import Command from "../../classes/command.js"; const mentionRegex = /^?$/; class AvatarCommand extends Command { async run() { const member = this.options.member ?? this.args[0]; const self = this.client.users.get( ?? await; if (this.type === "classic" && this.message.mentions.users[0]) { return this.message.mentions.users[0].avatarURL(null, 512); } else if (member && member > 21154535154122752n) { const user = this.client.users.get(member) ?? await; if (user) { return user.avatarURL(null, 512); } else if (mentionRegex.test(member)) { const id = member.match(mentionRegex)[1]; if (id < 21154535154122752n) { this.success = false; return "That's not a valid mention!"; } try { const user = this.client.users.get(id) ?? await; return user.avatarURL(null, 512); } catch { return self.avatarURL(null, 512); } } else { return self.avatarURL(null, 512); } } else if (this.args.join(" ") !== "" && this.guild) { const searched = await this.guild.searchMembers({ query: this.args.join(" "), limit: 1 }); if (searched.length === 0) return self.avatarURL(null, 512); const user = this.client.users.get(searched[0] ?? await[0]; return user ? user.avatarURL(null, 512) : self.avatarURL(null, 512); } else { return self.avatarURL(null, 512); } } static description = "Gets a user's avatar"; static aliases = ["pfp", "ava"]; static arguments = ["{mention/id}"]; static flags = [{ name: "member", type: 6, description: "The member to get the avatar from", required: false }]; } export default AvatarCommand;