import Command from "./command.js"; import imageDetect from "../utils/imagedetect.js"; import { runningCommands } from "../utils/collections.js"; import { readFileSync } from "fs"; const { emotes } = JSON.parse(readFileSync(new URL("../messages.json", import.meta.url))); import { random } from "../utils/misc.js"; class ImageCommand extends Command { /*this.embed = { "title": "Your image is being generated! (PRELIMINARY EMBED)", "description": "The current progress is outlined below:", "color": 16711680, "footer": { "text": "Step 2/3" }, "author": { "name": "Processing...", "icon_url": "" }, "fields": [ { "name": "Downloading...", "value": "✅ Done!" }, { "name": "Processing...", "value": " In progress" }, { "name": "Uploading...", "value": " Waiting for previous steps to complete" } ] };*/ async criteria() { return true; } async run() { const timestamp = this.type === "classic" ? this.message.createdAt : Math.floor(( / 4194304) + 1420070400000); // check if this command has already been run in this channel with the same arguments, and we are awaiting its result // if so, don't re-run it if (runningCommands.has( && (new Date(runningCommands.get( - new Date(timestamp)) < 5000) { return "Please slow down a bit."; } // before awaiting the command result, add this command to the set of running commands runningCommands.set(, timestamp); const magickParams = { cmd: this.constructor.command, params: {} }; if (this.type === "application") { await this.acknowledge(); } if (this.constructor.requiresImage) { try { const image = await imageDetect(this.client, this.message, this.interaction, this.options, true); if (image === undefined) { runningCommands.delete(; return this.constructor.noImage; } else if (image.type === "large") { runningCommands.delete(; return "That image is too large (>= 25MB)! Try using a smaller image."; } else if (image.type === "tenorlimit") { runningCommands.delete(; return "I've been rate-limited by Tenor. Please try uploading your GIF elsewhere."; } magickParams.path = image.path; magickParams.params.type = image.type; magickParams.url = image.url; // technically not required but can be useful for text filtering if (this.constructor.requiresGIF) magickParams.onlyGIF = true; } catch (e) { runningCommands.delete(; throw e; } } if (this.constructor.requiresText) { const text = this.options.text ?? this.args; if (text.length === 0 || !await this.criteria(text)) { runningCommands.delete(; return this.constructor.noText; } } switch (typeof this.params) { case "function": Object.assign(magickParams.params, this.params(magickParams.url)); break; case "object": Object.assign(magickParams.params, this.params); break; } let status; if (magickParams.params.type === "image/gif" && this.type === "classic") { status = await this.processMessage(this.message); } try { const { buffer, type } = await this.ipc.serviceCommand("image", { type: "run", obj: magickParams }, true, 9000000); if (type === "nogif" && this.constructor.requiresGIF) return "That isn't a GIF!"; return { file: Buffer.from(, name: `${this.constructor.command}.${type}` }; } catch (e) { if (e === "Request ended prematurely due to a closed connection") return "This image job couldn't be completed because the server it was running on went down. Try running your command again."; if (e === "Job timed out" || e === "Timeout") return "The image is taking too long to process (>=15 minutes), so the job was cancelled. Try using a smaller image."; if (e === "No available servers") return "I can't seem to contact the image servers, they might be down or still trying to start up. Please wait a little bit."; throw e; } finally { if (status && ( ? : await this.client.getMessage(, => undefined))) await status.delete(); runningCommands.delete(; } } processMessage(message) { return this.client.createMessage(, `${random(emotes) || process.env.PROCESSING_EMOJI || ""} Processing... This might take a while`); } static init() { this.flags = []; if (this.requiresText || this.textOptional) { this.flags.push({ name: "text", type: 3, description: "The text to put on the image", required: !this.textOptional }); } if (this.requiresImage) { this.flags.push({ name: "image", type: 11, description: "An image/GIF attachment" }, { name: "link", type: 3, description: "An image/GIF URL" }); } return this; } static requiresImage = true; static requiresText = false; static textOptional = false; static requiresGIF = false; static noImage = "You need to provide an image/GIF!"; static noText = "You need to provide some text!"; static command = ""; } export default ImageCommand;