const paginator = require("../../utils/pagination/pagination.js"); const { image_search } = require("duckduckgo-images-api"); const Command = require("../../classes/command.js"); class ImageSearchCommand extends Command { async run() { if ( && !"addReactions")) return `${}, I don't have the \`Add Reactions\` permission!`; if ( && !"embedLinks")) return `${}, I don't have the \`Embed Links\` permission!`; if (this.args.length === 0) return `${}, you need to provide something to search for!`; const embeds = []; const images = await image_search({ query: this.args.join(" "), moderate: true }); if (images.error && images.error.code === 403) return `${}, the daily search quota has been exceeded. Check back later.`; if (images.length === 0) return `${}, I couldn't find any results!`; for (const [i, value] of images.entries()) { embeds.push({ "embed": { "title": "Search Results", "color": 16711680, "footer": { "text": `Page ${i + 1} of ${images.length}` }, "image": { "url": value.image }, "author": { "name":, "icon_url": } } }); } return paginator(this.client, this.message, embeds); } static description = "Searches for images on DuckDuckGo"; static aliases = ["im", "photo", "img"]; static arguments = ["[query]"]; } module.exports = ImageSearchCommand;