########### # Required ########### # Put environment type here (development, staging, or production) NODE_ENV=development # Put Discord token here TOKEN= # Put MongoDB database URL here MONGO=mongodb://localhost:27017/esmBot # Put snowflake ID of bot owner here OWNER= # Put amount of needed shards here SHARDS=1 ########### # Optional ########### # Put Cat API token here CAT= # Put Mashape/RapidAPI key here MASHAPE= # Put Google API key here GOOGLE= # Put Google Custom Search ID here CSE= # Put DBL/top.gg token here DBL= # Put HTML help page output location here, leave blank to disable OUTPUT= # Enable/disable Twitter bot (true/false) TWITTER=false # Put Twitter username here HANDLE= # Put consumer key, consumer secret, access token, and access secret here TWITTER_KEY= CONSUMER_SECRET= ACCESS_TOKEN= ACCESS_SECRET=