import { manager, players, queues } from "../../utils/soundplayer.js"; import MusicCommand from "../../classes/musicCommand.js"; class StopCommand extends MusicCommand { async run() { this.success = false; if (!this.guild) return "This command only works in servers!"; if (!this.member.voiceState) return "You need to be in a voice channel first!"; if (!this.guild.voiceStates.has( return "I'm not in a voice channel!"; if (!this.connection) { await manager.getNode().leaveChannel(; this.success = true; return "🔊 The current voice channel session has ended."; } if ( !== && !this.member.permissions.has("MANAGE_CHANNELS")) return "Only the current voice session host can stop the music!"; const connection = this.connection.player; connection.node.leaveChannel(; players.delete(; queues.delete(; this.success = true; return `🔊 The voice channel session in \`${}\` has ended.`; } static description = "Stops the music"; static aliases = ["disconnect"]; } export default StopCommand;