import Command from "../../classes/command.js"; import imageDetect from "../../utils/imagedetect.js"; class RawCommand extends Command { async run() { this.acknowledge(); const image = await imageDetect(this.client, this.message, this.interaction, this.options); if (image === undefined) return "You need to provide an image/GIF to get a raw URL!"; return image.path; } static description = "Gets a direct image URL (useful for saving GIFs from sites like Tenor)"; static aliases = ["gif", "getgif", "giflink", "imglink", "getimg", "rawgif", "rawimg"]; static flags = [{ name: "image", type: 11, description: "An image/GIF attachment" }, { name: "link", type: 3, description: "An image/GIF URL" }]; } export default RawCommand;