import { commands, info } from "./collections.js"; import { promises } from "fs"; export const categoryTemplate = { general: [], tags: ["> **Every command in this category is a subcommand of the tag command.**\n"], "image-editing": ["> **These commands support the PNG, JPEG, WEBP (static), and GIF (animated or static) formats.**\n"] }; export let categories = categoryTemplate; export let generated = false; export function generateList() { categories = categoryTemplate; for (const [command] of commands) { const category = info.get(command).category; const description = info.get(command).description; const params = info.get(command).params; if (category === "tags") { const subCommands = info.get(command).flags; categories.tags.push(`**tags** ${params.default} - ${description}`); for (const subCommand of subCommands) { categories.tags.push(`**tags ${}**${params[] ? ` ${params[].join(" ")}` : ""} - ${subCommand.description}`); } } else { if (!categories[category]) categories[category] = []; categories[category].push(`**${command}**${params ? ` ${params.join(" ")}` : ""} - ${description}`); } } generated = true; } export async function createPage(output) { let template = `# esmBot${process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? " Dev" : ""} Command List This page was last generated on \`${new Date().toString()}\`. \`[]\` means an argument is required, \`{}\` means an argument is optional. Default prefix is \`&\`. **Want to help support esmBot's development? Consider donating on Patreon!** > Tip: You can get much more info about a command by using \`help [command]\` in the bot itself. `; template += "\n## Table of Contents\n"; for (const category of Object.keys(categories)) { const categoryStringArray = category.split("-"); for (const index of categoryStringArray.keys()) { categoryStringArray[index] = categoryStringArray[index].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + categoryStringArray[index].slice(1); } template += `+ [**${categoryStringArray.join(" ")}**](#${category})\n`; } // hell for (const category of Object.keys(categories)) { const categoryStringArray = category.split("-"); for (const index of categoryStringArray.keys()) { categoryStringArray[index] = categoryStringArray[index].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + categoryStringArray[index].slice(1); } template += `\n## ${categoryStringArray.join(" ")}\n`; for (const command of categories[category]) { if (command.startsWith(">")) { template += `${command}\n`; } else { template += `+ ${command}\n`; } } } await promises.writeFile(output, template); }