server: # REST and WS server port: 2333 address: lavalink: server: password: "youshallnotpass" sources: youtube: true bandcamp: true soundcloud: true twitch: true vimeo: true mixer: true http: false local: true bufferDurationMs: 400 youtubePlaylistLoadLimit: 6 # Number of pages at 100 each playerUpdateInterval: 1 youtubeSearchEnabled: true soundcloudSearchEnabled: true gc-warnings: true #ratelimit: #ipBlocks: ["", "..."] # list of ip blocks #excludedIps: ["...", "..."] # ips which should be explicit excluded from usage by lavalink #strategy: "RotateOnBan" # RotateOnBan | LoadBalance | NanoSwitch | RotatingNanoSwitch #searchTriggersFail: true # Whether a search 429 should trigger marking the ip as failing #retryLimit: -1 # -1 = use default lavaplayer value | 0 = infinity | >0 = retry will happen this numbers times plugins: - dependency: "com.github.esmBot:lava-xm-plugin:v0.1.0" repository: "" - dependency: "com.github.Topis-Lavalink-Plugins:Topis-Source-Managers-Plugin:v2.0.7" repository: "" plugins: topissourcemanagers: providers: - "ytsearch:\"%ISRC%\"" - "ytsearch:%QUERY%" sources: spotify: false applemusic: true spotify: clientId: "your client id" clientSecret: "your client secret" countryCode: "US" applemusic: countryCode: "US" metrics: prometheus: enabled: false endpoint: /metrics sentry: dsn: "" # tags: # some_key: some_value # another_key: another_value logging: file: max-history: 30 max-size: 1GB path: ./logs/ level: root: INFO lavalink: INFO