const fetch = require("node-fetch"); const { searx } = require("../../servers.json"); const { random } = require("../../utils/misc.js"); const paginator = require("../../utils/pagination/pagination.js"); const Command = require("../../classes/command.js"); class YouTubeCommand extends Command { async run() { if (this.args.length === 0) return "You need to provide something to search for!"; this.client.sendChannelTyping(; const messages = []; const videos = await fetch(`${random(searx)}/search?format=json&safesearch=1&categories=videos&q=!youtube%20${encodeURIComponent(this.args.join(" "))}`).then(res => res.json()); if (videos.results.length === 0) return "I couldn't find any results!"; for (const [i, value] of videos.results.entries()) { messages.push({ content: `Page ${i + 1} of ${videos.results.length}\n<:youtube:637020823005167626> **${value.title.replaceAll("*", "\\*")}**\nUploaded by **${"*", "\\*")}**\n${value.url}` }); } return paginator(this.client, this.message, messages); } static description = "Searches YouTube"; static aliases = ["yt", "video", "ytsearch"]; static arguments = ["[query]"]; } module.exports = YouTubeCommand;