head title esmBot Command List meta(name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1') meta(name='description' content='The command list for esmBot') meta(property='og:title' content='esmBot Command List') meta(property='og:site_name' content='esmBot') meta(property='og:url' content='https://projectlounge.pw/esmBot/help.html') meta(property='og:description' content='This is the command list for esmBot.') meta(property='og:type' content='object') meta(property='og:image' content='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheEssem/esmBot/master/esmbot.png') meta(charset='UTF-8') link(rel='stylesheet' href='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/github-markdown-css/2.10.0/github-markdown.min.css') style. .markdown-body { box-sizing: border-box; min-width: 200px; max-width: 980px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 45px; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .markdown-body { padding: 15px; } } body article#markdown.markdown-body h1#img-srchttpsrawgithubusercontentcomtheessemesmbot-rewritemasteresmbotpng-width64-esmbot-dev-command-list img(src='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheEssem/esmBot-rewrite/master/esmbot.png' width='64') | esmBot Command List p strong | You are currently using esmBot Dev! Things may change at any time without warning and there will be bugs. Many bugs. If you find one, a(href='https://github.com/TheEssem/esmBot-rewrite/issues') report it here | or in the esmBot Support server. p code [] | means an argument is required, code {} | means an argument is optional. p | Default prefix is code & | . blockquote p | Tip: You can get more info about a command by using code help [command] | . h2#table-of-contents Table of Contents ul li a(href='#general') strong General li a(href='#moderation') strong Moderation li a(href='#tags') strong Tags li a(href='#fun') strong Fun li a(href='#images') strong Image Editing li a(href='#soundboard') strong Soundboard h2(id='general') 💻 General each command in commands.general ul li!= command h2(id='moderation') 🔨 Moderation each command in commands.moderation ul li!= command h2(id='tags') 🏷️ Tags blockquote p Every command in this category is a subcommand of the tag command. each command in commands.tags ul li!= command h2(id='fun') 👌 Fun each command in commands.fun ul li!= command h2(id='images') 🖼️ Image Editing blockquote p These commands support the PNG, JPEG, and WEBP formats. each command in commands.images ul li!= command h2(id='soundboard') 🔊 Soundboard each command in commands.soundboard ul li!= command