# Config esmBot uses a mix of environment variables and JSON for configuration. ## Environment Variables (.env) To make managing environment variables easier, an example `.env` file is included with the bot at `.env.example` and can be used to load the variables on startup. ### Required - `NODE_ENV`: Used for tuning the bot to different environments. If you don't know what to set it to, leave it as is. - `TOKEN`: Your bot's token. You can find this [here](https://discord.com/developers/applications) under your application's Bot tab. - `DB`: The database connection string. By default the `sqlite` and `postgresql` protocols are available, but this can be expanded by putting proper DB driver scripts into `utils/database/`. - `OWNER`: Your Discord user ID. This is used for granting yourself access to certain management commands. Adding multiple users is supported by separating the IDs with a comma; however, this is not recommended for security purposes. - `PREFIX`: The bot's default command prefix for classic commands. Note that servers can set their own individual prefixes via the `prefix` command. ### Optional These variables that are not necessarily required for the bot to run, but can greatly enhance its functionality: - `STAYVC`: Set this to true if you want the bot to stay in voice chat after playing music/a sound effect. You can make it leave by using the stop command. - `TENOR`: An API token from [Tenor](https://tenor.com/gifapi). This is required for using GIFs from Tenor. - `OUTPUT`: A directory to output the help documentation in Markdown format to. It's recommended to set this to a directory being served by a web server. - `TEMPDIR`: A directory that will store generated images larger than 8MB. It's recommended to set this to a directory being served by a web server. - `TMP_DOMAIN`: The root domain/directory that the images larger than 8MB are stored at. Example: `https://projectlounge.pw/tmp` - `THRESHOLD`: A filesize threshold that the bot will start deleting old files in `TEMPDIR` at. - `METRICS`: The HTTP port to serve [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/)-compatible metrics on. - `API_TYPE`: Set this to "none" if you want to process all images locally. Alternatively, set it to "ws" to use an image API server specified in the `image` block of `config/servers.json`. - `ADMIN_SERVER`: A Discord server/guild ID to limit owner-only commands such as eval to. ## JSON The JSON-based configuration files are located in `config/`. ### commands.json ```js { "types": { "classic": false, // Enable/disable "classic" (prefixed) commands, note that classic commands in direct messages will still work "application": true // Enable/disable application commands (slash and context menu commands) }, "blacklist": [ // Names of commands that you don't want the bot to load ] } ``` ### messages.json ```js { "emotes": [ // Discord emote strings to use in the "Processing... this may take a while" messages, e.g. "<a:processing:818243325891051581>" or "⚙️" ], "messages": [ // Strings to use in the bot's activity message/playing status ] } ``` ### servers.json ```js { "lava": [ // Objects containing info for connecting to Lavalink audio server(s) { "name": "test", // A human-friendly name for the server "url": "localhost:2333", // IP address/domain name and port for the server "auth": "youshallnotpass", // Password/authorization code for the server "local": false // Whether or not the esmBot "assets" folder is located next to the Lavalink jar file } ], "image": [ // Objects containing info for connecting to WS image server(s) { "server": "localhost", // IP address or domain name for the server "auth": "verycoolpass100", // Password/authorization code for the server "tls": false // Whether or not this is a secure TLS/wss connection } ], "searx": [ // URLs for Searx/SearXNG instances used for image/YouTube searches, e.g. "https://searx.projectlounge.pw" // Note: instances must support getting results over JSON ] } ```