if (process.platform === "win32") console.error("\x1b[1m\x1b[31m\x1b[40m" + `WIN32 IS NOT OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED! Although there's a (very) slim chance of it working, multiple aspects of the bot are built with UNIX-like systems in mind and could break on Win32-based systems. If you want to run the bot on Windows, using Windows Subsystem for Linux is highly recommended. The bot will continue to run past this message, but keep in mind that it could break at any time. Continue running at your own risk; alternatively, stop the bot using Ctrl+C and install WSL.` + "\x1b[0m"); if (process.versions.node.split(".")[0] < 15) { console.error(`You are currently running Node.js version ${process.version}. esmBot requires Node.js version 15 or above. Please refer to step 3 of the setup guide.`); process.exit(1); } // load config from .env file import { config } from "dotenv"; config(); // main sharding manager import { Fleet } from "eris-fleet"; import { isMaster } from "cluster"; // main services import Shard from "./shard.js"; import ImageWorker from "./utils/services/image.js"; import PrometheusWorker from "./utils/services/prometheus.js"; // some utils import { readFileSync } from "fs"; import winston from "winston"; import { exec as baseExec } from "child_process"; import { promisify } from "util"; const exec = promisify(baseExec); // dbl posting import { Api } from "@top-gg/sdk"; const dbl = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" && process.env.DBL ? new Api(process.env.DBL) : null; if (isMaster) { const esmBotVersion = JSON.parse(readFileSync(new URL("./package.json", import.meta.url))).version; const erisFleetVersion = JSON.parse(readFileSync(new URL("./node_modules/eris-fleet/package.json", import.meta.url))).version; // a bit of a hacky way to get the eris-fleet version console.log(` ,*\`$ z\`"v F zBw\`% A ,W "W ,\` ,EBBBWp"%. ,-=~~==-,+* 4BBE T M BBBBBBBB* ,w=####Wpw 4BBBBB# 1 F BBBBBBBMwBBBBBBBBBBBBB#wXBBBBBH E F BBBBBBkBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBE4BL k # BFBBBBBBBBBBBBF" "RBBBW F V ' 4BBBBBBBBBBM TBBL F F BBBBBBBBBBF JBB L F FBBBBBBBEB BBL 4 E [BB4BBBBEBL BBL 4 I #BBBBBBBEB 4BBH *w A 4BBBBBBBBBEW, ,BBBB W [ .A ,k 4BBBBBBBBBBBEBW####BBBBBBM BF F k output.stdout.substring(0, 7), () => "unknown commit"))}), powered by eris-fleet ${erisFleetVersion} `); } const Admiral = new Fleet({ BotWorker: Shard, token: `Bot ${process.env.TOKEN}`, fetchTimeout: 900000, startingStatus: { status: "idle", game: { name: "Starting esmBot..." } }, whatToLog: { blacklist: ["stats_update"] }, clientOptions: { disableEvents: { CHANNEL_DELETE: true, GUILD_BAN_REMOVE: true, TYPING_START: true, MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK: true, WEBHOOKS_UPDATE: true, STAGE_INSTANCE_CREATE: true, STAGE_INSTANCE_DELETE: true, STAGE_INSTANCE_UPDATE: true, MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD: true, MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE: true, MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_ALL: true, MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_EMOJI: true, INVITE_CREATE: true, INVITE_DELETE: true, THREAD_UPDATE: true, THREAD_DELETE: true }, allowedMentions: { everyone: false, roles: false, users: true, repliedUser: true }, restMode: true, messageLimit: 50, intents: [ "guilds", "guildVoiceStates", "guildMessages", "directMessages" ], stats: { requestTimeout: 30000 } }, services: [ { name: "prometheus", ServiceWorker: PrometheusWorker }, { name: "image", ServiceWorker: ImageWorker } ] }); if (isMaster) { const logger = winston.createLogger({ levels: { error: 0, warn: 1, info: 2, main: 3, debug: 4 }, transports: [ new winston.transports.Console({ format: winston.format.colorize({ all: true }), stderrLevels: ["error", "warn"] }), new winston.transports.File({ filename: "logs/error.log", level: "error" }), new winston.transports.File({ filename: "logs/main.log" }) ], level: "main", format: winston.format.combine( winston.format.timestamp({ format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" }), winston.format.printf((info) => { const { timestamp, level, message, ...args } = info; return `[${timestamp}]: [${level.toUpperCase()}] - ${message} ${Object.keys(args).length ? JSON.stringify(args, null, 2) : ""}`; }), ) }); winston.addColors({ info: "green", main: "gray", debug: "purple", warn: "yellow", error: "red" }); Admiral.on("log", (m) => logger.main(m)); Admiral.on("info", (m) => logger.info(m)); Admiral.on("debug", (m) => logger.debug(m)); Admiral.on("warn", (m) => logger.warn(m)); Admiral.on("error", (m) => logger.error(m)); if (dbl) { Admiral.on("stats", async (m) => { await dbl.postStats({ serverCount: m.guilds, shardCount: m.shardCount }); }); } }