import fetch from "node-fetch"; import Command from "../../classes/command.js"; class CatCommand extends Command { async run() { this.client.sendChannelTyping(; const controller = new AbortController(); // eslint-disable-line no-undef const timeout = setTimeout(() => { controller.abort(); }, 15000); try { const data = await fetch("", { redirect: "manual", signal: controller.signal }); clearTimeout(timeout); return { embed: { color: 16711680, description: "Cat images are sourced from a subset of the [dm4catbot]( database.", image: { url: data.headers.get("location") } } }; } catch (e) { if ( === "AbortError") { return "I couldn't get a cat image in time. Maybe try again?"; } } } static description = "Gets a random cat picture"; static aliases = ["kitters", "kitties", "kitty", "cattos", "catto", "cats", "cta"]; } export default CatCommand;