const { exec } = require("child_process"); const util = require("util"); const gm = require("gm").subClass({ imageMagick: true }); = async (message) => {; const image = await require("../utils/imagedetect.js")(message); if (image === undefined) return `${}, you need to provide a GIF to speed up!`; if (image.type !== "gif") return `${}, that isn't a GIF!`; const value = await gm(image.path).identifyPromise(); const delay = value.Delay ? value.Delay[0].split("x") : [0, 100]; if (Math.round(parseInt(delay[0]) / 2) >= 2) { const buffer = await gm().delay(`${parseInt(delay[0]) / 2}x${delay[1]}`).out(image.path).bufferPromise(image.type, image.delay); return { file: buffer, name: "speed.gif" }; } else { if (!value.Scene) return `${}, that GIF is already too fast!`; const numbers = (await util.promisify(exec)(`seq 0 2 ${value.Scene.length}`)).stdout.split("\n").join(","); const buffer = await gm().out("(").out(image.path).coalesce().out(")").out("-delete", numbers).bufferPromise(image.type, image.delay); return { file: buffer, name: "speed.gif" }; } }; exports.aliases = ["speedup", "fast", "gifspeed"]; exports.category = 5; = "Makes a GIF faster";