const image = require("../../utils/image.js"); const Command = require("../../classes/command.js"); class ImageStatsCommand extends Command { async run() { const embed = { embed: { "author": { "name": "esmBot Image Statistics", "icon_url": this.client.user.avatarURL }, "color": 16711680, "description": `The bot is currently connected to ${image.connections.size} image server(s).`, "fields": [] } }; const servers = await image.getRunning(); for (let i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) { embed.embed.fields.push({ name: `Server ${i + 1}`, value: `Running Jobs: ${servers[i].runningJobs}\nQueued: ${servers[i].queued}\nMax Jobs: ${servers[i].max}` }); } return embed; } static description = "Gets some statistics about the image servers"; static aliases = ["imgstat", "imstats", "imgstats", "imstat"]; } module.exports = ImageStatsCommand;