import pm2 from "pm2"; import { Api } from "@top-gg/sdk"; import winston from "winston"; // load config from .env file import { resolve, dirname } from "path"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { readFileSync } from "fs"; import { createServer } from "http"; import { config } from "dotenv"; config({ path: resolve(dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), "../../.env") }); // oceanic client used for getting shard counts import { Client } from "oceanic.js"; import database from "../database.js"; import { cpus } from "os"; const dbl = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" && process.env.DBL ? new Api(process.env.DBL) : null; const logger = winston.createLogger({ levels: { error: 0, warn: 1, info: 2, main: 3, debug: 4 }, transports: [ new winston.transports.Console({ format: winston.format.colorize({ all: true }), stderrLevels: ["error", "warn"] }) ], level: process.env.DEBUG_LOG ? "debug" : "main", format: winston.format.combine( winston.format.timestamp({ format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" }), winston.format.printf((info) => { const { timestamp, level, message, ...args } = info; return `[${timestamp}]: [${level.toUpperCase()}] - ${message} ${Object.keys(args).length ? JSON.stringify(args, null, 2) : ""}`; }), ) }); winston.addColors({ info: "green", main: "gray", debug: "magenta", warn: "yellow", error: "red" }); let serverCount = 0; let shardCount = 0; let clusterCount = 0; let responseCount = 0; let timeout; process.on("message", (packet) => { if ( === "getCount") { process.send({ type: "process:msg", data: { type: "countResponse", serverCount } }); } }); function updateStats() { serverCount = 0; shardCount = 0; clusterCount = 0; responseCount = 0; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { pm2.list((err, list) => { if (err) reject(err); const clusters = list.filter((v) => === "esmBot"); clusterCount = clusters.length; const listener = (packet) => { if ( === "serverCounts") { clearTimeout(timeout); serverCount +=; shardCount +=; responseCount += 1; if (responseCount >= clusterCount) { resolve(); process.removeListener("message", listener); } else { timeout = setTimeout(() => { reject(); process.removeListener("message", listener); }, 5000); } } }; timeout = setTimeout(() => { reject(); process.removeListener("message", listener); }, 5000); process.on("message", listener); process.send({ type: "process:msg", data: { type: "serverCounts" } }); }); }); } async function dblPost() { logger.main("Posting stats to"); try { //await updateStats(); await dbl.postStats({ serverCount, shardCount }); logger.main("Stats posted."); } catch (e) { logger.error(e); } } if (process.env.METRICS && process.env.METRICS !== "") { const servers = []; if (process.env.API_TYPE === "ws") { const imageHosts = JSON.parse(readFileSync(new URL("../../config/servers.json", import.meta.url), { encoding: "utf8" })).image; for (let { server } of imageHosts) { if (!server.includes(":")) { server += ":3762"; } servers.push(server); } } const httpServer = createServer(async (req, res) => { if (req.method !== "GET") { res.statusCode = 405; return res.end("GET only"); } res.write(`# HELP esmbot_command_count Number of times a command has been run # TYPE esmbot_command_count counter # HELP esmbot_server_count Number of servers/guilds the bot is in # TYPE esmbot_server_count gauge # HELP esmbot_shard_count Number of shards the bot has # TYPE esmbot_shard_count gauge `); const counts = await database.getCounts(); for (const [i, w] of Object.entries(counts)) { res.write(`esmbot_command_count{command="${i}"} ${w}\n`); } res.write(`esmbot_server_count ${serverCount}\n`); res.write(`esmbot_shard_count ${shardCount}\n`); res.end(); }); httpServer.listen(process.env.METRICS, () => { logger.log("info", `Serving metrics at ${process.env.METRICS}`); }); } setInterval(updateStats, 300000); if (dbl) setInterval(dblPost, 1800000); setTimeout(updateStats, 10000);"Started esmBot management process."); // from eris-fleet function calcShards(shards, procs) { if (procs < 2) return [shards]; const length = shards.length; const r = []; let i = 0; let size; if (length % procs === 0) { size = Math.floor(length / procs); while (i < length) { r.push(shards.slice(i, (i += size))); } } else { while (i < length) { size = Math.ceil((length - i) / procs--); r.push(shards.slice(i, (i += size))); } } return r; } (async function init() { logger.main("Getting gateway connection data..."); const client = new Client({ auth: `Bot ${process.env.TOKEN}`, gateway: { concurrency: "auto", maxShards: "auto", presence: { status: "idle", activities: [{ type: 0, name: "Starting esmBot..." }] }, intents: [] } }); const connectionData = await; const cpuAmount = cpus().length; const procAmount = Math.min(connectionData.shards, cpuAmount); logger.main(`Obtained data, connecting with ${connectionData.shards} shard(s) across ${procAmount} process(es)...`); const lastShard = connectionData.shards - 1; const shardArray = []; for (let i = 0; i <= lastShard; i++) { shardArray.push(i); } const shardArrays = calcShards(shardArray, procAmount); for (let i = 0; i < shardArrays.length; i++) { pm2.start({ name: "esmBot", script: "app.js", autorestart: true, exp_backoff_restart_delay: 1000, wait_ready: true, listen_timeout: 60000, watch: false, exec_mode: "cluster", instances: 1, env: { "SHARDS": JSON.stringify(shardArrays) } }, (err) => { if (err) { logger.error(`Failed to start esmBot process ${i}: ${err}`); process.exit(0); } else {`Started esmBot process ${i}.`); } }); } })();