import { BaseServiceWorker } from "eris-fleet"; import * as logger from "../logger.js"; import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { Worker } from "worker_threads"; import { createRequire } from "module"; import { createServer } from "http"; import fetch from "node-fetch"; import EventEmitter from "events"; // only requiring this to work around an issue regarding worker threads const nodeRequire = createRequire(import.meta.url); nodeRequire(`../../build/${process.env.DEBUG && process.env.DEBUG === "true" ? "Debug" : "Release"}/image.node`); import ImageConnection from "../imageConnection.js"; class ImageWorker extends BaseServiceWorker { constructor(setup) { super(setup); = (str) => this.ipc.sendToAdmiral("info", str); if (process.env.API_TYPE === "ws") { this.connections = new Map(); this.servers = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(new URL("../../servers.json", import.meta.url), { encoding: "utf8" })).image; this.nextID = 0; } else if (process.env.API_TYPE === "azure") { = new Map(); this.webhook = createServer(); this.port = parseInt(process.env.WEBHOOK_PORT) || 3763; } this.begin().then(() => this.serviceReady()); } async begin() { // connect to image api if enabled if (process.env.API_TYPE === "ws") { for (const server of this.servers) { try { await this.connect(server.server, server.auth); } catch (e) { logger.error(e); } } } else if (process.env.API_TYPE === "azure") { this.webhook.on("request", async (req, res) => { if (req.method !== "POST") { res.statusCode = 405; return res.end("405 Method Not Allowed"); } if (process.env.AZURE_PASS && req.headers.authorization !== process.env.AZURE_PASS) { res.statusCode = 401; return res.end("401 Unauthorized"); } const reqUrl = new URL(req.url, `http://${}`); if (reqUrl.pathname === "/callback") { try { const chunks = []; req.on("data", (data) => { chunks.push(data); }); req.once("end", () => { if (["x-azure-id"])) { try { const error = JSON.parse(Buffer.concat(chunks).toString()); if (error.error)["x-azure-id"]).emit("error", new Error(error.message)); } catch { // no-op } const contentType = req.headers["content-type"]; let type; switch (contentType) { case "image/gif": type = "gif"; break; case "image/png": type = "png"; break; case "image/jpeg": type = "jpg"; break; case "image/webp": type = "webp"; break; default: type = contentType; break; }["x-azure-id"]).emit("image", { buffer: Buffer.concat(chunks), type }); return res.end("OK"); } else { res.statusCode = 409; return res.end("409 Conflict"); } }); } catch (e) { logger.error("An error occurred while processing a webhook request: ", e); res.statusCode = 500; return res.end("500 Internal Server Error"); } } else { res.statusCode = 404; return res.end("404 Not Found"); } }); this.webhook.on("error", (e) => { logger.error("An error occurred on the Azure webhook: ", e); }); this.webhook.listen(this.port, () => { logger.log(`Azure HTTP webhook listening on port ${this.port}`); }); } } async repopulate() { const data = await fs.promises.readFile(new URL("../../servers.json", import.meta.url), { encoding: "utf8" }); this.servers = JSON.parse(data).image; return; } async getRunning() { const statuses = []; if (process.env.API_TYPE === "ws") { for (const [address, connection] of this.connections) { if (connection.conn.readyState !== 0 && connection.conn.readyState !== 1) { continue; } statuses.push({ address, runningJobs: connection.njobs, max: connection.max }); } } return statuses; } async chooseServer(ideal) { if (ideal.length === 0) throw "No available servers"; const sorted = ideal.sort((a, b) => { return a.load - b.load; }).filter((e, i, array) => { return !(e.load < array[0].load); }); return sorted[0]; } async getIdeal(object) { const idealServers = []; for (const [address, connection] of this.connections) { if (connection.conn.readyState !== 0 && connection.conn.readyState !== 1) { continue; } if (object.params.type && connection.formats[object.cmd] && !connection.formats[object.cmd].includes(object.params.type)) continue; idealServers.push({ addr: address, load: connection.njobs / connection.max }); } const server = await this.chooseServer(idealServers); return this.connections.get(server.addr); } async connect(server, auth) { const connection = new ImageConnection(server, auth); this.connections.set(server, connection); } async disconnect() { for (const connection of this.connections.values()) { connection.close(); } this.connections.clear(); return; } waitForWorker(worker) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { worker.once("message", (data) => { resolve({ buffer: Buffer.from([]), type: data.fileExtension }); }); worker.once("error", reject); }); } waitForAzure(event) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { event.once("image", (data) => { resolve(data); }); event.once("error", reject); }); } async run(object) { if (process.env.API_TYPE === "ws") { let num = this.nextID++; if (num > 4294967295) num = this.nextID = 0; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const currentServer = await this.getIdeal(object); try { await currentServer.queue(num, object); await currentServer.wait(num); const output = await currentServer.getOutput(num); return output; } catch (e) { if (i < 2 && e === "Request ended prematurely due to a closed connection") { continue; } else { if (e === "No available servers" && i >= 2) throw "Request ended prematurely due to a closed connection"; throw e; } } } } else if (process.env.API_TYPE === "azure") { object.callback = `${process.env.AZURE_CALLBACK_URL}:${this.port}/callback`; const response = await fetch(`${process.env.AZURE_URL}/api/orchestrators/ImageOrchestrator`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(object) }).then(r => r.json()); const event = new EventEmitter();, event); return await this.waitForAzure(event); } else { // Called from command (not using image API) const worker = new Worker(path.join(path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), "../image-runner.js"), { workerData: object }); return await this.waitForWorker(worker); } } async handleCommand(data) { try { if (data.type === "run") { const result = await; return result; } else if (data.type === "reload") { await this.disconnect(); await this.repopulate(); let amount = 0; for (const server of this.servers) { try { await this.connect(server.server, server.auth); amount += 1; } catch (e) { logger.error(e); } } return amount; } else if (data.type === "stats") { return await this.getRunning(); } } catch (err) { return { err: typeof err === "string" ? err : err.message }; } } shutdown(done) { done(); } } export default ImageWorker;