import urlCheck from "../../utils/urlcheck.js"; import fetch from "node-fetch"; import Command from "../../classes/command.js"; class LengthenCommand extends Command { async run() { this.acknowledge(); if (this.args.length === 0 || !urlCheck(this.args[0])) return "You need to provide a short URL to lengthen!"; if (urlCheck(this.args[0])) { const url = await fetch(encodeURI(this.args[0]), { redirect: "manual" }); return url.headers.get("location") || this.args[0]; } else { return "That isn't a URL!"; } } static description = "Lengthens a short URL"; static aliases = ["longurl", "lengthenurl", "longuri", "lengthenuri", "unshorten"]; static arguments = ["[url]"]; } export default LengthenCommand;