// shard base import { BaseClusterWorker } from "eris-fleet"; // path stuff import { readdir } from "fs/promises"; import { readFileSync } from "fs"; import { resolve, dirname } from "path"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; // fancy loggings import { log, error } from "./utils/logger.js"; // initialize command loader import { load } from "./utils/handler.js"; // lavalink stuff import { checkStatus, connect, status, connected } from "./utils/soundplayer.js"; // database stuff import database from "./utils/database.js"; // command collections import { paths } from "./utils/collections.js"; // playing messages const { messages } = JSON.parse(readFileSync(new URL("./messages.json", import.meta.url))); // other stuff import { random } from "./utils/misc.js"; // generate help page import { generateList, createPage } from "./utils/help.js"; // whether a broadcast is currently in effect let broadcast = false; class Shard extends BaseClusterWorker { constructor(bot) { super(bot); console.info = (str) => this.ipc.sendToAdmiral("info", str); this.init(); } async init() { // register commands and their info const soundStatus = await checkStatus(); log("info", "Attempting to load commands..."); for await (const commandFile of this.getFiles(resolve(dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), "./commands/"))) { log("log", `Loading command from ${commandFile}...`); try { await load(commandFile, soundStatus); } catch (e) { error(`Failed to register command from ${commandFile}: ${e}`); } } log("info", "Finished loading commands."); await database.setup(this.ipc); // register events log("info", "Attempting to load events..."); for await (const file of this.getFiles(resolve(dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), "./events/"))) { log("log", `Loading event from ${file}...`); const eventArray = file.split("/"); const eventName = eventArray[eventArray.length - 1].split(".")[0]; const { default: event } = await import(file); this.bot.on(eventName, event.bind(null, this.bot, this.clusterID, this.workerID, this.ipc)); } log("info", "Finished loading events."); // generate docs if (process.env.OUTPUT && process.env.OUTPUT !== "") { await generateList(); if (this.clusterID === 0) { await createPage(process.env.OUTPUT); log("info", "The help docs have been generated."); } } this.ipc.register("reload", async (message) => { const path = paths.get(message); if (!path) return this.ipc.broadcast("reloadFail", { result: "I couldn't find that command!" }); const result = await load(path, await checkStatus()); if (result) return this.ipc.broadcast("reloadFail", { result }); return this.ipc.broadcast("reloadSuccess"); }); this.bot.privateChannels.limit = 0; this.ipc.register("soundreload", async () => { const soundStatus = await checkStatus(); if (!soundStatus) { const length = await connect(this.bot); return this.ipc.broadcast("soundReloadSuccess", { length }); } else { return this.ipc.broadcast("soundReloadFail"); } }); this.ipc.register("playbroadcast", (message) => { this.bot.editStatus("dnd", { name: `${message} | @${this.bot.user.username} help`, }); broadcast = true; return this.ipc.broadcast("broadcastSuccess"); }); this.ipc.register("broadcastend", () => { this.bot.editStatus("dnd", { name: `${random(messages)} | @${this.bot.user.username} help`, }); broadcast = false; return this.ipc.broadcast("broadcastEnd"); }); // connect to lavalink if (!status && !connected) connect(this.bot); this.activityChanger(); log("info", `Started worker ${this.workerID}.`); } // set activity (a.k.a. the gamer code) activityChanger() { if (!broadcast) { this.bot.editStatus("dnd", { name: `${random(messages)} | @${this.bot.user.username} help`, }); } setTimeout(this.activityChanger.bind(this), 900000); } async* getFiles(dir) { const dirents = await readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true }); for (const dirent of dirents) { const name = dir + (dir.charAt(dir.length - 1) !== "/" ? "/" : "") + dirent.name; if (dirent.isDirectory()) { yield* this.getFiles(name); } else if (dirent.name.endsWith(".js")) { yield name; } } } shutdown(done) { log("warn", "Shutting down..."); this.bot.editStatus("dnd", { name: "Restarting/shutting down..." }); database.stop(); done(); } } export default Shard;