetContent); logger.log(`Tweet with id ${info.id_str} has been posted.`); // with status code ${info.resp.statusCode} ${info.resp.statusMessage} } catch (e) { const error = JSON.stringify(e); if (error.includes("Status is a duplicate.")) { logger.log("Duplicate tweet, will retry in 30 minutes"); } else { logger.error(e); } } }; tweet(); setInterval(tweet, 1800000); = true; try { const stream = twitter.client.statuses.filter(`@${process.env.HANDLE}`); stream.on("data", async (tweet) => { if ( tweet.user.screen_name !== "esmBot_" && !blocks.ids.includes(tweet.user.id_str) ) { let tweetContent; if (new RegExp(["@this_vid", "@DownloaderBot", "GetVideoBot", "@thisvid_"].join("|")).test(tweet.text)) { tweetContent = await misc.getTweet(twitter.tweets, true, true); } else { tweetContent = await misc.getTweet(twitter.tweets, true).replace(/{{user}}/gm, `@${tweet.user.screen_name}`); } const payload = { status: `@${tweet.user.screen_name} ${tweetContent}`, in_reply_to_status_id: tweet.id_str, }; const info = await twitter.client.statuses.update(payload); logger.log(`Reply with id ${info.id_str} has been posted.`); // with status code ${info.resp.statusCode} ${info.resp.statusMessage} } }); } catch (e) { logger.error(`The Twitter streaming API ran into an error: ${e}`); } } logger.log( "info", `Successfully started ${client.user.username}#${client.user.discriminator} with ${client.users.size} users in ${client.guilds.size} servers.` ); };